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What is unique about Ecology? (and why it differs from Physics and Chemisty) Extremely interdisciplinary Focus on the observable (intermediate scale),

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Presentation on theme: "What is unique about Ecology? (and why it differs from Physics and Chemisty) Extremely interdisciplinary Focus on the observable (intermediate scale),"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is unique about Ecology? (and why it differs from Physics and Chemisty) Extremely interdisciplinary Focus on the observable (intermediate scale), even though some critical features (e.g. niche) are often unmeasurable Results from experiments are frequently non-repeatable Importance of history (and contingency)

2 Unique challenges of Ecological Research Conducting repeatable experiments is difficult in ecology… Melvin T. Tyree (1983) noted while conducting experiments in the field that “progress was rather slow because weather conditions could not be arranged to meet experimental requirements”

3 Even physicists cannot describe the world completely Richard Feynman suggested that very little of the world we live in can currently be captured with mathematics and physics. He gave the example of turbulence which cannot be predicted from fundamental properties of fluids. Complexity of intermediate scales

4 Nearly all physicists accept the goal of a “theory of everything”, and they may well achieve that goal if “everything” is understood to mean all of the physical phenomena that occur at subatomic and cosmological scales. Less clear, however, is whether any such theory could also encompass emergent physical phenomena at intermediate scales, where we live. J. Harte (2004) Ecology 85: 1792-1794. The weather! Physics (with all its fundamental laws) fails in predictive capability in the same domain in which most ecological studies are conducted

5 Contingency and history in biology and ecology What does contingent mean? Subject to chance or unseen effects Dependent on or conditioned by something else “If physicists had to model electrons that behaved differently when they were hungry, they would probably be not much ahead of ecologists…” Ch. A.S. Hall (1988) Importance of historical contingency Many examples of the past influencing the present and future in ecology Evolutionary Contingency Thesis (Beatty 1995): all biology represents the contingent products of evolution. This make ecology (& biology) unique and immutable laws less likely.

6 How have expectations of ecologists changed? Expectations of themselves…. Expectations of the public…

7 We may reasonably expect to have eventually a complete theory for ecology that will not only provide a guide for the practical solution of land utilization, pest eradication, and exploitation problems, but will also permit us to start with an initial set of conditions on earth’s surface and construct a model that will incorporate genetics and ecology in such a way as to explain the past and also predict the future of evolution on earth. -- Slobodkin 1962 Some History… Early optimism for Ecology (1962)

8 Much of ecology consists of making observations and then deriving plausible explanations for the observations. Because alternative explanations of the observed phenomena frequently are available, the process by which conclusions have been reached is known as “weak inference”. -- Hairston 1989 Later, recognition of the limitations of our field… (1989)

9 The first issue of whether community ecology has general laws can be dispensed with quickly… “general laws” of community ecology consist of relatively few fuzzy generalizations…. such generalizations all have exceptions… Simberloff 2004 (Am Nat 163: 787-799) Pessimism… (2004) A shift in perspective in ecology…

10 Ecological world in textbooks natural systems in equilibrium disturbance drives change Ecological world today new drivers of change rapid pace of change Historical perspective …

11 Index of Fame, Impact & Potential for getting a Job Low High Time  Ecological Stone Age Now?? (gulp) The Future Your advisor’s advisor’s time Anything you observe and record is new and groundbreaking… Your advisor’s time New instruments & equipment allow easy & new insights All low & mid- hanging fruit is GONE… Post-doc purgatory The rules have changed. Everything old is new again – it’s a brave (and scary) new world… But “we” are really needed. A Graduate Student’s Perspective on Careers in Ecology Ecological Ancient History

12 Throughout this class we will read a few standard scientific papers, a few brief (Nature/Science) reports and a lot of opinion/commentary/idea papers (like the first 4). These are supposedly written for different reasons than a “data paper” Throughout your career you will likely spend much more time reading data-rich research papers than these opinion/commentary/idea papers. However, these papers are supposed to be idea rich and clearly the authors hoped they would influence the field in a way that another standard research/data paper cannot. How successful are they? What do you think the motivation is for such papers?

13 This week: Mayr (1996) – Autonomy of Biology Elliott and Brook (2007) – Multiple working hypotheses Next week: Kingsland (2002) – historical challenge of ecology – historical view Graham and Dayton (2004) – ecological ideas and paradigms


15 Mayr – Having always conceived and thought of biology as an autonomous and a unique science, I found it difficult to appreciate the necessity and rationale of the heated lengthy defense undertaken by the author in favor of biology. I find the debate to be somewhat tiring. This seemed like a silly argument to me. What is the motivation for this paper? How successful is it?

16 Reading through Mayr's defense of biology as a science, I was struck by the familiarity of the tone of his arguments. They seemed oddly similar to remarks I'd heard before - but where? Why, in the social sciences, of course! Social scientists face daily the kind of criticism that Mayr defends against here. An example: the implication that the social sciences are merely "provinces" of biology. In fact, some argue, the very functioning of our social systems - our ability to even have social systems at all! - is governed entirely by biology, and all social artifacts can therefore be reduced to the biological. Thus, social sciences belong as a sub- designation, somewhere under natural science. I struggled with this article. I kept double checking the date, as it seemed like this article should have been written much earlier than 1996. My initial reaction was why should I care if biology is considered just a provincial science? Likewise, Mayr concludes the article by stating that the gap between the sciences has been narrowed. Why is this significant, what does biology have to prove to the other sciences? Why must we “defend” our scientific disciplines?

17 Elliott and Brook – What is the motivation for this paper? How successful is it?

18 “The Truth” Pattern, Process, Product X X X X X “Strong inference” “The Truth” Pattern, Process, Product X X X X X “Complex Ecological Systems”

19 …as a TA for basic biology (LIFE 102), I just finished teaching my students about the scientific method, and we taught null-hypothesis testing. As I was teaching this, I tried to turn that methodology back to my own research, and found that it made my research question a lot less interesting, and also did not do justice to complex study systems. Particularly for ecology, but I imagine other types of science, in a system where one component will almost assuredly influence something else in the system, the null hypothesis becomes merely a formality. The interesting question is not, "will x have an effect on y," because we know it will, but rather "what is the relative importance of x versus w, p, and q on y?". How do we teach science and the scientific method to HS students and freshman?!?! If we knew all were going to be ecologists, what would we do different?

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