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Designed & Presented by: Listia Natadjaja Packaging Design Lecturer – UK. Petra Presented for One-day Seminar on Packaging : How to Maintain the Packaging.

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Presentation on theme: "Designed & Presented by: Listia Natadjaja Packaging Design Lecturer – UK. Petra Presented for One-day Seminar on Packaging : How to Maintain the Packaging."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designed & Presented by: Listia Natadjaja Packaging Design Lecturer – UK. Petra Presented for One-day Seminar on Packaging : How to Maintain the Packaging & Label Industry to meet Global Competition Global Design with Cultural Competency

2 PicturePattern MaterialColorTypography Global Design with Cultural Competency ? Design

3 ? UNIVERSITY ? ProducerConsumer >< ? UKM ?

4 Responsibility for the welfare for those not so privileged Awareness of the social context Integrating design into industry Micro Business Packaging Design Class PKK. Kab. Kediri Product quality improvement Product registration Design awareness Low rates allowance Deskomvis UK. Petra Product preservation and protection Design element implementation Packaging technology usage Micro business problem solving BACKGROUND Service Learning education reform, the development of human values leadership, citizenship, cross cultural communication, theory and practice Institutional mission, student interest and demand

5 Condition Service Learning Local, national and international problems have an impact on collages and universities and educators are knowledging and accepting the responsibilities they have for leadership in the society. (Berry, 1999) Micro Business Micro business is developing widely in Kabupaten Kediri. Organized by Family Welfare Program (Program Kesejahteraan Keluarga) in Kabupaten Kediri there is hundreds of micro business owners. Packaging Design The most basic function of packaging is to preserve and protect the product and its contains, but packaging now has to function as a part of today's highly competitive marketing and retailing world.

6 Micro Business Owner Packaging Design Students PKK Kab. Kediri Packaging Design Lecture Community Outreach Center APPLICATION The Link in Service Learning Program Packaging design process was focused at micro business owners in Kediri district whose produce snacks and instant beverage.

7 APPLICATION Packaging Design Lecturer groups of students/ individual Tutor The Packaging Design Class Arrangement GROUP STUDY –- GROUP SERVICE Students engage in the same set of studies and perform the same type of service SELF STUDY –- GROUP SERVICE

8 APPLICATION FOUR IMPORTANT STEPS: Product selection, observation, research, design presentation and consultation. Design revision, packaging printing, point of purchase making, Product packing. Product exhibition and sales. Report writing 1. 2. 3. 4.

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