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Presented by IBM developer Works 2006 January – April © 2006 IBM Corporation. Making the most of The Java Development Tools project.

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1 Presented by IBM developer Works 2006 January – April © 2006 IBM Corporation. Making the most of The Java Development Tools project

2 3-2 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works What we'll cover here  The JDT environment  Creating and running a program  Automating testing with JUnit  Using Ant and javadoc

3 Presented by IBM developer Works 2006 January – April © 2006 IBM Corporation. Making the most of The JDT environment

4 3-4 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works The Java Development Tools  A set of tools for writing, compiling, testing, and debugging Java code.  Note: Compiling happens automatically whenever you save your code. It's not a separate step.  The Eclipse SDK includes the Java tools. See if you want to learn more about the project.

5 3-5 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works JDT perspectives  The most useful perspectives for Java development are Java and Debug.  There are also the Java Browsing and Java Type Hierarchy perspectives.  We'll look at the Java perspective now; we'll cover the Eclipse Debugger later.

6 3-6 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works The Java perspective Syntax-aware Java editor Class hierarchy Class outline

7 3-7 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works The Java editor  As you'd expect from a world-class IDE, Eclipse has a color-coded Java editor.  As you type, it automatically highlights the Java syntax and indents your code.  If there are errors, they're indicated when you save the file (if not before).

8 3-8 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works The Java editor

9 3-9 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Code assist  If you type Ctrl+Space, Eclipse shows you the relevant method signatures and the javadoc for each.  This works for code you write as well as the standard Java libraries.  You don't have to run javadoc against your code for this to work. The documentation above comes from the comment in the source code.

10 3-10 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Globalization  Eclipse has an "Externalize Strings" function that helps you manage translation or localization of your projects.

11 3-11 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Other great features  Generate getters and setters automatically  "Quick Fix" certain problems  Automatically organize import statements  Add imports as necessary, remove unused imports, specify which imports are used  Refactoring code  Rename classes, methods, fields  Create an interface from a class  Move classes, methods, fields

12 Presented by IBM developer Works 2006 January – April © 2006 IBM Corporation. Making the most of Creating and running a program

13 3-13 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating and running code  It's a short process: 1.Create a Java project 2.Create a Java package 3.Create a Java class in that package 4.Set up a run configuration 5.Run your code This can be confusing to newcomers; compiling and building is not a separate step.

14 3-14 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating a Java project  Start with File  New  Project…  Choose Java Project, give it a name and click Finish.

15 3-15 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating a Java Project  If you click Next after you give your project a name, you'll see other options. You can use these to set the classpath of your project, among other things.

16 3-16 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating a Java package  To create a Java package, right-click on your new project in the Package Explorer, then choose New  Package…

17 3-17 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating a Java package  Enter a name for your package.  If you break Java style rules (maybe your package begins with an uppercase letter), Eclipse reminds you.

18 3-18 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating a Java package  Your new package appears in the Package Explorer beneath your project.

19 3-19 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating a Java class  To create a Java class, right-click on your new package in the Package Explorer, then choose New  Class.

20 3-20 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating a Java class  Enter a name for your class.  Eclipse reminds you of style rules here as well.  You can set the details of your class, including its superclasses, visibility and interfaces.

21 3-21 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating a Java class  Your new class appears in the Package Explorer beneath your package.  Eclipse also opens the source file for your class in the Java editor.

22 3-22 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works A shortcut  You can create a new package and a new class at the same time.  Simply create a new class and enter a new package name in the wizard.

23 3-23 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Running your code  To run your code, right-click on the Java file, then choose Run As  Java Application.

24 3-24 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Running your code  Because this is a console application (it uses System.out.println ), you'll see the output in the Console view. System.outin blackSystem.err in redSystem.inin green  By default, System.out is displayed in black, System.err is displayed in red and shows up in green.  If the Console doesn't appear, you can open it through Window  Show View…

25 3-25 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Re-running your code  Once you've run your code, a reference to it appears in the Run menu. You can click your program's name in the Run History menu to run it again.  Run Last Launched (Ctrl+F11) does the same thing.

26 3-26 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating a run configuration  In some cases you need a run configuration.  This lets you set command-line parameters, JVM options, etc.  Select your project in the Package Explorer, then choose Run  Run…

27 3-27 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Scrapbook pages  You can create a scrapbook page with the Java tools. A scrapbook page lets you enter and execute lines of Java code without building a class to hold them.  The wizard to create a new scrapbook page is under New  Java  Java Run/Debug.

28 3-28 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Scrapbook pages  You can highlight some code, right-click on it, then choose Inspect, Display or Execute.  Our sample code here is System.out.println ("Here's the value of PI: " + Math.PI);  If you choose Execute, the selected code is executed. In this example, we've highlighted the entire line of code; executing it writes to the console.

29 3-29 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Scrapbook pages  If you choose Inspect, the scrapbook page shows you the value of whatever you've highlighted.  In this example, we've only highlighted Math.PI, not the whole line of code.  Display inserts the value of whatever you've highlighted.

30 Presented by IBM developer Works 2006 January – April © 2006 IBM Corporation. Making the most of Automating testing with JUnit

31 3-31 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Automating testing with JUnit  JUnit was created by programming legends Kent Beck and Erich Gamma.  It makes it easy to implement Test-Driven Development (TDD), (sometimes called Test First Development).  Eclipse has JUnit support built in.

32 3-32 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating test cases  Right-click on a Java file and choose New  Other…

33 3-33 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating test cases  Select Java/JUnit on the left and TestCase on the right, then click Next.

34 3-34 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating test cases  When you create a JUnit test case, you name the test case (it's a Java class) as well as the Java class tested by the test case.

35 3-35 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating test cases  Eclipse gives you a list of all the public methods in your class and its superclasses. You decide which ones should be part of the JUnit test class.

36 3-36 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Creating test cases  In this example, we ask Eclipse to generate a JUnit TestCase for the getGreeting() method.  The complete testGetGreeting() method is: public void testGetGreeting() { HelloWorld hw = new HelloWorld(); assertEquals("Hello, World!", hw.getGreeting()); }  We're saying that getGreeting() should always return the string " Hello, World! "

37 3-37 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Running test cases  Our test case is the Java class TestHelloWorld.  To run the class, select the test class in the Package Explorer, then choose Run As  JUnit Test.

38 3-38 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Running test cases  The results of running your test case appear in the JUnit view.  Green is good…  You can also create and run JUnit TestSuite s. A TestSuite is an ordered collection of TestCase s.

39 3-39 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Using JUnit  You define more TestCase s and TestSuite s as your project progresses.  You run the JUnit tests to make sure any changes you've made haven't broken your code.

40 Presented by IBM developer Works 2006 January – April © 2006 IBM Corporation. Making the most of Using Ant and javadoc

41 3-41 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Using Ant  Ant ( ) is an XML- and Java-based build tool.  Designed to have the same functionality as make without its quirks  You don't need a tab character at the start of each line, for example.  You can extend Ant to do other tasks if you want.

42 3-42 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Using Ant  An Ant build file (named build.xml by default) can define a number of targets.  You can define which target gets built from the command line (or the Eclipse equivalent), or let Ant figure out which one should be created.

43 3-43 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Using Ant  Once you've created your build.xml file (or whatever you choose to call it), you can right-click on it and choose Run Ant…

44 3-44 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Using javadoc  You can export your project to javadoc.  When you do this, Eclipse runs javadoc against your code and exports the generated files to the directory you choose.

45 3-45 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Using javadoc  When you generate the javadoc s, you specify which packages and classes should be processed.  You can also decide which class members are processed (public, protected, private)

46 3-46 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Using javadoc  You can customize the files that are generated, such as index pages or navigation bars.  If you want, you can create links to the standard Java libraries.

47 3-47 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Using javadoc  The generated documentation is put in the docs folder of your project by default.

48 Presented by IBM developer Works 2006 January – April © 2006 IBM Corporation. Making the most of Summary

49 3-49 Making the most of © 2006 IBM Corporation. Presented by IBM developer Works Summary  We've covered (although very quickly) the Java development functions in Eclipse, including:  Various automatic coding features  How to create and run Java code  Automating testing with JUnit  Using ant and javadoc inside Eclipse

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