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September 11, 2001 Age/Grade: 15 yrs/10 th grade Emily Groben.

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Presentation on theme: "September 11, 2001 Age/Grade: 15 yrs/10 th grade Emily Groben."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 11, 2001 Age/Grade: 15 yrs/10 th grade Emily Groben

2 Lesson Objective  Show video:  Group research project -Worksheet -5-10 Minute Video, including opinions  Pre-screen websites: + 11th/index.cfm, 11th/index.cfm 11th/index.cfm  + 2004/6/17/125037.shtml 2004/6/17/125037.shtml 2004/6/17/125037.shtml  + 559151.stm 559151.stm 559151.stm

3 Introduce the Learning Activity  Learn about the WTC and Pentagon in 2001  Important to know America’s history  Groups of 4  3 days on worksheet, 2 on video/iMovie  Be recorded on the video

4 Provide Information  Show news clip  On overhead projector  Worksheet: -Who was attacked -What flights were hijacked -When the attacks took place -Where the attacks were

5 Provide Practice  Break into same groups  Computer lab for worksheet  Go home and research  4 th and 5 th days would be for making video in the computer lab

6 Provide Knowledge of Results  Go around the class  At end of 3 rd day go over worksheet  Answer questions  Write notes on board to see correct answers

7 Review the Activity  At end of each day, ask where they ended  Any questions  Reminded of how much they had to research  How far they had to be done  Reminded that their video was due the 5 th day

8 Method of Assessment  Watch videos  Grade on how well they did  Grade worksheets  Watch for pictures and opinions

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