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Year 3 induction Where?, when? and what? The timetableThe Module list.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 3 induction Where?, when? and what? The timetableThe Module list."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 3 induction Where?, when? and what? The timetableThe Module list


3 B.Sc and M.Phys 30 credits Core for M.Phys Only 15 credits Compulsory core Options

4 Induction Fri 9 Oct Induction Mon 5 Oct Induction Tue 8 Dec Core B.Sc and M.Phys 45 credits

5 Options Compulsory for M.Phys, Optional for B.Sc Optional for B.Sc. Students. Can also be done in year 3 by M.Phys students, but beware implications for PA4630 next year!

6 Options A free choice (subject to flavour) of 4 courses, individual 75 minute examinations, 7.5 credits per option

7 Sign up for these courses with Joan Induction Wed 30 Sept All students accumulate at least 120 credits at level 3 (or above) B.Sc students with advanced courses can choose freely additional options up to a recommened maximum of 120 credits taken in year 3 M.Phys students with maximum advancement can choose freely additional options up to a recommended maximum of 135 credits taken in year 3 M.Phys students with minimum advancement will have to do 150 credits taken in year 3 Credits beyond these numbers can be chosen, we recommend from the list of continuously assessed courses Contact Dr Darren Wright. Sign up with Joan by Fri. Oct 9th

8 Language-learning opportunities for all Languages at Leicester School of Modern Languages

9 Introducing Languages at Leicester Language courses for non-specialists Open to students from all disciplines, linguistic and cultural backgrounds No previous knowledge or qualifications required Complete beginners, post-beginners, intermediate and advanced Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish Three hours of campus-based classes weekly, usually evenings or Wednesday afternoons

10 How can I take part? Courses start at the beginning of the semester, so you’ll need to register without delay Fees for Leicester students in 2005-06: –£144 for 20 weeks (that’s just £2.40 per hour!) –£79.50 for 10 weeks (or £2.65 per hour) payable in cash, by cheque or by credit card To find out more, contact Mary Needham: –t: (0116) 252 2662 –e: and visit our website,

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