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Presentation on theme: " ARC Discovery Projects Grants Flight DP08 from Monash to ARC Dr Kathy Avent Research Coordinator Monash University Research Office 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARC Discovery Projects Grants Flight DP08 from Monash to ARC Dr Kathy Avent Research Coordinator Monash University Research Office 14 December 2006

2 2 Today’s presentation Overview of ARC Discovery The Application Assessment Process Successful application GAMS

3 3 Overview of ARC Discovery (DP)

4 4 ARC Discovery Projects (DP) 1 round per year, applications due with ARC 2 March 2007 1-5 years duration $20K to $500K per annum

5 5 ARC DP Objectives support excellent fundamental research by individuals and teams; enhance the scale and focus of research in NRP; assist researchers undertake research in conditions conducive to achieving best results; expand Australia’s knowledge base and research capability; foster the international competitiveness of Australian research; and encourage research training in high-quality research environments. (p.11 FR)

6 6 DP – No. of apps. & results Year2004200520062007 No. 3,2403,4143,7424,033 No. funded 8751,055917822 Success Rate 27.0%30.9%24.5%20.4% Total Funding 237.9 million 297.5 million 273.6 million 274.7 million

7 7 Grant size Average 1 st year funding per proposal 2007$105,019 2006$103,768 2005$94,340 Average funding over project life 2007$334,267 2006$298,350 2005$282,030

8 8 Grant size cont… Average approved funding per proposal 200764.3% 200669.4% 200572.4%

9 9 Applicant Roles CI - Chief Investigator PI - Partner Investigator Fellows: APD - Australian Postdoctoral Fellow ARF - Australian Research Fellow / QEII - Queen Elizabeth II Fellow APF - Australian Professorial Fellow

10 10 Researcher Roles & Eligibility: Chief Investigator (CI) by 1 January 2008 a)Reside predominantly in Aus, temp/perm residence b)Either: i.Be an employee and derive at least 50% of Earnings from Eligible Organisation, or ii.Hold adjunct appt or equivalent at an eligible institution, or a Federation Fellow.

11 11 Researcher Roles & Eligibility: Partner Investigator (PI) a)Not be eligible to be CI b)Demonstrate significant contribution of cash, in-kind or other material resources from the researcher’s organisation, and c)Take significant intellectual responsibility Cannot be both CI & PI

12 12 Early Career Researcher (ECR) status ECR PhD or equivalent awarded on or after 1 March 2002 ARC sets aside funds for ECR-only applications ECR-only proposals are those where all researchers have ECR status

13 13 ECR-only applications ECR-only proposals assessed against the same criteria as other DP projects 2007 869 ECR-only applications (21.5%) 14.6% success rate

14 14 Fellowships - APD APD Awarded PhD or equivalent on or after 1 March 2004 Duration: 3 yrs 100% research 4 yrs 75/25% research / teaching

15 15 Fellowships – ARF & QEII 1 st ARF / QEII ≤ 8 years’ professional experience since PhD award Duration: 5 yrs 100% research 100% salary option; must resign continuing position 50:50 salary option

16 16 Fellowships – ARF & QEII cont… Subsequent ARF / QEII ≤ 13 years’ professional experience since PhD award Duration: 5 yrs 100% research 50:50 salary option

17 17 Fellowships – APF APF PhD or equivalent qualification or experience; no restriction date of award not hold a continuing research-only position at a professorial level or equivalent

18 18 Fellowships Limited number Excellence of track record and proposed research project Preference to candidates who move organisation Need to justify Host Organisation, particularly where no move is intended

19 19 Application Limits No more than 2 applications as CI or Fellow, and may only be sole CI/Fellow on 1 of the 2 applications A sole CI application is one on which there is only 1 named CI / Fellow, regardless of the number of PIs involved.

20 20 ARC DP Research Projects Types of research funded: –Pure basic research >fundamental, no immediate direct benefit –Strategic based research >to solve practical problems –Applied research >to find uses for the above

21 21 The Application

22 22 The Application GAMSAdded text PART A Admin summary PART B Personnel PART C Project Costs PART D Research Support PART E Project Description

23 23 Track Record Investigators 40% track record relative to opportunities capacity to undertake the proposed research

24 24 Part E – Project Description (10 pages) E2 Aims & Background E3 Significance & Innovation 30% E4 Approach & Methodology 20% E5 National Benefit 10% E6 Communication of Results E7 Role of Personnel E8 References

25 25 Proposed Project Content Significance and Innovation30% does the research address an important problem? how will the anticipated outcomes advance the knowledge base of the discipline? is the research principally focussed upon a topic or outcome that falls within one of the NRPs,and if so how does it address it? are the Proposal’s aims and concepts novel and innovative? will new methods or technologies be developed? (p.40 FR)

26 26 Proposed Project Content cont… Approach 20% are the conceptual framework, design, methods and analyses adequately developed, well integrated and appropriate to the aims of the Proposal? how appropriate is the proposed budget? (p.40 FR)

27 27 Proposed Project Content cont… National Benefit10% what is the potential of the research project to result in economic and/or social benefits for Australia from the expected results and outcomes of the project? what is the potential for the research to contribute to the National Research Priorities? (p.40 FR)

28 28 Assessment Process

29 29 Selection Criteria Track Record 40% Significance & Innovation 30% Approach & Methodology 20% National Benefit 10%

30 30 ARC Panels BSB - Biological Science & Biotechnology EE - Engineering & Environmental Science HCA - Humanities & Creative Arts MIC - Mathematics, Information & Communication Sciences PCG - Physics, Chemistry & Bioscience SBE - Social, Behavioural & Economic Sciences

31 31 College of Experts (CoE) 75 members 1-3 year terms approved by the Minister experts of international standing, drawn from the Australian research community: higher education, industry and public sector research organisations

32 32 Reviewers Each application assigned to: 2 CoE members 2 OzReaders 4 IntReaders (at most)

33 33 Assessment Process Each reviewer returns an assessment on each of the Selection Criteria The applicant(s) is allowed 5,000 character reply/comment on assessors’ comments Two weeks to prepare response Rejoinders submitted in GAMS

34 34 What makes for a successful Application (ARC presentation – Dr Mandy Thomas)

35 35 Top-ranked applications Balance technicality and accessibility Present problems and/or controversies and explain how they will solve them Explain how the momentum of the subject demands funding now Show how Australian work fits into the international picture Back up compelling claims with evidence and others' judgments

36 36 Top-ranked applications cont… Carefully moderate ambitious goals with plausible approaches Display evidence of responsible but daring approaches to the problem CIs have strong international track records Present excellent progress reports on previous grants

37 37 Low-ranked applications Too much technical jargon Grandiose and implausible claims about outcomes Don't support claims of excellence or progress with evidence Relate to "backwater" research without momentum Weak links into national and international research networks

38 38 Low-ranked applications cont… Emphasize data collection rather than solving problems Set negative or depressive tone about the state of the subject in Australia Contain a high rate of spelling and grammatical errors Text may not make sense at all to the reader

39 39 Grant Application Management System (GAMS)

40 40 GAMS What is GAMS? GAMS is the ARC’s web-based system used to capture research proposals, assessment scores/comments and rejoinders.

41 41 GAMS cont… Who needs GAMS? All researchers wanting to apply for ARC funding will require access to GAMS. All researchers named on an application for ARC funding will require a GAMS ID.

42 42 GAMS cont… How do I access GAMS? GAMS is accessed through the ARC’s website:, using your GAMS ID and password.

43 43 GAMS cont… How do I get a GAMS ID? Complete the Research Office online request form at: (follow the ARC links) GAMS IDs are issued by the ARC, on request from the Research Office. The ARC will send your GAMS ID to the RO; we will set your password and inform you of both the GAMS ID and password.

44 44 GAMS cont… What else about GAMS IDs? A GAMS ID is for life! GAMS IDs and passwords are case sensitive You can edit your own personal details in GAMS

45 45 Useful links and information DP08 DP08 mailing list: email with ‘Subscribe DP08’ mailing list in subject line cademics/funding/information/arc/ cademics/funding/information/arc/ covery_projects.htm

46 46 Need help? Contact the Research Office: Tel: 61 3 990 53012 Email:

47 47 Thank you!

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