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Serial Input/Output Interface Outline –Serial I/O –Asynchronous serial I/O –6850 ACIA –68681 DUART –Synchronous serial I/OInterface Standards –68000 Serial.

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Presentation on theme: "Serial Input/Output Interface Outline –Serial I/O –Asynchronous serial I/O –6850 ACIA –68681 DUART –Synchronous serial I/OInterface Standards –68000 Serial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serial Input/Output Interface Outline –Serial I/O –Asynchronous serial I/O –6850 ACIA –68681 DUART –Synchronous serial I/OInterface Standards –68000 Serial I/O Example Goal –Understand serial I/O fundamentals –Understand ACIA and intro to DUART Reading –Microprocessor Systems Design, Clements, Ch. 9

2 Serial I/O Serial data transmission –serial - bit at a time –cheap, simple, easy to use –asynchronous or synchronous –full or half-duplex –transmission medium - twisted pair, IR, fiber, etc. Serial interface –parallel-to-series, series-to-parallel adaptor –line drivers –plugs and sockets Application –connect CPU to remote peripheral –examples »CRT »temperature sensor

3 Asynchronous Serial I/O Asynchronous - transmitter and receiver do not synchronize timing –clocks at transmitter and receiver not synchronized –data at each end is synchronized to local clock Data format –developed in days of electromechanical hardware –idle - mark level, logic 1 –start bit - space level, logic 0 –7 or 8 data bits - usually an ASCII character –optional even or odd parity bit –stop bit - logic 1, 1 or 2 bit times in length –12 combinations in total

4 Data Timing Bit time = T Receiver waits for start bit falling edge –triggers local clock Samples next N bits at their centers –using local clock, compute T/2 Clock precision –< T/2 error in 9-11 bits between transmitter and receiver clocks –< 5% error - trivial with crystal oscillators

5 Data Formatting Issues Transmitted characters –ASCII 7-bit character set is standard in US –older IBM EBCDIC still exists in a few places –ISO character sets for non-English languages »often 16-bit characters Binary data –often must put 8-bit binary data into 7-bit characters –binhex, uuencode, ZIP, etc. »tricky to include control information Efficiency –7-bit data, start, 1-bit stop, parity => 70% overall efficiency

6 6850 ACIA 6850 Asynchronous Communications Interface Adaptor (ACIA) –series-parallel data conversion –asynchronous data formatting CPU Side Interface –6850 looks like byte-wide SRAM –accesses synchronized to E enable clock –uses 6800 synchronous bus cycles –3 chip enables –1 register select pin »connect to A01 => registers on word boundaries –IRQ* for autovectored interrupts

7 ACIA Receiver and Transmitter Receiver –RxD - receiver data input - serial data input –RxCLK - receiver clock »1, 16, or 64 times receiving data rate »the receiving Òbaud rateÓ »baud = transition/second, from Baudot –DCD* - data carrier detect »use with modem, incoming data is valid Transmitter –TxD - transmitter data output - serial data output –TxCLK - transmitter clock »normally same as RxCLK –RTS* - request to send output - ACIA is ready to transmit data »set or cleared by software control –CTS* - clear to send input - modem is ready, has carrier »CTS* negated inhibits transmission

8 6850 ACIA Operation 6850 registers –control, status, transmit data, receive data –accessed by RS and R/~W pins »transmit and control are write only –note, if RS = A01, use LDS*, register address is odd Transmit data register (TDR) –write data to transmit Receive data register (RDR) –read received data

9 6850 Operation (cont.) Control register (CR) –define ACIA operating mode –CR1-CR0 - ratio between clock and data rate »11 = chip reset –CR4-CR2 - 7/8 bits, even/odd/no parity, 1/2 stop bits –CR6-CR5 - RTS* state, interrupt enable »interrupt when TDR empty, unless CTS* high »11 - transmit break - logic 0 continuously »usually causes interrupt at receiver –CR7 - enable receiver interrupt when RDR full »also enables interrupt on overrun and DCD* high

10 6850 Operation (cont.) Status register (SR) –transmit and receive status –SR0 - receiver data register full »if CR7 set, also set SR7 IRQ bit »cleared on data read, reset, or DCD* high –SR1 - transmitter data register empty »cleared on write, reset, CTS* high »if CR7 set, also set SR7 IRQ bit –SR2 - data carrier detect »set if DCD* high, also set SR7 »remain set if DCD* goes low, clear on SR and data read –SR3 - clear to send »value of CTS* input –SR4 - framing error »set if missing stop bit, cleared otherwise »overwritten by each character

11 6850 Operation (cont.) Status register –SR5 - receiver overrun »set if RDR overwritten by next character before read by CPU, when last bit of next character read »cleared by RDR read or reset –SR6 - parity error »set when parity error in incoming character »cleared when character read –SR7 - interrupt request »set when (SR0 or SR1 or SR2) and CR7 set »IRQ* asserted »clared by RDR read, TDR write, reset

12 Using the 6850 ACIA Minimal system –no use of RTS*, CTS*, DCD*, no interrupts –only look at SR0-SR1 ACIACEQU$E0001CR/SR addr ACIADEQUACIAC+2TDR/RDR addr RDRFEQU0RDR full TDREEQU1TDR empty INITIALIZEMOVE.B#$F3,ACIACReset ACIA MOVE.B#$19,ACIACNo IRQ, RTS* low, 8-bit data even parity,1 stop bit,16x ck RTS INPUTBTST.B#RDRF,ACIACTest receiver status BEQINPUTPoll until has data MOVE.BACIAD,D0Put data in D0 RTS OUTPUTBTST.B#RDRF,ACIACTest transmitter status BEQOUTPUTPoll until read for data MOVE.BD0,ACIADTransmit the data RTS

13 68681 DUART Dual universal async receiver/transmitter (DUART) –like pair of 6850s plus baud rate generator »300 to 19,200 baud –full 68000 bus interface, vectored interrupts –quadruple buffered input –double-buffered output –6 input, 7 output pins for general-purpose use Multiple modes –normal –automatic echo –local loopback »feed transmitted data to receiver input –remote loopback »feed receiver data to transmitter

14 Synchronous Serial I/O Synchronous –clocks synchronized over long period of time –high level data link control (HDLC) standard »data packet format Bit synchronization –where do bits shart? –encode timing with data - phase/Manchester encoding Word synchronization –character oriented »transmit two SYN ($16) characters to start message –bit oriented »start/end data block with %01111110 - open/close flag »use bit stuffing to avoid spurious flag - put 0 after 5th bit in data word, delete at receiver

15 Serial Interface Standards Need standards for “plug compatibility” RS-232C/D –connect data terminal and communications equipment –electrical and mechanical interface –usually only a subset of pinouts implemented –standard interface chips - line drivers RS-423 –update to RS-232, higher speed, longer cable length RS-422 –differential wire pairs, higher speed, longer cables

16 68000 Serial I/O Example Dual serial ports –6850 –baud rate generator –1488 line drivers/1489 line receivers Transparent mode –use RTS* to connect receive line of port 1 to transmit line of port 2, and receive line of port 2 to transmit line of port 1 –interface can still monitor incoming data Issues –must set baud rate by switches on board –ACIAs not fully decoded, take $010000 to $01FFFF –automatically make IRQ4-7 autovectored

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