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Modeling and Planning with Robust Hybrid Automata Cooperative Control of Distributed Autonomous Vehicles in Adversarial Environments 2001 MURI: UCLA, CalTech,

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling and Planning with Robust Hybrid Automata Cooperative Control of Distributed Autonomous Vehicles in Adversarial Environments 2001 MURI: UCLA, CalTech,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling and Planning with Robust Hybrid Automata Cooperative Control of Distributed Autonomous Vehicles in Adversarial Environments 2001 MURI: UCLA, CalTech, Cornell, MIT Dahleh/Feron/Williams May 14, 2001 UCLA

2 Brief update on MIT status Investigators Dahleh Feron Massaquoi Williams Students Z.-H. Mao (PhD) G. Kotsalis (PhD) K. Santarelli (PhD) T. Schouwenaars (PhD) M. Valenti (PhD) A. Walcott (PhD)

3 Outline Robust Hybrid Automaton concepts Model-Based Programming of autonomous explorers Game-theoretic concepts

4 Problem Formulation Basic problem for autonomous vehicles/robots: Generate and execute a (sub)-optimal motion plan, satisfying given boundary conditions, flight envelope and obstacle avoidance constraints, in a dynamic and uncertain environment –Nonlinear control Steering of underactuated, non-holonomic systems Stabilization/tracking for nonlinear systems Flight envelope protection –Robotics/Artificial Intelligence Path planning (obstacle avoidance) for non-holonomic dynamical systems –Computer science/Software Engineering Hard real-time constraints Research supported by AFOSR, Draper, ONR

5 Hierarchical decomposition Need to introduce a hierarchical structure to achieve computational tractability, e.g. (Stengel, 93): –“Strategic layer”: Task scheduling, goal planning –“Tactical layer”: Guidance, navigation –“Reflexive layer”: Tracking, control, estimation General hierarchical systems, derived from arbitrary decompositions, can be extremely hard to analyze and verify Design a hierarchical system such that it offers safety and performance guarantees by construction –Analysis and verification: robustness analysis problem Consistent hierarchical system

6 System Quantization Quantization of feasible trajectories into trajectory primitives –formalization of the concept of “maneuver” –Consistent abstraction of the system dynamics Hierarchical decomposition of the control tasks: –Maneuver sequencing (guidance, trajectory planning) –Maneuver execution (control, trajectory tracking) Control synthesis: –Build a “maneuver library” (with feedback control) –Behavioral programming: Solve a mixed-integer program on a “small” space –Hybrid control system with performance and safety guarantees by design.

7 Maneuver Automaton Two classes of trajectory primitives ( trim trajectories + maneuvers ) Construct a “Maneuver Library”, with a finite number of primitives Generate trajectories by sequencing such primitives –All generated trajectories are solutions of the system’s diff. equations –All generated trajectories satisfy the flight envelope constraints (assuming F(x,u)=F(  h x,u)) Hover Forward flight Steady left turn Steady right turn

8 Example of planning in a free environment 0510152025303540 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 actual position actual velocity commanded position "maneuver switch"

9 Model-based Autonomy How do we program explorers that reason quickly and extensively from commonsense models? How do we coordinate heterogeneous teams of robots -- in space, air and land -- to perform complex exploration? How do we couple reasoning, adaptivity and learning to create robust agents? How do we incorporate model-based autonomy into every day, ubiquitous computing devices?

10 Programmers generate breadth of functions from commonsense models in light of mission goals. Model-based Autonomy Model-based Reactive Programming Programmer guides state evolution at strategic levels. Commonsense Modeling Programmer specifies commonsense, compositional models of spacecraft behavior. Model-based Execution Kernel Reason through system interactions on the fly, performing significant search & deduction within the reactive control loop.

11 Model-based Programming of Cooperating Explorers

12 Programmers and operators must reason through system-wide interactions to : select deadlinesselect deadlines select timing constraintsselect timing constraints allocate resourcesallocate resources Managing Interactions for Cooperation select among redundant proceduresselect among redundant procedures Evaluate outcomesEvaluate outcomes Plan contingenciesPlan contingencies

13 Model-based Cooperative Programming c If c next A Unless c next A A, B Always A Choose reward A in time [t -,t + ] Decision-theoretic Temporal Planner Model-based Programs Specify team behaviors as concurrent programs. Specify options using decision theoretic choice. Specify timing constraints between activities. Model-based Execution Achieves correctness and economy  Pre-plans threads of execution that are optimal and temporally consistent. Responds at reactive timescales  Perform planning as graph search


15 Enroute Activity: Rendezvous Rescue Area Corridor 2 Corridor 1 Corridor 3 Enroute

16 3 1 45 8 910 13 2 671112 425 440 30 1 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 [450,540] price = 425 price = 440 price = 0 price = 30price = 0 price = 1price = 0 0 price = 425 Path P = 1  3  4  5  8   9  10 11  12   13  2 Extend Path Enroute Activity: Least cost threads of execution generated by extended auction algorithm Start Node : 1 End Node: 2

17 Temporal planning is combined with randomized path planning to find a collision free corridor 45 x init Path 1 x goal X obs

18 Game-theoretic concepts (Feron and DeMot) Problem: Navigation of a number of vehicles to a target Target located at a position that is known with respect to the vehicles or in a known region with a certain known probability distribution Vehicles have visual information about a local part of the environment Adversarial, unknown environment Issues: Many cooperating vehicles vs. single vehicle missions Continuously updating available information Approach: Game theory

19 Illustrative Example Obstacle Target Adversary Agents Two-agent game One agent gets to target fast Pure strategy Agent Single-agent game Get to target fast Requires mixed strategy ?

20 Initial Observations Multiple vehicles yield pure strategies whereas for single vehicles a mixed strategy is optimal Continuously information updates? Applicability of certainty equivalence principles (eg Basar & Bernhardt, Birkhauser, 1991) More general setting: nature chooses the position of an arbitrary amount of obstacles in the unexplored areas - Need for well-defined models

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