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dSPACE DS1103 Control Workstation Tutorial and DC Motor Speed Control

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1 dSPACE DS1103 Control Workstation Tutorial and DC Motor Speed Control
By: Annemarie Thomas Advisor: Dr. Winfred Anakwa December 9, 2008

2 Outline Goals Project Description Current Progress References
Block Diagram, Functional Description, Requirements Current Progress References Schedule for Completion Equipment

3 Goals Decrease the learning curve for the use of the dSPACE DS1103 Workstation by future students by: Writing a Tutorial for use of the new DS1103 Workstation. Designing one or more controllers to control the speed of a DC motor. Implementing the controller design(s) using the DS1103 Workstation.

4 Block Diagram

5 Description/Requirements I
ControlDesk software: Installed on PC. Monitoring, Downloading, maybe Changing (Speed) Inputs. Controller: One or more designs. Simulink and RTI blocks. PWM Output through DS1103 PWM or D/A Output.

6 Description/Requirements II
Motor System: Input from DS1103 sent through Transistor or H-Bridge. Optical Encoder System: May have additional components between output of optical encoder and DS1103 A/D Input. CLP1103 LED/Connector Panel: A/D, D/A, PWM I/O to/from DS1103.

7 Current Controller Requirements
The DC motor speed controller designed/simulated using Simulink and dSPACE blocksets, Matlab-to-DSP interface libraries, the Real-Time Interface to Simulink, and Real-Time Workshop. Overshoot less than or equal to 5%. Rise time less than or equal to 20 ms. Steady-state error shall be less than or equal to 5 RPM.

8 Current Progress Reading/Reviewing of several hundred pages of guides/manuals. (Listed later.) Detecting the DS1103 Board using ControlDesk. Beginning work on A/D Converter input, Simulink gain block, and D/A Converter output, to obtain quick overview of simple interactions between DS1103 Board, ControlDesk, and the analog world. (Not actually setup correctly/completed yet.)

9 Simple Gain Setup

10 References I Guides/Manuals:
ControlDesk Experiment Guide For ControlDesk 3.2, Germany: dSPACE GmbH, 2008, Release 6.1. dSPACE System First Work Steps For DS1103, DS1104, DS1005, DS1006, and Micro Auto Box, Germany: dSPACE GmbH, 2007, Release 6.0. Real-Time Interface (RTI and RTI-MP) Implementation Guide, Germany: dSPACE GmbH, 2008, Release 6.1.

11 References II dSPACE Product Descriptions:
“DS1103 PPC Controller Board”, Germany: dSPACE, July 2008. “Connector and LED Panels,” Catalog 2008, Germany: dSPACE GmbH, 2008, p. 302.

12 Schedule for Completion
Week Week End Date Task 1 January 27 Write tutorial introduction 2 February 3 Verify motor parameters 3 February 10 Design/Simulate motor model and controller design in Simulink 4 February 17 Make required adjustments to model and download to DS1103 5 February 24 6 March 3 Design/Build/Test hardware for motor subsystem 7 March 10 Design/Build/Test hardware for optical encoder system 8 March 17* Make required adjustments to controller model to work with motor and hardware and download to DS1103 9 March 24* 10 March 31 11 April 7 Improve controller or Design/Build/Test additional controllers 12 April 14 13 April 21 14 April 28 Work on presentation/final report 15 May 5 Presentation 16 May 13 Final Exams * Spring Break is March 14 – March 22, 2009

13 Equipment I Workstation $14,000 dSPACE DS1103 system consisting of:
DS1103 Board. Expansion Box. CLP1103 PPC Connector and LED Panel. ControlDesk Version 3.2.2/Other dSPACE provided Software Applications. PC dedicated to the workstation containing other software applications required (Matlab/Simulink Version R2008a and libraries).

14 DS1103 Workstation

15 Equipment II Other Equipment Pittman DC Motor
(Model Part # GM9236C534-R2). Magtrol HB-420 Brake. Transistor or H-Bridge. Other electronic components as needed.

16 The End

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