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This is the last message in this gathering of North American PI’s with an interest in the INFN hosted SuperB project. I will try to deal with issues on.

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Presentation on theme: "This is the last message in this gathering of North American PI’s with an interest in the INFN hosted SuperB project. I will try to deal with issues on."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is the last message in this gathering of North American PI’s with an interest in the INFN hosted SuperB project. I will try to deal with issues on :- - where the lab is, on supporting the project; - where DOE/OHEP stands, as we know it ; - what the scale of the US participation is likely to be ; - and try to answer your questions..

2 First rate science – potential observation of lepton non-conservation, and CP violation in the lepton sector, via large statistics study of polarized tau prodution and decay; - observation of the flavor couplings of new physics showing up at LHC; - through measurement of loop effects, at ten times the current sensitivity, sensitivity to new physics at even higher energies than LHC; - increase the precision of CKM measurements by a factor of ten, and thereby the experimental constraints on new physics models.

3 In a ‘capital-strapped budget environment’, the INFN hosted SuperB project is a gift to the US program; - through use of the ‘used parts’ from PEP II/BaBar, as in-kind contributions to the project, one can see the US buying-in as a strong partner in an important science arena, endorsed by by both the US P5 and European Long Range Plans; - it provides a welcome bridge to the future for an important world-class activity within the US HEP program – electron accelerator science – allowing the preservation of its cultural fingerprint of closely coupled experimental, accelerator and theoretical physics collaboration.

4 SuperB has passed successfully the International review of the Dainton Committee. It has been reviewed by ECFA on several occasions and is currently under examination by an ECFA sub-committee [Nakada Committee] and should report out at the plenary ECFA meeting at the end of November, 2008. There will be a preliminary review of Superb by the CERN Strategy Group in September, and again in December with a final report expected in March, 2009. These hopefully lead smoothly to approval by the Italian government in Spring, 2009 and go on to European government, and science agency support.

5 P5 Report: Mapping to SLAC ATLAS TeV e+e- Colllider R&D SuperB EXO Project X LSST SNAP Particle Astro

6 The US situation for Superb depends on which budget scenario HEP finds itself when the 2009 fiscal situation is resolved. Skeptics feel that a budget somewhere between budget level A and B is likely, in the P5 jargon. That means some parts of the level B programs will go ahead, and some not. SuperB was included in the P5 plans under a level B budget. However, optimists see a House and Senate FY09 budget at above level B, and are hopeful for success for SuperB. There clearly is some sympathy for supporting the strong US BaBar community in their next step forward. We need to be patient, and keep the case before DOE/OHEP.

7 Resources for US Superb: TDR period ~ ~ $ 1 M per year in M&S and labor 2009 through 2011 Construction ~ $ 10 M per year with ~ 2/1 accelerator/detector 2011 through 2015

8 Manpower Table

9 SuperB R&D and TDR costs

10 Intensity Frontier: Offshore SuperB Facility (from SLAC PPA management talk to DOE/OHEP Review in July, 2008) Italy is studying the construction of a SuperB facility with 100 times the luminosity the present B-factory. This will vastly improve the sensitivity for the discovery of quantum loop corrections to standard model processes, indicative of new physics at the TeV scale and beyond. Such data will be especially helpful to the interpretation of discoveries anticipated from the LHC. SLAC personnel have played leading roles in helping to define the requirements for such a machine, and the provision of parts from PEP-II and BaBar will dramatically reduce the cost of construction. US in-kind contributions to the project are essential to its viability, as will US accelerator and detector involvement should the project proceed. Discussions with Italian collaborators are on-going. We need to better understand the implications of this program for laboratory staffing on other programs. However, if SuperB moves forward, SLAC would certainly be eager to participate in this program.

11 Conclusions, (from SLAC PPA management talk to the DOE OHEP Review) SLAC particle physics program is in transition: both exciting and a challenge! –Highly successful program overall from the B Factory, including exciting new science opportunities from FY08 data set –Future highest priority program will be where the science drives us to the energy frontier with ATLAS and ATLAS upgrades Significant migration from existing programs will invigorate this effort, but there will be challenges to reinvent SLAC as a user laboratory supporting this new direction Need to continue to develop the case for a high energy electron collider as the necessary complementary tool for elucidating the nature of new physics discoveries at the LHC –Other exciting science opportunities should be cultivated, including a major role in the intensity frontier program, supporting underground physics at DUSEL and a possible offshore Super B Factory

12 Other particle physics science opportunities – (from a talk by PPA management to the DOE/OHEP Review at SLAC about two weeks ago.) –Intensity frontier: SuperB Flavor Factory: Facility with 50-100 times present luminosity for exploring flavor couplings of New Physics discovered at the LHC SLAC has been a leader in developing the INFN concept and would be an essential partner in executing this program, including supplying a large fraction of components from PEP-II and BABAR –Intensity frontier: Underground Physics: SLAC is involved in EXO; local leadership at Stanford in CDMS. Could envision a significant facilitating role for SLAC in construction of major double-beta decay and dark matter experiments at DUSEL, in collaboration with LBNL, while Fermilab and BNL support long- baseline oscillation experiments. –Energy frontier: R&D for a detector at a linear collider: A vigorous program of basic detector R&D must be pursued in parallel with R&D on the machine Presently a leader in the SiD detector concept, and would expect to take a lead role in the realization of such a design in the future.

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