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Quantum Oracles Jesse Dhillon, Ben Schmid, & Lin Xu CS/Phys C191 Final Project December 1, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantum Oracles Jesse Dhillon, Ben Schmid, & Lin Xu CS/Phys C191 Final Project December 1, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantum Oracles Jesse Dhillon, Ben Schmid, & Lin Xu CS/Phys C191 Final Project December 1, 2005

2 Introduction An oracle is the portion of an algorithm which can be regarded as a “black box” whose behavior can be relied upon –Theoretically, its implementation does not need to be specified –However, in practice, the implementation must be considered

3 Introduction Why do we use oracles? –Allows complexity comparisons between quantum and classical algorithms –Conceptually simplifies algorithms

4 Oracle Challenges Criteria for a good oracle implementation Speed Generality Feasibility

5 Speed Oracle has to be fast or it may simply be hiding exponential expense of your algorithm in a black box For example, imagine an oracle for an algorithm for finding primes in a given range

6 Generality Oracles test for answer –Implies reconfiguration of the oracle for each question Feasible? Consider 1940s classical computers, compared to modern ones –First computers could only do specific tasks

7 Feasibility QC supposed to be exponential speedup However, when n is small, exponential speedup is lost in overhead Intimately tied to method of physical realization

8 Physical Implementations Survey of different proposed and realized oracle implementations Optical Josephson junctions

9 Optical Is optical truly quantum? –Exponential increase in hardware requirements as qubit count increases –Entanglement? Effects of entanglement, without ability to test Bell- inequality

10 Optical But, –Very long coherence times –Single-qubit gates are easy to implement –Scalable cNOT and cSIGN have been demonstrated

11 Grover’s Optical Oracle Oracle in used in optical implementation of Grover’s search –Encoded with a marked state, flips the sign of that state 

12 Grover’s Optical Oracle Oracles demonstrated so far –Toy implementations, do not actually search through a database –Has a significant failure rate

13 Optical Oracles Programming an optical oracle is currently achievable –Uses beam splitters, wave plates, diffraction gratings, etc. Research suggests in certain cases, sub-exponential scalability may be possible

14 Josephson Charge Qubits Superconducting islands coupled via Josephson junctions Control of Voltage and Flux allow construction of any single or 2-qubit gate

15 How many possible oracles for general n-qubit test? Many!! 4 qubit Deutsch-Jozsa 1. Initialize 2. H  n 3. Oracle: |x  (-1) f(x) |x  4. H  n 5. Measure Determine whether a function f:{0,1} N  {0,1} Oracle encodes a single function

16 Single Qubit Gates Z-rotations generated via charging voltage & time X-rotations with zero charging voltage, and controlled by Josephson energy and time These two gates allow construction of any single qubit gate i.e. Hadamard

17 2 Qubit Gates CNOT is universal: now we can build the Oracle! Control Flux in interaction SQUID Control time of interaction

18 Constructing the Oracle Constructed of CNOT and controllable phase shifts Note: only nearest neighbor 2-qubit gates –Ring geometry Need 2 n -1 controllable phase gates to implement any n-qubit Deutsch-Jozsa Oracle

19 Josephson v. Optical Optical is cheap, simple –Exponential increases with N Josephson qubits can be entangled –Can construct any D-J oracle with multiple 2-qubit gates Josephson seems to offer better scalability and “true” quantum entanglement –Requires more research –Difficult to manufacture –Reconfigurability?

20 References N. Schuch & J. Siewert, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 233, No. 3, 482-489 (2002) J. L. Dodd, T. C. Ralph, & G. J. Milburn, Phys. Rev. A 68, 042328 (2003) P. G. Kwait, et al. quant-ph/9905086 v1 P. Londero, et al. Phys. Rev. A 69, 010302(R) (2004)

21 end

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