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Incorporating Research into Your Paper (from Perspectives on Contemporary Issues)

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Presentation on theme: "Incorporating Research into Your Paper (from Perspectives on Contemporary Issues)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Incorporating Research into Your Paper (from Perspectives on Contemporary Issues)

2 MLA Style Two components: in-text citations and works cited list Parenthetical citations are part of the sentence but not part of the quotation When no author’s name is available, use abbreviated version of the title No punctuation between author’s name and page number

3 Paraphrasing Paraphrase=expression of author’s ideas in your own words (unlike a summary, not necessarily shorter than the original) Use a paraphrase when the wording of the original is not particularly impressive or memorable. Use parenthetical citations to indicate source. “A paper will be more interesting and more readable if you paraphrase more often than you quote” (64).

4 Quoting Use quotations when the wording is particularly memorable or apt. Make sure to reproduce the quoted passage exactly, and to place quotation marks accurately. Use brackets or ellipses if you must change the wording in a quotation (pp. 72-4). When possible, name the author as you lead into the quotation. Use parenthetical citations to indicate sources. Use single quotation marks to indicate a quotation within a quotation (p. 74).

5 Integrating Source Material: “Quotations cannot stand alone,” says Miss Russell. “Introduce all direct and indirect borrowings in some way” (SF Writer 92). Leading smoothly into source material (pp. 70-1) Indent quotations of more than four lines. (Do not use quotation marks for indented passages.)

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