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The Oil and Gas Industry in Alberta: The Oilsands.

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Presentation on theme: "The Oil and Gas Industry in Alberta: The Oilsands."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Oil and Gas Industry in Alberta: The Oilsands

2 Map Courtesy of CAPP and Calgary Herald

3 Examples of Proposed Tar Sands Investments ProjectLocationCost Bbl/day Start-Up Nexen Long Lake Ft McM.$3 Bil. 70K Cdn Nat Res. Horizon$8.5 B 232K Shell Cda Jackpine Ft. McM.$2 B 70K TrueNorth Fort Hills$3.5B Albion Muskeg R. Ft. McM.$1.8 B 155K ConocoPhillips Surmont Ft. McM$1B 110K Syncrude Phase 3 Ft. McM$5.7B Husky Tucker Cold Lake $0.5B 35K2006 Husky Sunshine Ft. McM$2.5B 200K2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suncor Millenium Ft. McM$3.4Balready

4 The Importance of the Oil Sands Similar reserves to Saudi Arabia. Will replace conventional oil in Canada. A source for export to USA (recall USA concerns over security of supply). Will produce ½ of Cdn oil by 2005 or 06. Along with rising price of oil and natural gas, is an engine driving the current Alberta boom The new “megaprojects”: Numerous new plants or expansions are planned, each at several billion dollars before cost over-runs. Total = $63 Billion Major impact on Ft. McMurray (boom town again) and nearby First Nations

5 Importance of Oil Sands (cont’d) Not just Ft. McMurray; Cold Lake, too. Also. Undeveloped near Peace River. Major emissions of “greenhouse gases”, which contribute to global warming. Major user of water (esp. steam injection) Uses much energy to produce oil

6 Drag Line Machine

7 Digger, Drag Line Bucket & Bus


9 Buffalo Sculpture near Syncrude Mine, North of Ft. McMurray

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