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W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 High Energy Physics in Austria W. Majerotto Institut für Hochenergiephysik d. Österr. Akademie d. Wissenschaften, Wien
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Austria-CERN CERN Contribution 21.13 MCHF ( 2,16%) Doctoral Programme for Technical Students 0.9 MCHF Austrian Staff: Cat. 1 (Research physicists) 2 (2.78%) Cat. 2 (Applied phys. & Academic engin.) 33 (3.46%) Cat. 3 (Technical Staff) 7 (0.81%) Cat. 4 (Workers) 0 Cat. 5 (Admin. Staff) 5 (1.2%) --- Total 47 (1.87%)
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Austrian Program for Doctoral Students in Technology at CERN Since 1993: funded by the Ministry strong demand, very successful: Up to now: 91 students at present 22 Fields: Applied physics: 53 Electrical power engineering: 9 Mechanical engineering: 2 Civil engineering: 1 Surveying: 1 Electronics: 12 Informatics: 11 Chemistry: 2
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Brief History of HEP in Austria 1954: Foundation of CERN 1959: Austria becomes Member of CERN 1959-66: Small group at the Vienna University analyzing photoplates from nuclear reactions, later analyzing bubble chamber pictures from CERN 1966: Institute for High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy was founded.. With groups for “counter” expts., bubble chamber expts., theory, electronics, mechanical workshop. Institute was then involved in various experiments at the ISR and SPS, and in a series of bubble chamber experiments also experiment in Serpukhov 1968: Exp. group in Innsbruck collaborates with Vienna in bubble chamber expts. 1978: Institute joins UA1 collider exp., 1983: discovery of W and Z bosons
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 1984-->: Vienna participates in DELPHI at LEP, since 1992 in NA48 (CP violation in K0), since 1992 in CMS at LHC since 2001 BELLE at KEK(Japan) Innsbruck: ALEPH at LEP, ATLAS at LHC
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 High Energy Physics in Austria Ministry of Research (BMBWK) Research Council (FWF) Academy of Sciences Universities Vienna Univ.+Tech.Univ InnsbruckGraz Institute for High Energy Physics EXP + THTH EXP + TH Only two experimental groups (Vienna + Innsbruck) Experimental high energy physics is rather concentrated at the Institute for High Energy Physics of the Academy of Sciences, Vienna since 1995 no funding of experimental HEP by the Research Council …...
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Funding of HEP Institute for HEP of the Academy of Sciences, Vienna: funded by the Academy (Personnel + Material). The Academy of Sciences is an autonomous institution receiving a total budget for ~15 institutes from the Ministry of Research Experimental HEP group, Univ. of Innsbruck: Material costs funded by the Ministry Theory groups at the Universities (Vienna. Graz, Innsbruck) supported by the Research Council (FWF)
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Funding of HEP Until 1995: Experimental HEP was also supported by the in addition Research Council 1995: Decision by the Research Council to not support anymore exp. HEP ! Reasons: “Big science”, HEP does not fit into the reviewing system. “If Austria is member of CERN, the Ministry should (directly) provide the means for participating in the CERN program”. Since 1995, direct funding from Ministry worked so far for NA48, the LEP experiments DELPHI and ALEPH, and the MoU for CMS and ATLAS construction and the MoU for maintenance..
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Institute for High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Advisory Committee Director Deputy Director Advisor Project & Group Leaders DELPHI NA48TheoryCMS Conferences Exhibitions BELLE Coordination Board TriggerTracker Projects: Supported by the following Groups: Semiconductor Detectors Algorithms & Software development Physics Data Analysis Electronics 1 Electronics 2 Computing Mechanical Workshop
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Personnel (31.12.03) 23 experimental physicists 4 theoretical physicists 13 technicians 4 computing specialists 3 mechanics 2 administration ex thtechn comp mech ad experimental physicists: 19tenure 4fixed-term theoretical physicists: 3 tenure 1fixed-term ~ 10 working contracts (short-term) for students
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Age Distribution of Scientific Staff 31.12.2003
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 BUDGET, HEPHY - Vienna Mio €
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Expenditure of Vienna HEP Institute Total Personnel (including working contracts) in M€ 2000:3.5752.702 2001:3.8282.761 2002:3.8092.829 2003:3.7352.827 2004:3.923.127 Direct funding of CMS by the Ministry of Sciences not included
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 NA48 Experiment (CP violation in the - system) Main goal: Precision measurement of / direct CP violation, Re ( / ) = (14.7 ± 2.2). 10 -4, Phys.Lett. B544 (2002) 97 2002: Na48/1: high intensity beam: rare decays, first observation of π 0 e + e - (information on ‘indirect’ CP violation in ) 2003: Na48/2: K beam: measurement of CP violation in K charge asymmetry K Contributions by the Institute: Electronics for / tagging system Trigger electronics neutral particles Software Physics analysis K S 0 K S K L K S K L K L,S 0
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 BELLE Experiment Experiment at “B-Factory”, KEK, Japan joined it in 2001 with the intention to participate in a running experiment Goal: Precise measurement of CP violation in B decays Test of CKM matrix Contributions by the Institute: Read-out and trigger electronics for new inner Si-tracker Physics analysis: determination of V ub of CKM matrix
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 CMS Experiment at LHC CMS Trigger: Central Regional MuonTrigger (track finder) Global MuonTrigger combines information from all muon systems, select 4 best muons Global Trigger selects data from calorimeter + muon system Software Physics Simulation: main topic: SUSY
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 CMS Experiment CMS InnerTracker Institute participates in building the Si-Stripdetectors Institute one of 7 test centres for the quality of Si-Sensor 600 modules (of 16000) build at institute Electronics: Front-End Driver for the Pixel Detector Optical Analog Link (Opto-Hybrids) Software: Track + Vertex Finder Algorithms
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Funding of CMS by the Ministry Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for CMS construction: 1996 – 2010:4500 kCHF already paid (1996 – 2003):3091 kCHF Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Maintenance & Operation: 2001 – 2003:46.077 kCHF
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Next e - e + Linear Collider Active participation in ECFA Workshops on Physics and Detectors at a Linear Collider in two areas: Phenomenology of supersymmetry Robust vertex search and fitting methods
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Publications, Conference Contr., Talks 2003
W. MajerottoRECFA, Innsbruck, 26 March ‘04 Conclusions Experimental HEP strongly centralized in the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna only one university institute in Innsbruck no chair in HEP experimental physics in Vienna HEP community small in comparison to other small member states community more or less constant, substantial fraction close to retirement problems in getting students (reasons: no university institute in Vienna, big time interval between LEP and LHC, competition from other fields) Budget more or less constant, no increase in sight, HEP no ‘priority’ without additional direct funding by Ministry participation in CMS impossible (MoU for construction, for maintenance & operation; MoU for computing still to be negotiated) Doctoral student programme for technology crucial
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