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CANADIAN DIVISION Pandemic Planning Update H1N1 Flu Virus (Human Swine Influenza) May 2009 Group Benefits.

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1 CANADIAN DIVISION Pandemic Planning Update H1N1 Flu Virus (Human Swine Influenza) May 2009 Group Benefits

2 CANADIAN DIVISION Index  Basics/Assumptions  Manulife’s preparations  Actions  Strategies  Product Issues  Summary

3 CANADIAN DIVISION Basics/Assumptions  Pandemic requires a novel, virulent virus; no immunity in humans; and ease of transmission  The current H1N1 Flu Virus is a sub type of H1N1 not previously seen in humans  Have evidence of Human-to-Human transmission.

4 CANADIAN DIVISION World Health Organization Pandemic Threat Scale World Health Organization – Apr 30, 2009 – 10:00 am

5 CANADIAN DIVISION Manulife’s Preparations  Broadened existing Business Unit and Corporate contingency plans to ensure applicability to a pandemic  Developed contact lists of government officials who will have responsibility for pandemic response plans  Daily monitoring of news media coverage of spread of H1N1 Flu Virus, government and business preparedness, economic impacts  Established Response Teams for Group Benefits  Maintaining a healthy work environment Posting tips on how to stop the spread of germs at work Promoting hand and respiratory hygiene Use of hand sanitizer products Social distancing

6 CANADIAN DIVISION Preparations  Considered impact on business volumes  Considering interruptions of essential support services from suppliers and/or government ESI, Mondial Assistance Canada Post/Courier  Identified essential functions and the individuals who perform them Income replacement (LTD, STD) Claims (Life, Health, Dental) Premiums

7 CANADIAN DIVISION Strategies  Work from home - policies and tools that enable many employees to work from home with appropriate security and network access  Expand and promote online and self-service options for customers and business partners  Cross training for staff that can be deployed to support critical functions  Take advantage of geographic dispersion of operations

8 CANADIAN DIVISION Strategies  Communications  Pandemic Web page  Will provide information as it becomes available   Email  This slide deck

9 CANADIAN DIVISION Product questions Will Manulife pay for masks, gloves and other preventative supplies?  There is no provision in health contracts to pay for supplies for purposes of prevention. Will we pay for Anti-viral drugs and flu vaccines?  Contracts clearly state if vaccines are covered or not.  Stock piling is a Business Continuity expense not a medical one and not covered under benefit plans.  We expect that anti-viral medication required for treatment will be supplied from government stockpiles Will we pay STD for quarantine?  Manulife will not pay STD for quarantine or isolation periods in otherwise healthy people.

10 CANADIAN DIVISION Summary  Manulife is well underway with preparations to deal with H1N1 Flu Virus  Our goal is to minimize any disruption to our services to Plan Sponsors and their members  Will be an evolving execution as we learn more  You can rely on Manulife  Welcome your feedback on concerns  Contact your Account Executive

11 CANADIAN DIVISION Group Benefits products are offered through Manulife Financial. © 2009 The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Manulife Financial and the block design are registered service marks and trademarks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it and its affiliates including Manulife Financial Corporation.

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