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GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 1 Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST Large.

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1 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 1 Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST Large Area Telescope ISOC Peer Review 2.1 Requirements Lori Bator ISOC Chief Engineer

2 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 2 State of ISOC Requirements ISOC requirements given here are detailed in LAT-SS-00015, “LAT ISOC Performance Specification - Level II (B) Specification” –Currently being updated from 8/31/00 released version but changes are more a reorganization of the material and reassignment of more detailed requirements to the Level III specification documents –Requirements map to Ground System Requirements Documents (GSRD) –Requirements also address, on a high level, elements in the Operations Data Products ICD and Science Data Products ICD

3 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 3 State of ISOC Requirements, cont’d Requirements are divided into major categories –Science Operations → SOG –Instrument Operations → LOF –Science Analysis and Data Processing → SOG/SAS –Interfaces → SOG/LOF –General → all Due to the recent formulation of the SOG concept, science operations Level II requirements are fairly general at this point –Level III SOG requirements are currently in draft Level II LOF requirements are fairly robust due to interactions with the ground systems team through GOWGs and TIMs

4 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 4 Documentation Flow

5 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 5 Level III Requirements Documents Document Number TitleRelease Date Comments LAT-SS-00020Science Analysis Software - Level III Specification 1/7/2002Will update if necessary LAT-SS-00021LAT Operations Facility Subsystem Specification - Level III Specification 1/7/2002Update is in review LAT-SS-000XXScience Operations Group - Level III Specification Not releasedIn draft

6 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 6 Science Operations Requirements RequirementGSRD Reference Produce, monitor and update calibration constants for the instrument and generate Instrument Response Functions (IRFs) needed for science analysis LIOC2030 Assess the LAT instrument performance and compare actual performance against predicted performance LIOC6100 Optimize the performance of the LAT instrument Archive data on the performance of the LAT instrumentLIOC6130

7 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 7 Instrument Operations Requirements RequirementGSRD Reference Monitor the health and safety of the instrumentLIOC5000 LIOC6100 Process and analyze LAT housekeeping dataLIOC2090 LIOC6120 Define the operating limits for the LAT instrument and shall monitor for and respond to anomalous configurations or states LIOC2090 LIOC5020 Maintain records of the operation and health of the LAT instrumentLIOC4010 LIOC6110 LIOC6130 Maintain the status of on-board operating parameters and control the configuration of the LAT instrument LIOC4230 LIOC6150 Generate LAT instrument commands and identify procedures to direct the safe upload of the commands LIOC4100 Develop and maintain validated command and telemetry databases used for generating LAT instrument commands and analyzing the health, performance, and operation of the LAT instrument LIOC2100

8 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 8 Instrument Operations Requirements, cont’d RequirementGSRD Reference Maintain, update, and validate the operation and performance of the LAT onboard instrument flight software LIOC4200 LIOC4230 Maintain an instrument simulator for validating and verifying changes to flight software and command procedures, and also for use in anomaly resolution LIOC4210 LIOC4220 Provide mission operation support for the LAT instrument Provide instrument command uploads to the GSSC for on-orbit instrument operations and to the MOC during pre-launch test and early orbit periods Coordinate LAT commanding schedules with the GSSC Coordinate the resolution of LAT instrument anomalies with the MOC Perform initial tests and analysis of LAT instrument operation and performance during an on-orbit checkout period of 60 days Support an on-orbit operational lifetime of a minimum of 5 years following an initial period of on-orbit checkout LIOC3000 LIOC4000 LIOC4020 LIOC4030 LIOC4040

9 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 9 Science Analysis and Data Processing Requirements RequirementGSRD Reference Receive Level 0 data from the MOC and shall process the data into Level 1 event data and instrument diagnostic data within 24 hours of receipt from the MOC Evaluate the quality of the Level 0 data and determine if retransmission of the data from the MOC is required Process retransmitted Level 0 data within 24 hours of receipt from the MOC Process Level 0 data received from the MOC that duplicates or overlaps portions of previously received Level 0 data LIOC1520 LIOC2000 LIOC2050 LIOC2055 LIOC2070 LIOC6020 Autonomously receive real-time housekeeping data in near real time from the MOC and shall process the data for diagnostic use LIOC5010 LIOC7010 Process unfiltered data generated by the instrument hardware triggerLIOC2075 Maintain a Level 1 processing pipeline for event reconstruction and classification LIOC2040 Develop algorithms to interpret the subsystem response, apply calibration constants, and to find and identify incident photons LIOC6015 Develop and maintain software to simulate the detailed response of the LAT to charged particles and gamma rays

10 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 10 Science Analysis and Data Processing Requirements, cont’d RequirementGSRD Reference Maintain a processing pipeline for Level 2 analysis tasks that can be automated, such as searching for transient sources, monitoring the in-flight IRFs, and refining information about alerts for transient sources generated by the instrument LIOC2010 Develop and provide to the GSSC and LAT team science analysis tools to analyze Level 1 data LIOC2020 Provide Level 1 and Level 2 data to GSSC and the LAT team in an agreed upon format LIOC2010 LIOC2060 Provide data to any associated international or domestic mirror sites provided as part of the LAT team efforts Archive all raw data and processed data products for the duration of the mission. LIOC2080 LIOC6130 Archive LAT test and calibration data obtained during pre-launch testingLIOC6140 Receive and process LAT transient alert messages from the MOC Use LAT science data to validate and refine the transient alert information Transmit refined transient alerts to the Gamma Ray Burst Coordinates Network (GCN) Receive, process, and respond to LAT instrument alert messages LIOC2085 LIOC2086

11 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 11 Interface Requirements RequirementGSRD Reference Interface with the GSSC, LAT team, and LAT mirror sites to provide and receive science data products LIOC2020 LIOC2060 Interface with the GSSC to provide and receive operational data products, including instrument commands LIOC1500 LIOC4020 LIOC4030 LIOC4040 LIOC4110 Interface with the MOC to provide and receive operational data productsLIOC1510 LIOC2110 LIOC2120 LIOC4050 LIOC4130 LIOC6000 LIOC6010

12 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 12 General Requirements RequirementGSRD Reference Adhere to mission specified data standards and formatsLIOC0010 Maintain the LAT ISOC for the entire mission lifetime with no loss in ISOC capability or performance LIOC0020 LIOC1000 Accept autonomous data transfers from the MOCLIOC7000 Connect to the other operations and support centers by an intranet of wide area networks that is closed to, or protected from, public users of the external internet

13 GLAST LAT ProjectISOC Peer Review - March 2, 2004 Document: LAT-PR-03213-01 Section 2.1 Requirements 13 Conclusion Solid Level II requirements are in place and track to GSRD Level III requirements for SAS and LOF are in place SOG Level III requirements are continuing to be identified and developed

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