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The fundamental nature of matter and forces Physics 114 Spring 2004 – S. Manly.

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3 The fundamental nature of matter and forces Physics 114 Spring 2004 – S. Manly

4 Inquiring minds want to know... Yo! What holds it together?



7 CDF Minos

8 SLAC slides

9 Event displays from the SLD experiment at SLAC Event shapes e + e -  Z o  qqe + e -  Z o  qqg

10 Relativistic heavy ions Two concentric superconducting magnet rings, 3.8 km circum. A-A (up to Au), p-A, p-p collisions, eventual polarized protons Funded by U.S. Dept. of Energy $616 million Construction began Jan. 1991, first collisions June 2000 Annual operating cost $100 million AGS: fixed target, 4.8 GeV/nucleon pair SPS: fixed target, 17 GeV/nucleon pair RHIC: collider, 200 GeV/nucleon pair LHC: collider, 5.4 TeV/nucleon pair

11 The view from above


13 Au-Au collision in the STAR detector

14 Isometric of PHENIX Detector

15 Brahms experiment From F.Videbœk

16 The PHOBOS Detector (2001) Ring Counters Time of Flight Spectrometer 4  Multiplicity Array - Octagon, Vertex & Ring Counters Mid-rapidity Spectrometer TOF wall for high-momentum PID Triggering - Scintillator Paddles Counters - Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) Vertex Octagon ZDC z y x   Paddle Trigger Counter Cerenkov 1m 137000 silicon pad readout channels

17 Central Part of the Detector (not to scale) 0.5m

18 Au-Au event in the PHOBOS detector




22 What forces exist in nature? What is a force? How do forces change with energy or temperature? How has the universe evolved? How do they interact?

23 The fundamental nature of forces: virtual particles  E  t  h Heisenberg E = mc 2 Einstein e-e-



26 quarks leptons Gauge bosons u c t d s b e   W, Z, , g, G g Hadrons Baryons qqq qq mesons p = uud n = udd K = us or us  = ud or ud Strong interaction nuclei e atoms Electromagnetic interaction


28 Quantum Chromodynamics - QCD Similar to QED … But... Gauge field carries the charge q q distance energy density, temperature relative strength asymptotic freedom qq qq confinement q q

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