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Düsseldorf, 25.08.2009 Cluster Policy in North Rhine-Westphalia A tool to support innovativeness and economic performance in 16 thematic fields.

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1 Düsseldorf, 25.08.2009 Cluster Policy in North Rhine-Westphalia A tool to support innovativeness and economic performance in 16 thematic fields

2 Cluster Policy in North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, 25.8.2009Dr. B. Hausberg/ Dr. S. Stahl-Rolf NRW cluster strategy  Structural framework for the cluster policy in NRW (cross-departmental)  Support through the respective functionally responsible departments of the state government.  Promoting visibility and development in 16 exceptionally strong areas (cluster management and cluster competition) in terms of a policy of "strengthening strengths" Press release on cluster strategy (March 2007): werden-2678/

3 Cluster Policy in North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, 25.8.2009Dr. B. Hausberg/ Dr. S. Stahl-Rolf Cluster projects embedded in state-wide cluster structures Structural policy impact of the projects recommended for funding goes far beyond the confines of an individual lead applicant's sphere of influence (=cluster effects.) Stimulating such state-wide innovation processes and strengthening the value -added chains are top priorities of the programme. Cluster managements Cluster competitions

4 Cluster Policy in North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, 25.8.2009Dr. B. Hausberg/ Dr. S. Stahl-Rolf Cluster managements  Manage their respective thematic areas and contribute to cluster-effects.  They are promoters and moderators for topics of the future („cross- innovation“),  initiate and realize projects that are characteristic of the clusters (cross- department, cross-policy-level and collaborative activity),  are active partners in the creation of innovation-friendly conditions,  engage in regional, state-wide, national and international partnering (with universities, SME, large enterprises, stakeholders etc.),  offer attractive support services to partners,  support public awareness in cooperation with the state government.

5 Cluster Policy in North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, 25.8.2009Dr. B. Hausberg/ Dr. S. Stahl-Rolf Thematic fields Healthcare businessMedical technology; hospital of the future; rehabilitation and healthcare LogisticsThe ten previously existing industrial sector advisory committees set the thematic focal points independently ICT RFID and sensor networks; SOA/SaaS; mobile communications; geo-information; broadband; Smart Cities; IT security PlasticsQualification; innovation Food business Export promotion; regional marketing; stimulation of R&D projects; formation of networks; stimulation of quality; trainee programme AutomotiveEfficient drivetrain concepts; safety and comfort; conservation of resources BiotechnologyIndustrial biotechnology, biomedicine; 3rd topic still open Production Strengthen and maintain performance in the industrial sector; bundle and promote interests in the industrial sector; promotion of NRW as a manufacturing location; networking of players Environmental technologies Water and wastewater technologies; forward-thinking disposal techniques; technologies for maintaining clean air; land reclamation technologies; instrument and control technologies; resource efficiency; eco- friendly products Energy region Power plant technology; fuel cells and hydrogen; energy-efficient and solar construction; fuels and drive systems of the future; photovoltaics; biomass Energy research Centralised energy production; decentralised energy production; biological generation of energy carriers; energy grids; energy economy

6 Cluster Policy in North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, 25.8.2009Dr. B. Hausberg/ Dr. S. Stahl-Rolf

7 Cluster Policy in North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, 25.8.2009Dr. B. Hausberg/ Dr. S. Stahl-Rolf Calls in 2009 Automotive+Produktion.NRW CheK.NRW ElektroMobil.NRW Energie.NRW familie@unternehmen.NRW InnoMeT.NRW Ressource.NRW Create.NRW Cluster competitions 22 Calls in 2007 and 2008 1514 Proposals with 5,000 co- operation partners 422 Funded Projects 600 Mio. EUR mobilized (EU structural funds, state funds, private funds) Target groups SME (according to EU definition) and industry Technological and scientific infrastructure Universities, universities of applied science, research institutions Regional actors

8 Cluster Policy in North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, 25.8.2009Dr. B. Hausberg/ Dr. S. Stahl-Rolf Award criteria of cluster competitions Contribution to general aims of NRW-EU-objective-2-programme (40%) Improvement of competitiveness Improvement of innovativeness Creation and preservation of jobs Contribution to horizontal aims of objective-2-Programme (10%) Equal opportunities Sustainable development Contribution to specific aims of competition (50 %) Strengthening the value chain Transfer of knowledge and know-how Technological quality Co-operative character of project Future and market relevance of project results Contribution to overall economic performance Mobilization of private funds and financial sustainability

9 Cluster Policy in North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, 25.8.2009Dr. B. Hausberg/ Dr. S. Stahl-Rolf NRW Cluster Agency  provides a platform for the inter-disciplinary exchange of information and experience  promotes networking of the 16 state clusters  realises additional potential for innovation among the 16 clusters (cross-innovation)  offers advice and assistance to the clusters to help them raise funds  is responsible for cross-cluster public relations work

10 Cluster Policy in North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, 25.8.2009Dr. B. Hausberg/ Dr. S. Stahl-Rolf Tools of the NRW cluster secretariat for international cooperation ObjectivesActivities Provision of basic knowledge for interested parties from abroad  English-language Internet site (cluster portraits, possible English news channel) Internationalisation of cross- innovation projects  Taking international aspects into account in the identification of cross- innovation topics and in the generation of mind maps Experience exchange support  Creation of online working groups Needs-based provision of information  Information on the offerings of state institutions (financing, economic development, location marketing), needs-based compilation and communication of information of the German federal government (e.g. gtai, BMWi, BMBF) or the EU (e.g. cordis) Project development support  Information events on specific programmes  Support in the search for cooperation partners (via partner network)  Support in drafting the project International partnering / political networking  Participation in meetings with partner regions (NL, Belgium)  Reception of delegations and participation in delegation trips

11 Cluster Policy in North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, 25.8.2009Dr. B. Hausberg/ Dr. S. Stahl-Rolf Contact Dr. Bernhard Hausberg, Dr. Silke Stahl-Rolf NRW Cluster Agency c/o VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH VDI-Platz 1 D-40468 Düsseldorf Fon +49 (0) 211 62 14-4 50 Fax +49 (0) 211 62 14-1 68

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