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EXAM I: Review: Nervous System Chapter 8. Nervous System and Homeostasis What are the four “elements” for homeostasis? How does the nervous system fit.

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Presentation on theme: "EXAM I: Review: Nervous System Chapter 8. Nervous System and Homeostasis What are the four “elements” for homeostasis? How does the nervous system fit."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXAM I: Review: Nervous System Chapter 8

2 Nervous System and Homeostasis What are the four “elements” for homeostasis? How does the nervous system fit into that model of homeostasis?

3 Divisions of the Nervous System: CNS: Brain and Spinal Cord Peripheral Nervous System Afferent: Ascending: Sensory Nerves Efferent: Somatic Autonomic PSNS SNS

4 Nervous System Divisions:Efferent Systems

5 Nervous System Cells: Neurons: Soma, Axon, Dendrites Neuroglia: Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes/Schwann Cells Ependymal Cells

6 Resting Membrane Potential Resting potential: -70 mV Distribution of K+ and Na+ ions Ion Channels: Relative permeability to Na+ and K+ Na+/K+ Pump

7 Action Potential: Depolarization: Threshold definition Voltage gated Na+ channels Ion flux Repolarization Na+ and K+ Channels Relative Refractory Period

8 Myelination and Saltatory Conduction of Action Potential Node of Ranvier Purpose of Saltatory Conduction

9 Synaptic Nerve Transmission Diagram Nerve Synapse What is the fate of neurotransmitters? Why is that important?

10 Brain Parts/Functions Cerebrum Cerebellum Diencephalon Brainstem

11 Spinal Cord/Functions Diagram spinal cord cross- section Gray matter: Dorsal, Ventral and lateral HORNS White Matter: Nerve Tracts (pathways) Ascending and Descending Names: spinothalamic

12 Peripheral NERVES Cranial: 12 Spinal: 31 Dorsal Root (ganglion) Ventral Root

13 Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic: Anatomy Function Role in Homeostasis during ACUTE EMERGENCIES Parasympathetic Anatomy Function

14 Exercise Applications: SNS “Rescue” PSNS training response Motor Pathways Somatosensory contribution to Motor control Motor Nerves and Muscle Fiber Types

15 Exam: 10 Matching Label Diagrams (2) 10 Multiple Choice Short Answer: 5 Basic: Cell types, homeostasis, membrane potential, action potential, synaptic transmission 3 Challenge: Nerve transmission speed, cerebellar function, exercise application

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