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Avian Influenza Preparedness: Observations from World Bank Project Development in South Asia S. Ostroff Aug 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Avian Influenza Preparedness: Observations from World Bank Project Development in South Asia S. Ostroff Aug 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Avian Influenza Preparedness: Observations from World Bank Project Development in South Asia S. Ostroff Aug 2006

2 Context WB involvement stems from Jan 06 Beijing AI donors conference $500m loan fund Manage ~$250m multi-donor trust fund Program known as Global Program on Avian Influenza (GPAI)

3 Bank Process Very structured Assessment, pre-appraisal, appraisal, approval Multi-person teams of technical experts Current involvement –Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan –Two with AI, four without

4 GPAI Framework Government endorsed national AI plan Single, unified proposal from government High level involvement/coordination Focus –Animal health –Human health –Public information/education

5 Observations I National plans highly variable –Content –Quality –Process & result largely driven by international agencies (WHO, FAO) Sub-optimal interaction between animal & human health at all levels Minimal coordination with other parts of government, private sector, NGOs, etc

6 Observations II Surveillance infrastructures weak –Anecdotal rather than systematic Communications challenges Response teams variable Lab capacity poses challenges



9 Observations III Personal protective equipment for culling activities Designation of culling workers Training of culling workers Ability to monitor culling workers Antiviral & seasonal vaccine Communications strategy

10 Observations IV COMPENSATION Quarantine zones Disposal Decontamination


12 Kapisa “Provincial Hospital”

13 Questions?

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