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1 Maintaining the integrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue 7 th HKIUG, 12 Dec 2006, HKUST Joanna Pong, Philip Wong Run Run Shaw Library City University of Hong Kong
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 2 Table of Contents 1. Growth of e-books in CityU 2. Duplication problems 3. Attempted solutions 4. Effective Solutions 5. De-duplication jobs 6. Benefits and limitations
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 3 1. Growth of e-books in CityU E-book collection contains English e-books, Chinese e-books & e-theses From 2001: NetLibrary (around 200 titles) To Oct 2006: > 200,000 titles English e-books: > 87,000 titles Chinese e-books: > 45,000 titles e-theses: > 70,000 titles
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 4 1. Growth of e-books in CityU (cont’d) Acquisition of e-books from 2001 onwards English ebooks Chinese ebooks eThesesTotal 2001-0220000>200 2002-031000200>300 2003-042000100>400 2004-051,3001,40039,000>40,000 2005-0677,00044,00031,000>150,000 2006-07 (Jul-Oct 06) 80000100>8,100 >87,000>45,000>70,000>200,000
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 5 1. Growth of e-books in CityU (cont’d) Total > 200,000 titles
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 6 1. Growth of e-books in CityU (cont’d) Major e-book collections
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 7 1. Growth of e-books in CityU (cont’d) E-theses
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 8 1. Growth of e-books in CityU (cont’d) Consortial acquisition of e-books Digital Dissertation Consortium – since 2005 Apabi D-Lib Consortium – since 2006 NetLibrary Super E-book Consortium – since 2006 New consortia Electronic Resources Academic Library Link (ERALL), a JULAC project on collective e-book collection development
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 9 1. Growth of e-books in CityU (cont’d) Growth of e-book usages (from CGI Logs) -- showed an uprising trend eBooksYr 2004Yr 2005Yr 2006% Growth 05 to 06 Apabi5885196804755% ebrary-592218467212% netLibrary1928256314753476% Safari-1488176819% Wiley InterScience-3021291327% Digital Dissert. Con.-98811148516% ProQuest Dissert.-1594317199%
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 10 2. Duplication problems The variety of e-book collections and high number of titles created problems in cataloguing A major problem-> Title duplication We load records supplied by different vendors, resulted in title duplication More e-book titles, more title duplication same title from different collections same title from same collection
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 11 2. Duplication problems (cont’d) Duplication from different collections
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 12 2. Duplication problems (cont’d) Duplication from the same collection NetLibrary collection Titles purchased by CityU since 2001 Titles acquired via Super-ebook Consortium
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 13 2. Duplication problems (cont’d) Same title from NetLibrary acquired in different period
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 14 2. Duplication problems (cont’d) Duplication from the same collection (cont’d) UMI e-theses Titles purchased by CityU since 2002 Titles acquired via Digital Dissertation Consortium Titles in ProQuest Database
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 15 2. Duplication problems (cont’d) Same UMI e-thesis title acquired in different period
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 16 3. Attempted solutions Single record approach in cataloguing We apply single record approach for all e-versions of the same title Applied to e-books and e-journals
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 17 3. Attempted solutions (cont’d) Duplication control in e-journals CityU applied and modified BU’s program to merge e- journal titles from aggregator databases
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 18 3. Attempted solutions (cont’d) Duplication control through manual methods For e-books, our previous solutions 1. Manual checking 2. Headings reports – duplicate call numbers 3. Loading through match field 001 – identify duplicate records 4. Encounter basis Okay when the number of titles remains small
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 19 3. Attempted solutions (cont’d) Duplication control through customized load profiles The first attempt to automate the procedure Utilized the local load profiles and translation table in INNOPAC to merge 2 sets of NetLibrary titles Super E-book Consortium titles purchased in 2006 NetLibrary titles purchased since 2001 2,206 titles were found duplicated
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 20 3. Attempted solutions (cont’d) Duplication control through customized load profiles (cont’d) Using load profiles is not a complete solution Cannot match multiple tags (cannot match tag 020 against tag 024) Cannot match selected sets (cannot exclude print titles) Cannot merge multiple records automatically; must output for manual checking to decide the master record
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 21 4. Effective Solutions Cataloguing worked with Systems to run de- duplication and merging of records Prerequisite easy to apply able to fit in the existing workflow have flexibility to handle different sizes of e-book batches allow prompt or ad hoc loading of records if necessary
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 22 4. Effective Solutions (cont’d) Scope of de-duplication Include English e-books and e-theses e-books: 88,000 records e-theses: 70,000 records
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 23 4. Effective Solutions (cont’d) Scope of de-duplication (cont’d) Exclude Chinese e-books because CityU so far only has one Chinese e-book collection, Apabi. Vendor supplied unique records when we joined the Apabi D-Lib consortium (no duplication with previously purchased titles) We will also handle Chinese e-books if we acquire other Chinese e-book collections in the future
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 24 4. Effective Solutions (cont’d) What fields to match? E-books Match ISBN – a relatively reliable tag Match major MARC tags – 110 match key UMI e-theses Use UMI number for matching
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 25 4. Effective Solutions (cont’d) How to merge? Set the one with the earliest Create Date as the master record Add reproduction note (tag 533), name of book collection (tag 773) and URL link (tag 856) of the duplicate record(s) to the master record
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 26 4. Effective Solutions (cont’d) Matching algorithm of ISBN Print ISBN vs. e-book ISBN Some records come with print ISBN, some with e- book ISBN, some with both Both types are used for matching Different tags to store ISBN 020 $a, $z 024 (1 st indicator 3) $a, $z 776 $z All the above are used for matching
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 27 4. Effective Solutions (cont’d) Matching algorithm of ISBN (cont’d) 13-digit ISBN vs. 10-digit ISBN Starting on 1 Jan 2007, the ISBN is 13-digit Some publishers already used 13-digit ISBN before that Starting from 12 Nov 06, OCLC moves 13-digit ISBN to tag 020 13-digit ISBN with prefix “978” may have 10-digit equivalents, they are converted to 10-digit for matching
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 28 4. Effective Solutions (cont’d) Matching algorithm of ISBN (cont’d) ISBN with “noise” Some ISBN include a note enclosed in parentheses Do not use ISBN for matching if the text inside the parentheses indicates that the ISBN is for a set, a series, or a volume etc. e.g. “0415191327 (series : International library of psychology)” Hints: look for keywords “set”, “series” and compare with Tag 440 and Tag 830
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 29 4. Effective Solutions (cont’d) Matching algorithm of the 110 Match Key To guarantee there is no mismatch by ISBN, construct additional match key based on INN- Reach 110 Match Key Title + Gen. Media + Pub. Year + Pagination + Edition + Publisher + Type of Record + Title Part + Title Number Constructed the key and normalized Refer to INN-Reach documentation for details
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 30 5. De-duplication jobs Initial clean-up Regular de-duplication
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 31 5. De-duplication jobs (cont’d) Initial clean-up One time -- to de-duplicate records that had been loaded 6,063 (7.2%) duplicate records were found, out of 84,756 English e-book titles Fine tune program after initial clean-up
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 32 5. De-duplication jobs (cont’d) Regular de-duplication Once every month Flexibility Depends on no. of title loaded & urgency to load the records Clean-up before loading vs. clean-up after loading
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 33 5. De-duplication jobs (cont’d) Regular de-duplication (cont’d) Procedures Output e-book records from catalogue Run de-duplication program to match with vendor records Overlay records in catalogue with merged records If vendor records have been loaded delete duplicate vendor records from catalogue Else insert new vendor records into catalogue
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 34 5. De-duplication jobs (cont’d) Flow chart Match & Merge DeleteOverlay Master records Vendor records MergedDuplicatedNew INNOPAC Insert Vendor INNOPAC
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 35 5. De-duplication jobs (cont’d) De-duplication results Initial clean-up of e-books Total English e-book records84756100.0% Records duplicated60637.2% Titles merged from 2 records3024 99.8% Titles merged from 3 records50.2% Titles merged from >= 4 records0 0.0%
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 36 5. De-duplication jobs (cont’d) De-duplication results Initial clean-up of e-books (cont’d) Books24x7ebrarynetLibrarySafariSpringerWileyTotal Books24x77 ebrary014 netLibrary4284210 Safari1030512 Springer041000 Wiley0110000 Total212938612003022 (Misc)2 Distribution of titles merged from 2 records
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 37 5. De-duplication jobs (cont’d) De-duplication results Initial clean-up of e-books (cont’d) We found that for the duplicated titles within the same collection, some will direct users to different e-books, this problem is more serious in ebrary. Fine-tune program, add the condition: When two matched records have the same CGI scripts (i.e. belong to the same collection) but different book IDs, do not merge them, but flag for review
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 38 5. De-duplication jobs (cont’d) De-duplication results (cont’d) Initial clean-up of e-theses Total UMI e-thesis records66358100.0% Records duplicated5020.76% Titles merged from 2 records251 100% Titles merged from 3 records00.0% Titles merged from >= 4 records0 0.0%
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 39 5. De-duplication jobs (cont’d) De-duplication results Initial clean-up of e-theses (cont’d) UMI (pdf)DDCProQuestTotal UMI (pdf)0 DDC2260 ProQuest2320 Total24920251 Distribution of titles merged from 2 records (DDC = Digital Dissertation Consortium) More than 4,000 DDC & ProQuest records had been de-duplicated with manual process (using 001 field) before the initial clean-up process.
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 40 6. Benefits and limitations Benefits Single record for all versions of the same e-book or e-thesis titles, maintain integrity in the library catalogue Save much staff time & manual effort Method applicable to other e-resources Management need – generate duplication statistics Can be applied to match existing e-book collections with e-book titles supplied by potential vendors – e-book collection development
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 41 6. Benefits and limitations (cont’d) Limitations Depends on data in vendor-supplied records Incorrect match and merge in case of incorrect or incomplete data Chinese e-book records Brief bibliographic data Lack of standardization in transcription Difficult to construct reliable match-key Sometimes lack of ISBNs
Maintaining the intergrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue, 7th HKIUG, 2006 42 Maintaining the integrity of e-book titles in CityU library catalogue Thank You! Joanna Pong E-mail: Philip Wong E-mail:
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