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邏輯電路設計 Logic Circuit Design 教師:賴薇如 Office: 2307 Telephone:2431 Lab: 3412 Telephone:2414-35.

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2 邏輯電路設計 Logic Circuit Design 教師:賴薇如 Office: 2307 Telephone:2431 Lab: 3412 Telephone:2414-35

3 Text Book and Reference 4 Textbook –Charles H. Roth, Jr., Fundamentals of Logic Design, 5th edition, West Publishing Co., 1992. 4 Reference book –A First Course in Digital System Design, An Integrated Approach, John P. Uyemura, Georgia Institute of Technology. Books/Cole Publishing Company

4 Teacher Assistant 4 A 班 ? 4 B 班 ? –A, B 班會用相同的試題, 相同的標準 – 會讓同一個試題讓一位助教改

5 Web Site 4 IP address:  上課講義  考古題

6 上課要求  上課請帶課本  儘量作筆記  上課請不要私下說話, 開手機, 有問題請 馬上發問  每個 Unit 上完後, 下一次上課前交作業  請按時交作業 請尊重你的老師, 助教與同學

7 心態的改變  唸書的目的, 為自己的未來唸書  儘量不要打工  唸書的時間應該比老師準備的時間長  請唸英文原文書  作業自己寫  選擇你喜歡的科系, 尊重你的選擇 努力去具備系上要求的基本能力

8 Evaluation 4 Presence (10%) 4 Homework (25%) 4 Quizzes (20%) 10/5, 12/7 4 Mid exam (20%) 11/3 4 Final exam (25%) 1/5

9 Your Background 4 Do you know... –Analog ( 類比 ), digital ( 數位 ) –Bit (=0/1), byte (=8 bits) –2-state signal – 如何用自然事物表現 0/1 –binary number – 二元數字系統 –Diode, transistor, TTL, CMOS... –System design, logic design, circuit design

10 Analog vs. Digital 4 Analog system –The physical quantities or signals may vary continuously over a specified range. 4 Digital system –The physical quantities or signals can assume only discrete values.

11 Audio System

12 Digital System (1/2) 4 A digital system is an electronic network that “process” information using only digits to implement calculations and operations. –Ex: 電話答錄機, video game, CD, telephone systems, computer...  要把外部 analog 訊號轉成 binary 的語言  用 0/1 運算出結果  轉回 analog 的世界

13 Digital System (2/2) 4 Reliability 4 Accuracy 4 Flexibility 4 Easy to design

14 Switching Devices 4 The switching devices used in digital systems are generally two-state devices. –The output can assume only two different discrete values. –Example of switching devices: relays, diodes, transistors. 4 Then, we can use binary system to present the circuits made by switching devices. 4 Switching network

15 Categories of Designs 4 The design of digital systems may be divided roughly into three parts –System design –Logic design –Circuit design

16 System Design 4 System design involves breaking the overall system into subsystems and specifying the characteristics of each subsystem. –Computer is a digital system. –Subsystem of computer includes memory units, arithmetic units, input-output units and control units.  微電腦系統 & 微電腦實驗, 數位系統設計, 計算機組織

17 Logic Design 4 Logic design involves determining how to interconnect basic logic building blocks to perform a specific function. –Block: logic gates and flip-flops –Function examples: addition, counter 4 This course tells us the theory necessary for understanding the logic design process. 4 計算機概論, 數位電路實驗

18 Representation of AND, OR, XOR, and NOT Gates (1/2)

19 Representation of AND, OR, XOR, and NOT Gates (2/2)

20 Half Adder 4 A + B = Sum with a Carry 4 Sum = A XOR B 4 Carry = A AND B ABAB Carry Sum XOR AND Half Adder

21 Circuit Design 4 Circuit design involves specifying the interconnection of specific components such as resistors, diodes, and transistors to form a gate, flip-flop, or other logic building block. 4 Integrated circuit  超大型積體電路設計導論 & 超大型積體電 路設計實習

22 Switching Networks 4 Many of the subsystems of a digital system take the form of a switching network. 4 Two types of switching networks: combinational networks and sequential networks

23 Combinational Networks 4 The output values depend only on the present value of the inputs and not on past values. 4 Basic blocks: logic gates

24 Sequential Networks 4 The outputs depend on the present value of the inputs and past input values. 4 Basic blocks: logic gates 4 Basic memory elements: flip-flops feedback memory

25 Conclusions 4 This is an interesting course. 4 Hope you like it.

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