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Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 High Level Trigger for the ttH channel in fully hadronic decay at LHC with the CMS detector.

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Presentation on theme: "Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 High Level Trigger for the ttH channel in fully hadronic decay at LHC with the CMS detector."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 High Level Trigger for the ttH channel in fully hadronic decay at LHC with the CMS detector Daniele Benedetti On behalf of CMS Collaboration

2 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 Outlook Reason for studying ttH channel Study of the data acquisition Current Higgs mass limits The role of the LHC collider CMS data acquisition system The Level 1 Trigger The High Level Trigger (HLT) ttH in fully hadronic decay

3 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Circumference: 27 Km Energy CM (p-p)=14 TeV Hadronic Calorimeter Electromagnetic Calorimeter Tracker  Chambers

4 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 Higgs mass prevision From Lep measures Higgs mass > 114.1 GeV at 95% C.L. With the new world average for: M H <251 GeV (2  ) 95% C.L. M top = (178.0 ± 4.3) GeV And the best estimate for Higgs mass is: M H =117 GeV

5 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 Interactions at LHC Production of quarks b Production of quarks top Production of Higgs 

6 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 Higgs observability For M H  (120-130) GeV Cross Section Branching Ratio Expected Background Observability gg  H  bb P1+D1 No gg  H   P1+D2 Yes gg  ttH  ttbb P2+D1 ? P1 D2 D1 P2

7 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 The Channel ttH Fully hadronic final state 8 (or more) jets in the final state and 4 from quark b quark Hadronization jets M H =120 GeV Branching Ratio W  qq 67.6% H (120 GeV)  bb 71.3% Total hadronic 32.6%  (pb) ttH (LO) 0.5773 ttH(NLO) 0.7015 ttH hadronic (LO) 0.1881 ttH hadronic (NLO) 0.2286

8 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 Background considered Cross Section (mb) Exepected rate at low Luminosity (2x10 33 cm -2 s -1 ) QCD(30<p T <50 GeV)0.195770~4x10 5 QCD(50<p T <80 GeV)0.025870~ 5x10 4 QCD(80<p T <120 GeV)0.003629~ 7.3x10 3 QCD(120<p T <170 GeV)0.000619~ 1.2x10 3 For the trigger study we used non resonant background. The QCD samples are datasets of the official CMS Production 2002

9 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 CMS Trigger 10 5 events/s (Hz) Use of  chamber and calorimeters 100 Hz Also using tracker Interaction p-p: 40 MHz Total reduction factor >10 5 L1 HLT

10 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 Eff ttHRate QCD 4 E T > 40 GeV 80 % 1 KHz 4 E T > 50 GeV 65 %~200 Hz Rate(s -1 )=eff x  (mb) x 10 27 x L(cm -2 s -1 ) Luminosity=2x10 33 cm -2 s -1 p p T  E T Trigger L1 ttH hadronic

11 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 Fast b-tagging for HLT jet vs vp d0d0 d0d0 Regional Tracking Conditional Tracking Only tracks within a jet cone  R=0.4  R 2 = (  jet  tracks ) 2 +(  jet  tracks ) 2  (  jet,  jet ) from L1 jet reconstruction Limited number of hits Pt tracks in pixel line > 2 Gev/c d o resolution p t resolution d o = impact parameter

12 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 High Level Trigger We use the Tracker information to recognise the jets from quark b Partial reconstruction 5 hits track reco 0.4 cone 2 GeV pxl line Pt cut Requiring SIP 2D > 2 We reject more QCD than signal SIP2D = Significance of impact parameter in 2D Sip2D tracks Black = ttH hadronic Red = QCD Sip2D= d 0  d 0

13 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 High Level Trigger The b-tagging is a track counting algorithm: 2 tracks at different SIP2D For 1 b-tagging jet 0.5 < Sip2D < 5 For 2,3,4 b-tagging jet 0.5 < Sip2D <2.5 2 tracks with Sip2D>2.0: 85% sig eff 25% QCD eff Preselection E T >10 GeV

14 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 2 tracks with Sip2D>2.0: 30 Hz QCD Rate with 60 % Eff High Level Trigger (100 Hz) 4 jets with E T >50 GeV 1,2,3,4 b-tagged jet Requiring: Energy Trigger + b-tagging

15 Daniele Benedetti CMS and University of Perugia Chicago 07/02/2004 Conclusions With the L1 Trigger (4 jets with E T >50 GeV) we obtain 65% signal efficiency at ~200 Hz of QCD rate. With the High Level Trigger we can decrease the QCD rate to 30 Hz still selecting 60% of signal events. …next steps Study the offline reconstruction and estimate the signal significance with respect to the resonant backgrounds.

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