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Presentation on theme: "INVEST IN AMERICA MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT SOLUTIONS OVERVIEW Angel Santos NJCUL Business Consultant."— Presentation transcript:


2 Creating Member Value How it works Membership Enhancement Programs Impact – Its Working IIA Offers – Grow Loans, Generate Income & Transaction Volume Industry Support – BizKid$ Best Practices Integrating IIA into your core services

3 2009 CU Journal’s Innovation of the Year Award 2012 NCUF Herb Wegner Memorial Award for Outstanding Program

4 Credit unions can improve membership value and their bottom line with Invest in America, by linking exclusive discounts to their core services – Increase auto loans – and member loyalty through Credit Union Member Discount from GM – Enhance member value – Sprint*, TurboTax* and Member Connect*. – Earn non-interest income - income opportunities through the Sprint Credit Union Member Discount and Member Connect – Increase debit/credit card usage – by offering discounts from Shop America and other Member Rewards offers * Requires separate marketing agreements

5 Helps Credit Unions Drive: Member Retention/Loyalty Loan Growth Card Usage Income Provides Members With: Meaningful Discounts Cash Incentives & Rewards Increased Value of Membership

6 Credit unions integrate the various discounts into their value-proposition and connect/promote them with their core services to increase volume and the value of membership. Examples: – GM Discounts  Auto Loans – Shop America  Credit and Debit Cards – Sprint  Membership enhancement & revenue to support cu initiatives

7 Credit unions choose to support various offers based on their needs or goals: – Big Ticket - GM Preferred Pricing / Auto Nation Direct – provide opportunities to generate deeper loyalty and additional auto loans – Sprint Wireless Services* – Personal and business wireless provides opportunity to earn additional non-interest income – Membership Value – Sprint*, TurboTax*, and Member Connect* to deepen membership value and loyalty – Member Rewards – Shop America and all other Partner offers – provides opportunity to generate deeper loyalty and increased credit/debit card transactions For complete details or to sign up visit: * Requires separate marketing agreement

8 Partner Center provides credit union related information Credit Union Finder so potential members can find you Tips and tools to help members save money Consumer information on credit union differentiation Rotating banners regarding current offers Access via social media sites Member testimonials about why they love their credit union

9 MetricProgram to Date (Dec 08 – Dec 11) League Participation46 # Supporting Credit Unions3,330 % of CU membership80% # of CU members72,172,305 # Vehicle Sales492,603 # Sprint Supporting CUs1,572 # Sprint Activations1,373,987 $ CU Members saved on AutosOver $335 million $ CU Members saved on SprintMore than $165 million

10  State CU total in NJ = 206  NJ CUs Signed Up for IIA = 89 or 43.20%  2009 GM CU Sales in NJ = 1,210  2010 GM CU Sales in NJ = 841  2011 GM CU Sales in NJ = 761 / Total GM = 2,812  2009 Chrysler CU Sales in NJ = 596  2010 Chrysler CU Sales in NJ = 175 / Total Chrysler = 771 Grand Total IIA Auto Sales to date in NJ = 3,583

11 Eligible credit union members can purchase vehicles at the Preferred Price, which is a special discounted price that is less than the MSRP. The Credit Union Member Discount from GM can be combined with most current incentives to save even more.

12 Preferred Pricing on GM vehicles to help drive loans CU loan links on GM discount microsite Generated over 490,000 auto loans since inception Promote greater member savings with your low loan rates on top of the GM discount Enhance value of membership

13 Members can save hundreds, even thousands, with GM’s preferred pricing on a new Chevrolet, Buick or GMC Vehicle Members can access their credit union’s loan application right from the IIA GM credit union microsite Members can stack the discount with most other GM incentives for additional savings

14 Credit Union Loan links on GM micro-sites: IIA is currently collecting credit union loan page links to add to our micro sites: – Easy access to your loan app or loan page – Drive more auto loans to your credit union and extend GM Preferred Pricing to your members Find a Credit Union tab added below Find a Dealer GM Credit Union Micro Site

15 Special Promotions GM Private Offer – Ran for 2 months 11/2/10 – 1/3/11 – Member incentive of $1,000 – Stackable on: Credit Union Member Discount Other Public Incentives AND Employee Pricing.

16 Special Promotions Owner Loyalty Cash – $1,000 – From time to time GM has Owner Loyalty promotions where GM owners may be eligible to receive $1,000 toward the purchase of an eligible GM Vehicle!

17 Report s located on Partner Center and are exportable to Excel for easy use GM authorization request report identifies members that requested a code from GM – Includes street and e-mail addresses Hot leads you can use to follow up with members! Additional reports identify sales for Member Rewards Program Credit UnionFirst NameLast NameAddressCityStateZipEmailRegistration Date Status Sample Credit UnionGeorgeSmith39832 Spacely DrNoviMI48188CUMember@YAHOO.COM3/19/2011Requested Sample Credit UnionJaneJones25797 CoggswellSouthfieldMI48178CUMember@ATT.NET3/18/2011Requested Sample Credit UnionJudyO'Hara45090 Rosy LaneFarmingtonMI48170CUMember@HOTMAIL.COM3/16/2011Submitted Sample Credit UnionElroyReed8203 Astro DrWayneMI48185CUMember@COMCAST.NET3/12/2011Requested

18 Exclusive/special incentives that help drive membership value and income for you

19 Marketing incentives for participation is a great way for credit unions to earn non-interest income Effective tool to promote the added-value of membership FREE marketing materials for statement mailings, web site and in- branch distribution Unique offers available only from Sprint Sprint handles all member service needs Opportunities to work with local Sprint stores to support community businesses

20 Member Discounts – 10% off most regularly priced service plans – Waived activation fee on new accounts – Waived upgrade fees Business Discounts – 15% discount on most corporate recurring charges – Waived activation (new accounts) and upgrade fees – Equipment discounts – 20% off accessories

21 Contract Year = October 1 of each year – September 30 of the following year Place a Sprint insert in one quarterly mailing per year Display Sprint take ones and posters in credit union lobbies Publish approved Sprint articles in 2 quarterly newsletters Place Sprint web banner on credit union web site All Marketing materials are provided FREE of charge! Get started now and join over 1,500 credit unions already supporting the Sprint CU Member Discount Program!

22 PartnerPremiumStandard Member Offer 10% Member, 15% Business discount Waived Activation and upgrade fees 10% Member, 15% Business discount Waived Activation and upgrade fees Credit Union Requirements Promote Sprint Exclusively * Quarterly statement insert mailer Display lobby materials Post-approved newsletter articles twice each contract year Display approved Sprint Banner on CU website *Credit union earns 100% potential commission Non-Exclusive* Quarterly statement insert mailer Display lobby materials Post-approved newsletter articles twice each contract year Display approved Sprint Banner on CU website *Credit Union earns 50% potential commission 73 New Jersey CUs supporting / 1,572 Nationally!

23 Marketing Schedule NEW participating CUs in their 1st Contract Year will receive incentives as follows: First Year Quarterly Insert Mailing = % of incentive CU will earn: October ’11 = 100% January ’12 = 75% April ’12 = 50% - Sign Up Deadline is March 1, 2012! July ’12 = 25% In the second and following Contract Years, assuming all requirements are fulfilled, participating CUs will receive 100% regardless of what month they do their quarterly statement mailing. *The Contact Year runs from October 1 – September 30 of the following year. Marketing Incentives are paid in December.

24 Poster Take-One Web Banners


26 Enhance Online Banking Services: 81% of TurboTax users also use online banking Build Member Loyalty: 95% of members felt favorable toward their credit union for making a TurboTax discount available Retain Members: 64% of credit union members would go to Turbo Tax directly or go to another financial institution if it was no longer offered by their credit union. Provide a Member Appreciated Discount: 52% of members purchased TurboTax through their credit union website due to discount Increase Assets: 82% of CUSG credit union members directly deposited their tax refund with the credit union offering TurboTax to them. Cross-Sell Products & Services: Drive traffic your website to increase awareness about your other products and services

27 Partner LevelPromoterParticipant Member Offer 15% All Federal Products 10% Federal Deluxe (only) Credit Union Requirements Send two or more dedicated TurboTax emails to members (early January and mid March) TurboTax banner above-the-fold on your homepage (December – April) TurboTax banner or Text Link above –the-fold on on-line banking page(s) (December – April) TurboTax banner above-the-fold on your homepage (December – April) TurboTax banner or Text Link above – the-fold on on-line banking page(s) (December – April) Sweepstakes Participation Enroll at the Promoter Level Send at least 1 email by 1/26/12 with a link to the co-branded sweepstakes microsite Place a sweepstakes banner & link to the sweepstakes cobranded microsite above-the fold on the home page of the CUs web site & OLB home page or account summary page from 1/5/12 – 2/21/12 Include sweepstakes messaging on an insert/e-statement or newsletter by 1/26/12 NA

28 Standard Size and Custom Web Banners HTML E-mail Templates Free Lobby Posters and Co-Branded Statement Inserts Shipped to Your Mailing House Co-Branded TurboTax Website with Your CU Logo and a Cross-Sell Banner 15% Discount on All Federal Products Members who start a TurboTax return will be entered into a sweepstakes

29 Provide discounted tax prep services to the 60% of your members that prefer to file their taxes with a local tax professional Premium CU member instant discount: $30.00 Off CUSG provides free, co-branded printed coupons to include in your December or January statements. JH provides national coverage: Over 6,000 tax preparation offices during tax season Convenient office locations near the vast majority of your members Unlike other tax prep franchises, JH doesn’t use tax prep as a tool to acquire customers from Financial Institutions FREE Accuracy Guarantee* with every paid return No appointment necessary FREE Refund Estimate * Terms and conditions apply. Ask a tax preparer for details. Over 300 credit unions partnered with CUTS last year to offer Jackson Hewitt

30 1.CUSG funds and provides all marketing collateral: Coupons, statement stuffers, newsletter articles, email templates 2.Your credit union promotes JH offering to members 3.Your members receive a hard copy coupon via statement stuffer, in-branch and/or printing a website pdf 4.Your members redeem the coupon at Jackson Hewitt office and receive an instant $30 discount 5.JH/CUSG track all JH coupon redemptions and provide report at the end of tax season Sample Co-Branded Coupon

31 Incentives on every day items that help drive card usage and membership value – Shop America – Direct TV – Dell – Tax Services – Members Auto/Home – FTD – Allied

32 Free ready-to use marketing materials including: Customization and campaign execution services available Monthly newsletter Frontline Staff Resource Guide National program support Email blasts Newsletter articles Take Ones E-Statement Artwork On-hold Messages Statement Inserts Logos Posters Website banners

33 Support for Industry Initiatives National underwriting of Biz Kid$, an Emmy Award winning and credit union funded public television series that teaches kids about money management and entrepreneurship 2010 – $700k direct from IIA – $300k more from CUs and leagues donating 10% of their Sprint marketing incentives Reaches more than 192 million households each week, and has reached 1.2 million students and teachers via the companion classroom curriculum since the series’ launch in January 2008

34 Digital FCU - MA At left DCU created an internal page detailing the IIA discounts to their members. DCU has been on board with IIA since the beginning. “Invest in America aligns with our vision that ‘All Members Achieve Their Financial Goals’ meaning we want to be the catalyst and the cheerleader for our members long- term financial success.” John LaHair Public Relations Manager Digital FCU GM, Turbo Tax & Member Rewards!!

35 Langley FCU - VA At left they built the Shop Langley page to feature IIA discounts and offers to members. “We’re always looking for ways to enhance the value of membership. The program has grown and now offers a variety of great deals and our members truly appreciate their credit union making these savings available.” Brett Noll SVP/Chief Marketing Officer Langley FCU GM & Member Rewards!!

36 Hudson Valley FCU - NY At left they promote the GM IIA Preferred Pricing Discount! They use the IIA CU member discounts to boost their auto loan volume & credit card transactions. “We tie the IIA discounts to our core services like auto loan, credit card and mortgages.” Brian Kelly Channel Marketing Manager Hudson Valley FCU GM, Turbo Tax & Member Rewards!!

37 Prominently display the Invest in America program marketing materials in your lobbies - posters and take ones Prominently display the IIA web banner that links to, on the home page of the credit union’s website Publish quarterly IIA article in credit union’s newsletter Use the poster as a flyer in your new membership packets and SEG communications Send the emails created by Invest in America to your credit union members who have opted in to receive communications from you

38 Create an internal page on your website which lists out in detail all the credit union member discounts available. Create a web banner on your homepage which links to that page for easy navigation Use the videos created by CU Solutions Group in your digital displays to encourage members to learn more about Invest in America Promote Invest in America on your outdoor electric signs, drive thru wraps and ATMs Place ads in your local paper and local news websites Include discounts in your credit union’s Member Rewards Program Promote Invest in America on your most visited website pages.

39 Recommend steps for getting started: Select the IIA programs that fits your credit union’s goals and objectives Visit 47.html to sign up to support the IIA Big Ticket or Member Rewards program or obtain a Sprint Marketing Agreement 47.html Train staff and distribute frontline staff resource guide (e-mailed the first of every month to supporting credit unions) Provide Invest in America with a link to your loan application page to make that available from the GM credit union micro site Utilize available materials to inform your member

40 Curt Belaney National Business Consultant, CUSG (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia) 800.262.6285 x 543 QUESTIONS?? Please contact Angel Santos, Business Consultant, NJCUL, at (609) 448-2426 ext. 109 Or


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