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John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 1 X-ray Overview XTOD current status XES current status Schedule to first experiments Coordination with LUSI Transition from project to facility Beyond the LCLS baseline John Arthur LCLS Photon Systems Manager
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 2 Status in June 2008 XTOD is assembling instruments at LLNL All mirrors have been ordered Soft X-ray mirrors arriving; meet figure spec XES is working on final designs Stoppers and doors are being built 2d detector plan is updated; prototype under test at Cornell, SLAC working on packaging and interface to DAQ
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 3 XTOD
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 4 Solid Attenuator Gas Attenuator Slit Start of Experimental Hutches 5 mm collimator Muon Shield Hard X-Ray Offset mirror system Pulse Energy Thermal Detector Gas Detector e-e- Direct Imager Hard x-ray Monochromator (K Spectrometer) Soft X-Ray Offset mirror system LLNL Front end X-ray optics being assembled at LLNL Optics/diagnostics through preliminary or final design review X-ray front end
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 5 FEE Diagnostic Hardware Status Fixed Mask / Slit In house, Integrated testing Attenuator Under assembly Gas Detectors In house/integrating Thermal Sensor Vessel on order Sensors in fabrication Direct imager Vessel on order Cameras, scintillators, filters in house K monochromator in final design Pop-in Monitors in design Controls 4 of 5 FY08 FEE racks complete FEE Vacuum Rack >75% 98% of all other controls h/w received
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 6 InSync Serial Number P07112_1 (SOMS 1) 9nm 0 10 0 175 Tangential axis, mm Sagittal axis, mm Figure, nm The first SOMS mirror meets its specification for long spatial period flatness Contour plot with 10x175 mm 2 mask Color map of 250x50 mm 2 SOMS 1 figure Total budget for long scale curvature is < 20 nm tangential, < 5 nm sagittal* - limits intensity asymmetry due to reflections to < 10% Allocation to fabrication errors was 10 nm tangential, 4 nm sagittal - contour plot shows SOMS 1 meets this requirement * See detailed figure budget in ESD 1.5-122, “HOMS & SOMS Opto-mechanical Design”
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 7 Integrated EPICS control system under development
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 8 X-ray Endstation Systems NEH nearly ready for occupants
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 9 XES Status June 08 AMO Instrument final design phase Drawings >60% complete All ESDs are completed Controls PDR 4/08 AMO Preliminary Hazard Analysis Document being finalized Long-lead procurements starting Mechanical Systems PPS stoppers and hutch doors in fabrication Ready for installation in 7/09 XES laser system PRDs for Laser system and LSS completed ESD for Laser transport controls 3/08 PDR for laser and transport system May 21 Quotes are in hand for tables and laser components Laser SOP reviewed by LSO and LSC May 6 Installation Cable plant are being designed, contracts are being placed
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 10 AMO Instrument John Bozek
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 11 AMO Schedule Begin long lead procurements 5/08 Final Design complete 8/08 Procurements 10/08 Start Receiving hardware 12/08 Receive XES Laser 3/09 Install Laser 4-6/09 AMO Assembly and test 12/08 -- 4/09 Install AMO (phase 1) in hutch 5/09 – 6/09 Test AMO 7/09 Final readiness test 7/09 1 st x-rays to AMO instrument 7/09 AMO Phase 2 installed by 11/09 → No float in schedule for early science in 7/09
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 12 Cornell 2D Detector LDAC Review in May 08 showed good progress Demonstrated a working bump-bonded detector Detailed testing of chip is continuing Go-forward plan is being reviewed Integration with SLAC DAQ system Mechanical packaging will be done at SLAC Coordinated with CXI Received bump bonded chip at SLAC in May 08 Delivery of Final Detector at SLAC in Spring 2009
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 13 Quadrant board Combines 16 ASIC’s 1 FPGA/quadrant Detector Mechanical Design Concept Light shroud (cover removed) Double detector package 4 ASIC’s 2 pixel array detectors Cooling coil Martin Nordby, Matt Swift PPA Mech. Eng.
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 14 LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line LTU/Und/Dump Install LTU/UndComm. Re-commission Inj/BC2 to SL2 First Light in FEE PEP-II run ends FEE/NEH Install PPS Cert. LTU/Dump FEH Install CD-4 (7/31/2010) X-Rays in NEH First Light in FEH NEH Operations/ Commissioning JJFFMMAAMMJJJJAASSDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJAASSOONNDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJ ON A A 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 Down PPS A A M M now Linac/BC2 Commissioning FEEComm. April 18, 2008 FEH Hutch BO
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 15 Coordination with LUSI Photon Systems working closely with LUSI Both managed by J. Galayda Close proximity in Bldg 280 Shared engineering/design resources Interface Working Group meets bi-weekly Formal relationship set by Interface Control Documents
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 16 Transition from Project to Facility Responsibility for operation of LCLS instruments and LCLS X-ray science lies with the Experimental Facilities Division (XFD) Head, responsible for User outreach: Jochen Schneider Deputy, responsible for LCLS science:Jerry Hastings Responsible for User operations: John Arthur Group includes Photon Systems and LUSI staff (about 20 today) Growing quickly but thoughtfully (hiring now)
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 17 Beyond the initial LCLS configuration Policy for outside groups which propose to add instrumentation to the LCLS facility Must offer a significant addition of general utility to LCLS Must get support of LCLS (with evaluation by SAC) Then group and LCLS negotiate with funding agencies Then group and LCLS decide final layout and timeline, sign MOU Some access priority can be negotiated, within limits which guarantee plentiful access by general users All new instrumentation reverts to LCLS ownership/management after early operation
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 18 First example of addition to LCLS SXR instrument: Soft X-ray Materials studies Consortium led by Anders Nilsson (SLAC/Stanford) and Wilfried Wurth (CFEL/Univ Hamburg) Institutions: Stanford, Univ Hamburg, LBNL, BESSY Monochromatic soft-X-ray line to complement AMO line No end station in initial configuration (consortium will loan) Fast-track schedule: operation in late 2009 Status: preparing Design Report for LCLS review in July If approved, get MOU by September
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 19 Plan 1, with AMO in Hutch 2 Plan 2, moving AMO to Hutch 1 Where to put SXR?
John Arthur X-ray June 17, 2008 20 Summary XTOD is building instruments at LLNL; XES is in final design phase This is a busy time for both groups The schedule to reach early science in July 2009 is tight, though risks to CD-4 milestones are very small LCLS is transitioning from project to facility SXR instrument is first example of a proposal for additional capability beyond LCLS baseline
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