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Dr. Eli Opper – Chief Scientist Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor Early Stage Financing Strategies for High Tech in Israel January 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Eli Opper – Chief Scientist Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor Early Stage Financing Strategies for High Tech in Israel January 2005."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dr. Eli Opper – Chief Scientist Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor Early Stage Financing Strategies for High Tech in Israel January 2005

3  We think we know the past  We hope we understand the present  We must plan for the future " There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home." Ken Olsen, Founder and CEO of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977

4  We think we know the past  We hope we understand the present  We must plan for the future “ Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible" Lord Kelvin, 1895

5  We think we know the past  We hope we understand the present  We must plan for the future “640 K Ought to be enough for anybody " Bill Gates, 1981

6 “It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one that is most adaptable to change” Charles Darwin

7 Jaffa Oranges vs. Software (1992-2001) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 1992199319941995199619971998199920002001 exports ($millions) Citrus Software

8 Source: Ministry of finance Expenditure on Civilian R&D as a percent of the GDP in Israel and in OECD Countries (2002) 4.2 3.6 3.2 3.0 2.7 2.42.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.02.0 1.9 1.8 1.41.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.70.7 0 1 2 3 4 5 Israel Sweden Finland Japan Switzerland Korea Germany Iceland USA Denmark France Belgium Netherlands Austria UK Norway Canada Ireland Australia Czech Republic New Zeland Italy Spain Portugal Greece Slovak Republic

9 Capital Raised By Israeli High-Tech Companies: 1999-2004 (in Million $) Source: IVC – Israel Venture Capital


11 Innovation = Economic Growth “ If you want real growth, you have to have new technologies ” Source: Business Week

12 Where does Israel excel? BBBBiotechnology EEEEncryption and data security SSSSoftware EEEElectronics AAAAgro-technology TTTTelecommunication MMMMedical equipment OOOOptics IIIInternet NNNNanotechnology

13 Chief Scientist Dr. Eli Opper Activities in Israel International Activities R&D Fund Bi-National Funds Magnet Programs U.S-Israel Science & Technology Commission Tnufa BI-National Agreements Technological Incubators EUREKA Seed Fund European Union Programs FP-6 Activities of the O.C.S. Generic R&D Research Institutes

14 Chief Scientist Dr. Eli Opper Activities in Israel Tnufa Technological Incubators Seed Fund Activities of the O.C.S. – Early Stage

15 OCS 2004 - Some Figures No. Of Applications: ~1700 Projects Total Request: ~ 6.2 Billion N.I.S Total Grants: ~1.3 Billion N.I.S

16 OCS Grants by Technological Sectors Other: 4% Communications: 36.5% Software: 17.3% Chemicals: 2.6% Electro-Optics: 8.1% Electronics: 9.1% Life Sciences: 22% 0320

17 OCS Grants by Technological Sectors Other: 7.8% Communications: 37.4% Software: 12% Chemicals: 1.9% Electro-Optics: 7% Electronics: 11.4% Life Sciences: 22.8% 0420

18 Nano-Tech? Other: 4% Communications: 36.5% Software: 17.3% Chemicals: 2.6% Electro-Optics: 8.1% Electronics: 9.1% Life Sciences: 22% OCS Grants by Technological Sectors - Forecast 0 1 3 4567890 201234

19 International Cooperation Ministry of Industry, Trade & Labor - The Office of the Chief Scientist

20 Bi-National Funds BIRDF-with U.S.A. USISTC/F SIIRD-with Singapore CIIRDF - with Canada BRITECH–with the UK KORIL-RDF - With S. Korea Int’l Corporation

21 FranceBelgiumChinaFinlandGermanyHolland Hong-KongItalyIndiaTaiwanPortugalSpain Sweden Bi-National Support Agreements Int’l Corporation

22 EUREKA The European FP6 Multi-National Agreements Int’l Corporation

23 Global Enterprises Countries States Provinces Municipalities MultiNational ? Change of Focus Partners for International Cooperation

24 Strategic Agreement Joint R&D Project The two companies should have the combined, proven capability and infrastructure to define, develop, manufacture, sell and support the Product defined by the Project. OCS support Finance 50% of the Israeli company’s R&D approved costs. OCS MNC Israeli Company The Global Enterprise R&D Cooperation Initiative

25 There is always room also for the small ones Before …

26 Global Network for Transfer of Knowledge

27 The Law For Encouragement of Industrial R&D Transfer of Know-How Exchange of Knowledge Promote the Establishment of Development Centers

28 Biotechnology Nanotechnology Preferred Sectors

29 Major Questions (Dilemmas) 1. 1. Should the Government take a more active role? 2. 2. Should preference be given to certain sectors? (Targeting) 3. 3. Should the O.C.S be more involved in Higher Education, Marketing & Management issues with respect to Industrial R&D? 4. 4. Should Academia and Industry Strengthen their cooperation ?

30 Some Answers 1. 1. The Government should take an active role in the TARGETING Policy. 2. 2. The Government is not an investment group: it must maintain a long - range perspective. 3. 3. Academia & Industry must strengthen their cooperation.

31 Some Answers 4. 4. Israel will continue to focus on high potential areas like ICT, and Life Sciences, including Nano – Tech. 5. 5. Increasing involvement in Education, Marketing and Management.

32 Export from Israel (forecast) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 1992199319941995199619971998199920002001 exports ($millions) Citrus Software ?

33 25

34 Excellence is a Key Success Factor

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