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By: Oluranti Adedeji, Quiana Davis, Angelika Nyzio, Raffi Wartanian, Jessica Humphrey, Aileen Valdez, and Kenneth Lien.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Oluranti Adedeji, Quiana Davis, Angelika Nyzio, Raffi Wartanian, Jessica Humphrey, Aileen Valdez, and Kenneth Lien."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Oluranti Adedeji, Quiana Davis, Angelika Nyzio, Raffi Wartanian, Jessica Humphrey, Aileen Valdez, and Kenneth Lien

2 Common Hour – Marillac Terrace

3 Common Hour – Library Commons

4 Sun Yat Sen Building

5 OBSTALCES FACED BY ASIAN IMMIGRANTS IN ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY  Prejudice & Stereotypes  Mimicking the Asian accent  Name Calling - “Fresh off the Boat”  Making jest of their attire combinations  Befriending Asians because they are coined to be “intelligent”  The existing rivalry and separation between the Asian community  Americanized Versus “FOB’s”  The Americanized taking advantage of the “FOB’s”

6 OBSTALCES FACED BY ASIAN IMMIGRANTS IN ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY  International Students Procedures  Applying to attend St. John’s University:  Fill Application  Include Official Transcript, Recommendation letters, Personal Statement, & TOEFL (If Required)  When Accepted into St. John's University students receives:  Acceptance Letter  I20  Required to filled out to obtain an F1 student visa  Must provide a bank statement that has tuition of 4 years – Approx. $100,000

7 OBSTALCES FACED BY ASIAN IMMIGRANTS IN ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY  Obstacles:  Pay tuition in full  Must Be Full Time student  Scholarships – SAT Scores  No work Study  Limited positions to work as student workers  Paid on departmental budgets  Restrictions – Between 10 – 20 hrs (During School) 35hrs max (During Vacations)  Optional Practical Training – OPT  To Obtain experience in field of study  Maximum of 1 Year  Upon graduation:  After OPT elapses, employer must file or students must return to their country

8 TREATMENT OF ASIAN IMMIGRANTS: PERSONAL FORM VS. COMMODITY FORM  St. John’s gives the impression that Asians are treated as they should in the personal form  Actually treat Asian students like a commodity:  Assume that Asian students are more studious and can help increase overall GPA of University  Advertise and promote a strong diversity among students - used as a marketing tool

9 HOW ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY AIDS ASIANS AND INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS HOW ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY AIDS ASIANS AND INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS  Events set up specifically for Asians and international students:  Fraternities/ Sororities  Cultural Clubs  Cultural celebration events at Marillac  Sun Yat Sen Museum  Programs set up for Asians and international students:  ESL  TOEFL

10 International Office

11 HOW ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY AIDS ASIANS AND INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS  International Student Office  Menu at St. John’s University:  Sushi Bar  Chinese Take Out  Different variety of desserts

12 INTERNATIONAL NIGHT  Opportunity to unite all different cultures under one roof  May include not only students, but the surrounding community  Opportunity to learn about different cultures:  Performances  Dancing  Singing  Poetry  Participants also:  Wear authentic costumes  Serve native dishes

13 STUDY ABROAD  More opportunities should be offered for the study abroad program  Should be made available to all students regardless of financial status  Options such as:  More scholarships & other funding  Exchange Programs  Possible internships  Work study programs  Great learning experience  Better lessons are taught outside the class room  Important  Students become less ignorant about other cultures

14 AIDING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS  Four campus Network for Student Workers  Expansion of International Office  International Student Website  Message Board  Mentorship Program

15 INTERNATIONAL FOOD IN MARILLAC CAFETERIA  Variety of food from different countries  Planned out menus  Special holiday menu

16 CONCLUSION  Issues when it comes to immigration and international students  Ways to aid our diverse population and unite it  Big changes start from small ones  Food and cultural events  Efficient and effective International Office  Significant contributions to our school

17 KUMBAYA  LYRICS: Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya Oh Lord, Kumbaya

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