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The Connectivity of Boolean Satisfiability: Structural and Computational Dichotomies Elitza Maneva (UC Berkeley) Joint work with Parikshit Gopalan, Phokion.

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Presentation on theme: "The Connectivity of Boolean Satisfiability: Structural and Computational Dichotomies Elitza Maneva (UC Berkeley) Joint work with Parikshit Gopalan, Phokion."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Connectivity of Boolean Satisfiability: Structural and Computational Dichotomies Elitza Maneva (UC Berkeley) Joint work with Parikshit Gopalan, Phokion Kolaitis and Christos Papadimitriou

2 Features of our dichotomy Refers to the structure of the entire space of solutions The dichotomy cuts across Boolean clones Motivated by recent heuristics for random input CSP.

3 Space of solutions 11111 00000 n-dimensional hypercube

4 Space of solutions 11111 00000

5 11111 00000

6 Connectivity of graph of solutions? 11111 00000 11111 00000

7 Our dichotomy Computational problems –CONN: Is the solution graph connected? –st-CONN: Are two solutions connected? Structural property –Possible diameter of components PSPACE-complete exponential NP-complete CONN st-CONN diameter SAT Tight CSP Non-tight CSP in co-NP in P linear P and NP-complete

8 Motivation for our study Heuristics for random CSP are influenced by the structure of the solution space Random 3-SAT with parameter  : n variables,  n clauses are chosen at random 4.154.27 0  EasyHard Unsat

9 Motivation for our study Heuristics for random CSP are influenced by the structure of the solution space Survey propagation algorithm [Mezard, Parisi, Zecchina ‘02] designed to work for clustered random problems very successful for such random instances based on statistical physics analysis

10 Clustering in random CSP What is known? 2-SAT: a single cluster up to the satisfiability threshold 3-SAT to 7-SAT: not known, but conjectured to have clusters before the satisfiability threshold 8-SAT and above: exponential number of clusters [Achlioptas, Ricci-Tersenghi `06] [Mezard, Mora, Zecchina `05]

11 Our dichotomy PSPACE-complete exponential CONN st-CONN diameter Tight CSP Non-tight CSP in coNP in P linear

12 OR-free CSPs 11111 00000 NAND-free CSPs Distance preserving CSPs 11111 00000 11111 00000 Graph distance = Hamming distance Tight

13 11111 00000 OR / NAND-free CSP Set of relations neither of which can express OR by substituting constants Includes Horn Includes some NP-complete CSP, e.g. POS-1-in-k SAT

14 11111 00000 Graph distance = Hamming distance Distance preserving CSP Set of relations, for which every component is a 2-SAT formula (component-wise bijunctive) Includes bijunctive Includes some NP-complete CSP

15 Proof for the hard side of the dichotomy Proof for 3-SAT Expressibility theorem like Schaefer’s

16 Schaefer expressibility A relation  is expressible from set of relations S if there is a CNF(S) formula , s.t. :  (x 1, …, x n ) =  w 1, …,w t  (x 1, …, x n, w 1, …, w t )

17 Faithful expressibility A relation  is faithfully expressible from set of relations S if there is a CNF(S) formula , s.t. :  (x 1, …, x n ) =  w 1, …,w t  (x 1, …, x n, w 1, …, w t )

18 Faithful expressibility A relation  is faithfully expressible from set of relations S if there is a CNF(S) formula , s.t. :  (x 1, …, x n ) =  w 1, …,w t  (x 1, …, x n, w 1, …, w t )

19 Faithful expressibility A relation  is faithfully expressible from set of relations S if there is a CNF(S) formula , s.t.:  (x 1, …, x n ) =  w 1, …,w t  (x 1, …, x n, w 1, …, w t ) and (1) For every a  {0,1} n with  ( a )=1, the graph of solutions of  ( a, w) is connected. (2) For every a, b  {0,1} n with  ( a )=  ( b )=1, | a-b |=1, there exists w s.t.  ( a, w )=  ( b, w )=1

20 Lemma: For 3-SAT (a) Exist formulas with exponential diameter (b) CONN and st-CONN are PSPACE-complete Lemma: Faithful expressibility: (a) preserves diameter up to a polynomial factor (b) Is a poly time reduction for CONN and st-CONN Faithful Expressibility Theorem: If S is not tight, every relation is faithfully expressible from S. Proof for the hard side of the dichotomy

21 Theorem : If S is not tight, every relation is faithfully expressible from S. Proof in 4 steps. Step 0: Express 2-SAT clauses. Some relation can express OR (NAND). Other 2-SAT clauses by resolution: (x 1  x 2 ) =  w (x 1  w)  (w  x 2 ) Faithful Expressibility Theorem ___

22  (x 1  x 3 ) = Faithful Expressibility Theorem Theorem : If S is not tight, every relation is faithfully expressible from S. Proof in 4 steps. Step 1 : Express a relation where some distance expands. Use R which is not component-wise bijunctive.

23 Faithful Expressibility Theorem Theorem : If S is not tight, every relation is faithfully expressible from S. Proof in 4 steps. Step 2 : Express a path of length 4 between vertices at distance 2.

24 Theorem : If S is not tight, every relation is faithfully expressible from S. Proof in 4 steps. Step 3: Express all 3-SAT clauses from such paths. [Demaine-Hearne ‘02] Faithful Expressibility Theorem

25 Theorem : If S is not tight, every relation is faithfully expressible from S. Proof in 4 steps. Step 4: Express all relations from 3-SAT clauses. Faithful Expressibility Theorem

26 Open questions Trichotomy for CONN?Trichotomy for CONN? –P for component-wise bijunctive –coNP-complete for non-Schaefer tight relations –open for Horn/dual-Horn Which Boolean CSPs have a clustered phase?Which Boolean CSPs have a clustered phase?

27 Thank you

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