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GDE Report to ILCSC Barry Barish Snowmass, CO 23-Aug-05.

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Presentation on theme: "GDE Report to ILCSC Barry Barish Snowmass, CO 23-Aug-05."— Presentation transcript:

1 GDE Report to ILCSC Barry Barish Snowmass, CO 23-Aug-05

2 ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass2 Outline –Status of GDE Formation Defining the Mission and Goals Forming the GDE Forming the Baseline Report on Snowmass The GDE and Industry Linear Collider Accelerator School

3 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass3 What’s are job? –The Mission of the GDE Produce a design for the ILC that includes a detailed design concept, performance assessments, reliable international costing, an industrialization plan, siting analysis, as well as detector concepts and scope. Coordinate worldwide prioritized proposal driven R & D efforts (to demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce the costs, attain the required reliability, etc.)

4 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass4 GDE – Staffing Staff the GDE –Administrative, Communications, Web staff –Regional Directors (one per region) –Accelerator Experts (covering all technical areas) –Senior Costing Engineer (one per region) –Civil/Facilities Engineer (one per region) –Detectors (WWS chairs) –Fill in missing skills (later) Total staff size about 20 FTE (2005-2006) about 40 heads. The internal GDE organization and tasks will be organized internationally, not regionally

5 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass5 GDE Members Chris Adolphsen, SLAC Jean-Luc Baldy, CERN Philip Bambade, LAL, Orsay Barry Barish, Caltech Wilhelm Bialowons, DESY Grahame Blair, Royal Holloway Jim Brau, University of Oregon Karsten Buesser, DESY Elizabeth Clements, Fermilab Michael Danilov, ITEP Jean-Pierre Delahaye, CERN, Gerald Dugan, Cornell University Atsushi Enomoto, KEK Brian Foster, Oxford University Warren Funk, JLAB Jie Gao, IHEP Terry Garvey, LAL-IN2P3 Hitoshi Hayano, KEK Tom Himel, SLAC Bob Kephart, Fermilab Eun San Kim, Pohang Acc Lab Hyoung Suk Kim, Kyungpook Nat’l Univ Shane Koscielniak, TRIUMF Vic Kuchler, Fermilab Lutz Lilje, DESY Tom Markiewicz, SLAC David Miller, Univ College of London Shekhar Mishra, Fermilab Youhei Morita, KEK Olivier Napoly, CEA-Saclay Hasan Padamsee, Cornell University Carlo Pagani, DESY Nan Phinney, SLAC Dieter Proch, DESY Pantaleo Raimondi, INFN Tor Raubenheimer, SLAC Francois Richard, LAL-IN2P3 Perrine Royole-Degieux, GDE/LAL Kenji Saito, KEK Daniel Schulte, CERN Tetsuo Shidara, KEK Sasha Skrinsky, Budker Institute Fumihiko Takasaki, KEK Laurent Jean Tavian, CERN Nobu Toge, KEK Nick Walker, DESY Andy Wolski, LBL Hitoshi Yamamoto, Tohoku Univ Kaoru Yokoya, KEK 49 members

6 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass6 ILC Communications Launch New ILC Website –thanks to Norm Graf for url “One Stop Shopping” –electronic document management system (EDMS), news, calendar of events, education and communication, Designer –Xeno Media ( Kevin Munday)

7 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass7

8 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass8 ILC Newsline Subscribe at

9 What’s our schedule? 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Global Design EffortProject Baseline configuration Reference Design ILC R&D Program Technical Design Bids to Host; Site Selection; International Mgmt LHC Physics

10 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass10 GDE – Near Term Plan Schedule Begin - define Configuration (Snowmass Aug 05) Baseline Configuration Document (end of 2005) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Baseline under Configuration Control (Jan 06) Develop Reference Design (end of 2006) Coordinate the supporting R&D program Three volumes -- 1) Reference Design Report; 2) Shorter glossy version for non-experts and policy makers ; 3) Detector Concept Report

11 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass11 What is our design approach? –Create forward looking BCD, consistent with doing reference design and costing next year Regarding the parameter space, I think it important to maintain a large operating space at this point in the project. The four places that the parameter range pushed are the number of bunches stored in the damping ring, the minimum bunch length, the angular divergences, and the beamstrahlung and extraction line system. In some cases, it may be possible to consider schemes where increases to the parameter range are add-ons - for example, it may be possible that a second bunch compressor is an inexpensive add-on and a could be installed after initial operation, however there are also cases where the parameter changes would imply much larger and invasive modifications: for example, the larger number of bunches or increased bandwidth in the extraction line. (Tor)

12 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass12 Parametric Approach Parametric approach to design –machine parameters : a space to optimize the machine –Trial parameter space, being evaluated by subsystems –machine design : incorporate change without redesign; incorporates value engineering, trade studies at each step to minimize costs

13 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass13 Design Approach Create a baseline configuration for the machine –Document a concept for ILC machine with a complete layout, parameters etc. defined by the end of 2005 –Make forward looking choices, consistent with attaining performance goals, and understood well enough to do a conceptual design and reliable costing by end of 2006. –Technical and cost considerations will be an integral part in making these choices. –Baseline will be put under “configuration control,” with a defined process for changes to the baseline. –A reference design will be carried out in 2006. I am proposing we use a “parametric” design and costing approach. –Technical performance and physics performance will be evaluated for the reference design

14 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass14 Approach to ILC R&D Program Proposal-driven R&D in support of the baseline design. –Technical developments, demonstration experiments, industrialization, etc. Proposal-driven R&D in support of alternatives to the baseline –Proposals for potential improvements to the baseline, resources required, time scale, etc. Develop a prioritized DETECTOR R&D program aimed at technical developments needed to reach combined design performance goals

15 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass15 How do we do our work? Short term organization –Need simple organization – many global questions –Good tools (video conferencing, EDMS, etc) –Tasks - Internationally organized –Organize Snowmass second week and products to enable and focus fall BCD program (Snowmass  Frascati) General Meetings –Snowmass (Aug 05) first meetings –Frascati (Dec 7-10, 2005) (in conjunction with TESLA collaboration meeting) –Bangalore, India (March 2006) (in conjunction with LCWS 2006) –Topical Meetings ?? (Simplified organization will minimize meetings) Our process and meetings will be open!

16 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass16 Parameters for the ILC E cm adjustable from 200 – 500 GeV Luminosity  ∫ Ldt = 500 fb -1 in 4 years Ability to scan between 200 and 500 GeV Energy stability and precision below 0.1% Electron polarization of at least 80% The machine must be upgradeable to 1 TeV

17 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass17 Higgs Coupling and Extra Dimensions ILC precisely measures Higgs interaction strength with standard model particles. Straight blue line gives the standard model predictions. Range of predictions in models with extra dimensions -- yellow band, (at most 30% below the Standard Model The models predict that the effect on each particle would be exactly the same size. The red error bars indicate the level of precision attainable at the ILC for each particle Sufficient to discover extra dimensional physics.

18 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass18 Report from Snowmass?

19 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass19 Some Snowmass Highlights

20 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass20 Starting Point for the GDE Superconducting RF Main Linac

21 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass21 ILC Workshop Organization 2 nd Week: BCD Recommendations - Focus Groups

22 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass22 Design Choices for Baseline Design Alternatives –Gradient / Length (30MV/m?, 35MV/m? Higher?) –Tunnel (single? or double?) –Positron Souce (undulator? conventional?) –Damping ring (dogbone? small ring?) –Crossing angle (head-on, small angle, large angle) Define detailed configuration –RF layout –Lattice layout –Beam delivery system layout –Klystron / modulators –Cryomodule design Evolve these choices through “change control” process

23 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass23 Defining the Parameter Space

24 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass24 Cost Drivers Civil SCRF Linac

25 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass25 How Costs Scale with Gradient? Relative Cost Gradient MV/m 35MV/m is close to optimum Japanese are still pushing for 40- 45MV/m 30 MV/m would give safety margin C. Adolphsen (SLAC)

26 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass26 TESLA Cavity 9-cell 1.3GHz Niobium Cavity ~1meter

27 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass27 Gradient Results from KEK-DESY collaboration must reduce spread (need more statistics) single-cell measurements (in nine-cell cavities)

28 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass28 Cavity Fabrication

29 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass29 Improved Fabrication

30 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass30 Improved Processing Electropolishing

31 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass31 Improved Cavity Shapes

32 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass32 Baseline Gradient

33 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass33 Baseline Gradients

34 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass34 Large Grain Single Crystal Nb Material

35 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass35 Conventional Facilities and Siting Milestone One: Snowmass 2005 Conference Successfully Initiate the Global Civil and Siting Effort Complete Comparative Site Assessment Matrix Format Milestone Two: December, 2005 Identify Regional Sample Sites for Inclusion into the Baseline Configuration Document Milestone Three: December, 2006 Complete Conventional Facilities and Siting Portion of the Reference Design Document 8.19.05V. Kuchler2 of 8

36 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass36 Conventional Facilities and Siting 8.19.05V. Kuchler6 of 8 Outstanding Issues with Direct Impact on CFS Progress that will Require Further Discussion and Resolution with Other Working Groups 1 Tunnel vs 2 Tunnel Laser Straight vs Curved or Segmented Shape and Length of Damping Rings Shape and Configuration of Sources 1 vs 2 Interaction Regions

37 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass37 ILC Siting and Conventional Facilities The design is intimately tied to the features of the site –1 tunnels or 2 tunnels? –Deep or shallow? –Laser straight linac or follow earth’s curvature in segments? GDE ILC Design will be done to samples sites in the three regions –North American sample site will be near Fermilab –Japan and Europe are to determine sample sites by the end of 2005

38 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass38 1 vs 2 Tunnels Tunnel must contain –Linac Cryomodule –RF system –Damping Ring Lines Save maybe $0.5B Issues –Maintenance –Safety –Duty Cycle

39 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass39 Possible Tunnel Configurations One tunnel of two, with variants ??

40 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass40 ILC Civil Program Civil engineers from all three regions working to develop methods of analyzing the siting issues and comparing sites. The current effort is not intended to select a potential site, but rather to understand from the beginning how the features of sites will effect the design, performance and cost

41 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass41 Sample Site Study Conventional Facilities Site Considerations - 16 Aug. 2005 1. Site Impacts on Critical Science Parameters Description: This sub-heading will evaluate site-specific factors that affect critical science parameters. Consideration: The site should permit the highest level of research productivity and overall effectiveness at a reasonable cost of construction and operation and with a minimal impact on the environment. 1A. Configuration (Physical Dimensions and Layout) The topography and geology of a site strongly influences machine configuration, tunnel alignment, tunnel depth, tunnel access and penetrations as well as the flexibility for design optimization options. 1B.Performance (Vibration and Stability) Micro-seismic ground motion and cultural noise (man-made vibrations) may affect the operations of the beamline apparatus. To minimize impact upon beam position, the ILC beam line should be oriented to minimize ground waves at a given site. A quiet site which has low levels of micro-seismicity and cultural noise will avoid the need for passive or active damping systems to achieve required stability during operation.

42 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass42 Example of Discussions

43 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass43 But, do you same $$ ? Disagree ---- Needs a more careful analysis

44 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass44 Baseline Klystrons Thales CPI Toshiba Available today: 10 MW Multi-Beam Klystrons (MBKs) that operate at up to 10 Hz

45 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass45 Improved Klystron ? 10 MW Sheet Beam Klystron (SBK) Parameters similar to 10 MW MBK Low Voltage 10 MW MBK Voltage e.g. 65 kV Current 238A More beams Perhaps use a Direct Switch Modulator 5 MW Inductive Output Tube (IOT) Drive Output IOT Klystron SLAC CPI KEK

46 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass46 With two-level power division and proper phase lengths, expensive circulators can be eliminated. Reflections from pairs of cavities are directed to loads. Also, fewer types of hybrid couplers are needed in this scheme. There is a small increased risk to klystrons. (Total reflection from a pair of cavities sends < 0.7% of klystron power back to the klystron.) Similar to TDR and XFEL scheme. BASELINE DESIGN POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT? RF Distribution

47 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass47 ILC Beam Instrumentation Requirements ~ 60% complete

48 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass48 Beamsize Growth Study (cumulative after feedback) 30 min ground. + Undulator + Component jitter + 5 Hz ground. + Kicker, current, energy jitter, BPM resol.

49 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass49 Availability Studies 1 vs 2 tunnels

50 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass50 Improving Mean Time Between Failures

51 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass51 ILC International Industrial Forums The first meeting of the ILC industrial Forums from Americas, Asia and Europe took place at Snowmass, Aug. 16 th 2005 and during the cost and engineering discussions. The purpose was to provide a setting for ILC and industrial representatives to exchange information on industrial development in each ILC regions. The ILC Industrial Forums from the three regions were represented by Nirihiko Ozaki, Asia; Michael Peiniger, Europe and Kenneth Olsen, Americas. The Asian discussions centered on the industrial practices in three regions. The European discussion was on industrial involvement in the TTF and XFEL projects. The Americas discussion was on the status and view from industry about ILC.

52 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass52 Issues ILC will be viewed as a project, not a sustainable business area, therefore it must be prepared to fund one time manufacturing engineering and tooling costs. Long term funding uncertainties create barriers to major industry commitments to the ILC In general, technology will flow from labs. to small companies, small companies will partner with larger ones for full scale production ILC user facilities at key labs will accelerate tech transfer Specifications can be a major cost driver and must be critically evaluated Costs, risk and schedule are interrelated, must be understood and agreed to by everyone.

53 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass53 Issues… Infrastructure Issues: –For industry to invest in the large infrastructure required for ILC there would have to be a follow-on business or market  that the ILC project should plan on paying for all the required infrastructure wherever it is built. Early standardization is important –Can deal with whatever standards ILC chooses Risks –Let industry make up its mind on risks, then ILC should LISTEN –Perceived risks will influence the actual cost of contracts from industry. Cost Reductions might be achieved with joint facilities between national labs and industries.

54 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass54 Industrial Studies Industrial studies in three regions are essential. –Important to understand industrial costs –Important to examine potential cost reductions –Need to think about what studies are needed and when –Focus on the cost drivers for ILC, important for cost estimate –Focus on places where there is technical risk to the project goals –ILC need a point-of-contact and a plan for industrial studies 2 nd ILC Industrial Forum Meeting is scheduled to be held at Fermilab Sept. 21 st and 22 nd, 2005.

55 23-Aug-05ILCSC Meeting - Snowmass55 School sponsorship:  GDE  ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel  ICFA ILCSC Organizing Committee (OC) members:  Sponsors: Barish (GDE), Kurokawa (ICFA ILCSC), Chou (ICFA BD)  Europe: Jean-Pierre Delahaye (CERN), Rolf-Dieter Heuer (DESY)  Asia: In Soo Ko (PAL), Kaoru Yokoya (KEK)  America: Alex Chao (SLAC), Paul Grannis (DOE) Goal: To train young generations for the next major accelerator facility Tentative dates and place: May 2006, Sokenda, Hayama, Japan Linear Collider Accelerator Physics School

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