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The Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer: In-Orbit Performance and Early Results STEREO-SECCHI Consortium Meeting Paris, 5 th – 8 th March, 2007 L. Culhane,

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Presentation on theme: "The Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer: In-Orbit Performance and Early Results STEREO-SECCHI Consortium Meeting Paris, 5 th – 8 th March, 2007 L. Culhane,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer: In-Orbit Performance and Early Results STEREO-SECCHI Consortium Meeting Paris, 5 th – 8 th March, 2007 L. Culhane, L. Harra, D. Williams G. Doschek, J. MariskaH. Hara Mullard Space Science Laboratory D. BrooksT. Watanabe University College London US Naval Research LabNAOJ

2 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 2 SUMMARY OF TALK Outline of Hinode/EIS features and in-orbit performance Some early EIS observations Observation planning with Hinode/EIS Conclusions

3 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 3 Large Effective Area in two EUV bands: 170-210 Å and 250-290 Å –Multi-layer Mirror (15 cm dia ) and Grating; both with optimized Mo/Si Coatings –CCD camera; Two 2048 x 1024 high QE back illuminated CCDs Spatial resolution: 1 arc sec pixels/2 arc sec resolution Line spectroscopy with ~ 25 km/s per pixel velocity sampling Field of View : –Raster: 6 arc min × 8.5 arc min (max height: 17 arc min) –FOV centre moveable E – W by ± 15 arc min Wide temperature coverage: log T = 4.7, 5.4 - 7.3 K Simultaneous observation of up to 25 lines/spectral windows EIS - Instrument Features

4 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 4 EIS Optical Layout Slit exchanger Primary mirror (offset parabola) Entrance filter Concave grating Filter CCDs Shutter 1939mm 1440mm 1000mm Grating Front Baffle Entrance Filter Primary Mirror CCD Camera S L L S EIS first light: 28 th October, 2006 Four positions: 1 and 2 arc sec slits 40 and 266 arc sec slots - all with 1024 pixels/ 17 arc min height

5 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 5 Wavelength = 195.12 Å (Fe XII)  (FWHM) = 52 mÅ (pre-launch calibration) = 55 mÅ (AR observation) – T D (Fe XII) ~ 1.3 MK – v nt ~ 20 km/s Agreement after allowance for T D and v nt Wavelength Resolution Wavelength = 256.32 Å (He II)  (FWHM) = 65 mÅ (pre-launch calibration) = 115 mÅ (AR observation) – T D (He II) ~ 0.08 MK – v nt ~ 20 km/s Additional line broadening due to opacity and/or larger non-thermal component? First-light spectra from a small emerging AR on 28-OCT-2006

6 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 6 EIS and CDS Rasters of AR 10926 on 01-DEC-2006 Hinode EIS → Nominal  2.1 arc sec SOHO CDS → Nominal  5 arc sec Spatial Resolution - EIS and CDS

7 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 7 Spatial Resolution – EIT, EIS and TRACE EIT 195 Å Image 23-JAN-07 11:12:09 UT TRACE 195 Å Image 23-JAN-07 11:12:18 UT EIS 195 Å Raster - 1 arc sec slit 23-JAN-07 10:47:09 to 11:37:02 UT Resolution → 5.0 arc sec 2.1 arc sec 1.0 arc sec Pixel size → 2.6 “ “ 1.0 “ “ 0.5 “ “

8 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 8 Active Region Slot Movie He II 256 Å 512 arc sec 266 arcsec slot Fe XV 284 Å 266 arcsec

9 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 9 Active Region Slot Raster Image EIS Fe XV 284 Image assembled from 266 arc sec x 512 arc sec slot exposures 512 arc sec 850 arc sec

10 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 10 SOT B-Field index gives polarity Stokes V signal - White: +ve - Black: -ve Active Region Raster He II 256Fe VIII 185Fe X 184Fe XI 188 Fe XII 195Fe XIII 202Fe XIV 274Fe XV 284 03-Dec-2006; 15:32 – 17:46 UT - 1 arc sec slit with 1 arc sec scan step

11 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 11 Electron Density–sensitive Line Ratios 10.0 9.0 Log n e [cm -3 ] 9.5 8.5 10.5 Fe XIII 203.8/Fe XIII 202.0 Fe XIII 196.5/Fe XIII 202.0 Fe XIII line ratios from an along-slit observation (150 arc sec) on 03-NOV-2006 - includes part of an AR (data from Peter Young, RAL) - intensity ratio vs n e plots from Chianti EIT 171 Å 13:00 UT Slit

12 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 12 Fe XIII 202.2 Å Fe XIII 203.8 Å n e (cm -3 )Log n e Electron Density Mapping EIS 1 arc sec slit raster at 11:25 UT on 01-DEC-2006 2-D density map derived from the ratio of the Fe XIII line intensities (data from P. Young, RAL) 8.2 < log n e < 10.0

13 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 13 Active Region, Quiet Sun and Coronal Hole Raster SOHO EIT Part of a 17 line observation on 28-DEC-2006 – location and coverage of raster indicated on EIT image Raster has 2" slit, 2"steps and covers 240" x 240" with 5s exposure/13 m cadence

14 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 14 Flare of 17-DEC-2006 EIS 256“ x 256“ raster - 1“ slit is scanned right to left He II (log T = 4.9) and ions for 6.0 < log T < 6.7 Ratio of Fe XV to Fe XIV intensity will give T e map

15 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 15 Flare of 17-DEC-2006 GOES plot shows a LDE Spectra show bi-directional Doppler flows from loop-top - also flows at footpoints RHESSI missed event start but shows soft spectrum through the event Ca XVII & O V 192 (Fe XI subtracted) Log DN Intensity km/s FWHM

16 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 16 EIS and XRT Observation of Jets in Polar Region EIS 40 arc sec slot images 20-JAN-2007;12:13 UT to 17:12 UT Analysis will focus on time variation of jet temperature and plasma flow

17 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 17 Planning requires installation of EIS SolarSoft tree Study Preparation  Line Lists  Raster Definition  Study Definition Users export studies to ASCII format Include science case and summary then e-mail to:  “” Observing with Hinode/EIS EIS Observer Science Summary & Study Plan Science Schedule Coordinators (SSCs) Select Standard StudyFormulate New Study Validate on Hardware Simulator EIS SSCs Hinode SSCs Monthly Telecon Hinode Montlly Strategy & Planning Meeting/Telecon Hinode Weekly Meeting Hinode Daily Meeting OBSERVATION OBSERVER EIS HINODE

18 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 18 Compile Line List and construct Raster format EIS_MK_RASTER

19 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 19 Compile Study EIS_MK_STUDY

20 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 20 Conclusions Following the Hinode launch (23-SEP-2006) and instrument first light (28-OCT-2006), EIS is now performing well in orbit There is no evidence of contamination on optics or CCDs Performance parameters: –wavelength resolution is nominal (  ~ 55 m Å at 200 Å) –spatial resolution is close to the design goal of 2 arc min –throughput appears nominal and stable with time after five months in orbit EIS 90 day science plan has been essentially completed –Active Region, Quiet Sun and Flare observations have been carried out Major joint observing campaign with SUMER will be undertaken in April We look forward to fruitful collaboration with STEREO for Sun-Earth studies

21 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 21 Access to Hinode data Chief Coordinators: –John Davis ( –Tetsuya Watanabe ( Science Schedule Coordinators (in U.S.): –SOT: T. Berger ( –XRT: L. Golub ( –EIS: J. Mariska ( L. Culhane ( in XRT Observing (XOB) Proposals:

22 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 22 END OF TALK

23 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 23 ラスタースキャン観測: LDE フレア Intensity FWHM Ca XVII 192 Fe XV284 / Fe XIV274 足元に幅広い輝線?  O V のブレンドによる カスプループの周り に幅広い輝線  周囲には Fe XXI 等の 高温輝線も確認 Fe XV284 / Fe XIV274 輝線強度比: 外側ほど温度が 高くなっている ことを示している Fe XXI Fe XXII Ca XVII

24 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 24 XRT Movie (Full Sun) 24-OCT-2006 Evolution of very small structures e.g. Coronal Bright Points, may be followed

25 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 25 JAXA/ISAS Hinode Spacecraft Payload includes : - 0.5m optical telescope (SOT) with a focal plane package (FPP) for 0.25 arc sec images and vector magnetograms - EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) with 2 arc sec resolution - Imaging X-ray Telescope (XRT) with 2 arc sec resolution Science goals : - Determine how the corona is heated in active regions and in the quiet Sun - Establish the mechanisms that give rise to transient phenomena, such as flares and CMEs - Investigate the processes responsible for energy transfer in the quiet Sun. All participants are involved in Post-launch Mission Operations and Data Analysis SOT FPP EIS XRT SOT/FPP: NAOJ, ISAS/Lockheed Martin, HAO XRT: Harvard CfA, NAOJ, ISAS EIS: MSSL, Birmingham, RAL, US NRL with integration on spacecraft by NAOJ and ISAS

26 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 26 Three Solar-B Instruments before installation in the spacecraft MV Launch Launch of Solar-B, now Hinode, at 06:36 JST on Saturday 23 rd Nov. 2006 Launch Readiness Orbit 680 km Sun-synchronous

27 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 27 Solar images at identical respective points in the solar cycle, seen by Hinode/XRT and Yohkoh/SXT Hinode XRT October 28, 2006 Yohkoh SXT November 28, 1995

28 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 28 XRT and EIS

29 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 29 Images (40 arc sec slot) of part of a newly emerging active region (AR 10919) observed on 29-OCT-2006 Theoretical fits to line profiles, like those shown in blue, permit the determination of physical parameters of the gas such as temperature, density and velocity to be measured by EIS on a spatial scale of 1500 km. 30,000 Km 150,000 km 30,000 Km 150,000 km

30 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 30 Quiet Sun Granules and Magnetic Elements G-band (photosphere) Ca II H (chromosphere)

31 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 31 SDO and Hinode Missions Hinode Three main science goals: - Determine how the corona is heated in active regions and in the quiet Sun - Establish mechanisms that give rise to transient phenomena e.g. flares, CMEs - Investigate quiet Sun energy transfer processes Three instruments - Solar Optical Telescope (SOT): Precision velocity, LOS and vector B fields at 0.2” - EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS): High wavelength resolution EUV spectral images at 2” - X-ray Telescope (XRT): X-ray filter images at 2” SDO gives full-Sun coverage at very high cadence Hinode emphasises limited spatial coverage (≈ 4 x 4 arc min 2 ) at very high resolution

32 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 32 XRT Movie (Active Region) 11-NOV-2006 with thin Al filter  response range 6 – 60 Å or 0.2 – 2.0 keV Many complex brightenings  transient AR loop brightenings? Cusp and sigmoid formation  signatures of magnetic reconnection and eruption? Important to make detailed study of AR magnetic configuration

33 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 33 He II 256 Fe XII 195 Fe XV 284 Ca XVII/Fe XI 192 Flare of 17-DEC-2006 Raster images of flare GOES plot shows a LDE RHESSI missed start but shows soft spectrum through the event

34 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 34 Flare of 17-DEC-2006 EIS 256“ x 256“ raster - 1“ slit is scanned right to left He II (log T = 4.9) and ions for 6.0 < log T < 6.7 Bi-directional Doppler shifts seen in the loop-top source

35 Len Culhane, 8 th March, 2007 Hinode/EIS: Performance and Early ObservationsSTEREO/SECCHI, Paris 35 EIS Observer Science Summary & Study Plan Science Schedule Coordinators (SSCs) Select Standard StudyFormulate New Study Validate on Hardware Simulator EIS SSCs Hinode SSCs Monthly Telecon Hinode Montlly Strategy & Planning Meeting/Telecon Hinode Weekly Meeting Hinode Daily Meeting OBSERVATION OBSERVER EIS HINODE

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