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Acknowledgement: some content and figures by Brian Curless

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1 Acknowledgement: some content and figures by Brian Curless
3D Scanning Acknowledgement: some content and figures by Brian Curless

2 Data Types Volumetric Data Surface Data Voxel grids Occupancy Density
Point clouds Range images (range maps)

3 Related Fields Computer Vision Metrology Passive range sensing
Rarely construct complete, accurate models Application: recognition Metrology Main goal: absolute accuracy High precision, provable errors more important than scanning speed, complete coverage Applications: industrial inspection, quality control, as-built models

4 Related Fields Computer Graphics Often want complete model
Low noise, geometrically consistent model more important than absolute accuracy Application: animated CG characters

5 Terminology Range acquisition, shape acquisition, rangefinding, range scanning, 3D scanning Alignment, registration Surface reconstruction, 3D scan merging, scan integration, surface extraction 3D model acquisition

6 Range Acquisition Taxonomy
Mechanical (CMM, jointed arm) Inertial (gyroscope, accelerometer) Contact Ultrasonic trackers Magnetic trackers Industrial CT Range acquisition Transmissive Ultrasound MRI Radar Non-optical Sonar Reflective Optical

7 Range Acquisition Taxonomy
Shape from X: stereo motion shading texture focus defocus Passive Optical methods Active variants of passive methods Stereo w. projected texture Active depth from defocus Photometric stereo Active Time of flight Triangulation

8 Optical Range Scanning Methods
Advantages: Non-contact Safe Usually inexpensive Usually fast Disadvantages: Sensitive to transparency Confused by specularity and interreflection Texture (helps some methods, hurts others)

9 Stereo Find feature in one image, search along epipole in other image for correspondence

10 Stereo Advantages: Disadvantages:
Passive Cheap hardware (2 cameras) Easy to accommodate motion Intuitive analogue to human vision Disadvantages: Only acquire good data at “features” Sparse, relatively noisy data (correspondence is hard) Bad around silhouettes Confused by non-diffuse surfaces Variant: multibaseline stereo to reduce ambiguity

11 Shape from Motion “Limiting case” of multibaseline stereo
Track a feature in a video sequence For n frames and f features, have 2nf knowns, 6n+3f unknowns

12 Shape from Motion Advantages: Disadvantages:
Feature tracking easier than correspondence in far-away views Mathematically more stable (large baseline) Disadvantages: Does not accommodate object motion Still problems in areas of low texture, in non-diffuse regions, and around silhouettes

13 Shape from Shading Given: image of surface with known, constant reflectance under known point light Estimate normals, integrate to find surface Problem: ambiguity

14 Shape from Shading Advantages: Disadvantages: Not really practical
Single image No correspondences Analogue in human vision Disadvantages: Mathematically unstable Can’t have texture Not really practical But see photometric stereo

15 Shape from Texture Mathematically similar to shape from shading, but uses stretch and shrink of a (regular) texture

16 Shape from Texture Analogue to human vision
Same disadvantages as shape from shading

17 Shape from Focus and Defocus
Shape from focus: at which focus setting is a given image region sharpest? Shape from defocus: how out-of-focus is each image region? Passive versions rarely used Active depth from defocus can be made practical

18 Active Optical Methods
Advantages: Usually can get dense data Usually much more robust and accurate than passive techniques Disadvantages: Introduces light into scene (distracting, etc.) Not motivated by human vision

19 Active Variants of Passive Techniques
Regular stereo with projected texture Provides features for correspondence Active depth from defocus Known pattern helps to estimate defocus Photometric stereo Shape from shading with multiple known lights

20 Pulsed Time of Flight Basic idea: send out pulse of light (usually laser), time how long it takes to return

21 Pulsed Time of Flight Advantages: Disadvantages:
Large working volume (up to 100 m.) Disadvantages: Not-so-great accuracy (at best ~5 mm.) Requires getting timing to ~30 picoseconds Does not scale with working volume Often used for scanning buildings, rooms, archeological sites, etc.

22 AM Modulation Time of Flight
Modulate a laser at frequencym , it returns with a phase shift  Note the ambiguity in the measured phase!  Range ambiguity of 1/2mn

23 AM Modulation Time of Flight
Accuracy / working volume tradeoff (e.g., noise ~ 1/500 working volume) In practice, often used for room-sized environments (cheaper, more accurate than pulsed time of flight)

24 Triangulation

25 Triangulation: Moving the Camera and Illumination
Moving independently leads to problems with focus, resolution Most scanners mount camera and light source rigidly, move them as a unit

26 Triangulation: Moving the Camera and Illumination

27 Triangulation: Moving the Camera and Illumination

28 Triangulation: Extending to 3D
Possibility #1: add another mirror (flying spot) Possibility #2: project a stripe, not a dot Laser Object Camera

29 Triangulation Scanner Issues
Accuracy proportional to working volume (typical is ~1000:1) Scales down to small working vol. (e.g. 5 cm. working volume, 50 m. accuracy) Does not scale up (baseline too large…) Two-line-of-sight problem (shadowing from either camera or laser) Triangulation angle: non-uniform resolution if too small, shadowing if too big (useful range: 15-30)

30 Triangulation Scanner Issues
Material properties (dark, specular) Subsurface scattering Laser speckle Edge curl Texture embossing

31 Multi-Stripe Triangulation
To go faster, project multiple stripes But which stripe is which? Answer #1: assume surface continuity

32 Multi-Stripe Triangulation
To go faster, project multiple stripes But which stripe is which? Answer #2: colored stripes (or dots)

33 Multi-Stripe Triangulation
To go faster, project multiple stripes But which stripe is which? Answer #3: time-coded stripes

34 Time-Coded Light Patterns
Assign each stripe a unique illumination code over time [Posdamer 82] Time Space

35 Gray-Code Patterns To minimize effects of quantization error: each point may be a boundary only once Time Space

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