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Optinuity Confidential. All rights reserved. C2O Configuration Requirements.

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Presentation on theme: "Optinuity Confidential. All rights reserved. C2O Configuration Requirements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optinuity Confidential. All rights reserved. C2O Configuration Requirements

2 2 Setup – Hardware & Configuration C2O Server and Agent  Minimum Single 2.0GHz processor or greater 1 Gig Memory 20-40 Gig Disk space  Recommended Dual 3.2GHz processors or greater 2 Gig Memory or greater 80 Gig Disk space or greater C2O Server  Linux (RH AS 3.0, 4.0, RH ES 3.0, 4.0, Fedora, Debian)  Solaris (8, 9, 10)  Windows (2K, 2K3, XP)  HP-Ux (10, 11, 11i)  Aix (4.x, 5.x) C2O Agent  Linux (RH AS, ES, Fedora, Debian)  Solaris (8, 9, 10)  Windows (2K, 2K3, XP)  HP-Ux (10, 11, 11i)  Aix (4.x, 5.x)

3 3 Setup – Hardware & Configuration C2O Repository  Minimum Single 2.0GHz processor or greater 2 Gig Memory 80 Gig Disk space or greater  Recommended Dual 3.2GHz processors or greater 4 Gig Memory or greater 80 Gig Disk space or greater Supported Databases  MySQL  Oracle  Jet Engine - Access DAO  Sybase  SQL Server  DB2 Notes:  Some Database versions may not be supported  Some OS/Databases may not be supported  Need DBO Access for C2O Database

4 4 Setup – Firewalls C2O uses TCP/IP and UDP/IP for communications  Does not use Privileged Ports  One Default Named Port 5035  Twenty Default Anonymous ports Firewall changes  Require a block of twenty TCP/IP and UDP/IP ports  Have to be open bi-directionally  Cannot be in the Anonymous port range  Recommended Values: 5035 – 5055 Other  Require SFTP module activated on machines for Agent-less Version  Require a non-login User Id for C2O on UNIX machines (if not started as root)  Each Node on the machine requires its own port range  Backup Node on the machine requires its own port range  DBO Access for creating the C2O Database

5 5 Setup – Java JRE C2O Server requires Java JRE v1.5 or above  This is for Java Alerts JavaMail (SMTP) JTAPI (Telephony) C2OWSD requires JRE v1.5 or above  Java based Web Services Daemon Flow invocations through: –SNMP Traps –SMTP Mail –FTP –HTTP/SOAP Other  Ensure Environment variables are set appropriately

6 6 Setup – Footprint Information C2O Server and Agent:  RedHat Linux  Sun Solaris  Fedora Linux  AIX 5.1  AIX 4.3 150 to 200 Meg  HP-UX 11 200 to 225 Meg C2O Agent Only  SCO 200 to 225 Meg C2O Client Browser  MS Windows 120 – 150 Meg

7 7 Setup – Additional Software Requirements C2O requires:  Korn Shell as the default shell for executing scripts on UNIX platforms  Java JRE 1.5 or above for Server Alert and Mail  OpenSSL/SSH for Agent-less Connectivity

8 8 Setup – Upgrading from SKEmatix Upgrading from SKEmatix (previous versions) to C2O  C2O will run on the same platform configurations as SKEmatix  Java JRE v5.x is required  Some of the features may not function optimally under stress conditions (low memory, low disk space and slow processing)  C2O may require updated packages for connectivity to the database  The database need to be converted to C2O Repository  New Licenses will be generated  SKEmatix Agent Nodes will not communicate with C2O Server Nodes and vice-versa  Support for some OS (e.g., Aix v4.1) are not supported in C2O  Support for some versions of the database servers (e.g., MySQL v3.x) are not supported in C2O  C2O will run on 64 bit machines in 32 bit compatibility mode

9 9 Setup – Upgrading from SKEmatix (contd.) Some differences and enhancements in C2O  The icon names may not have spaces in them  Stricter password variable checks have been implemented passwords cannot be concatenated to strings Substring function cannot be called on passwords  Newer C2O Interpreted Language functions have been added  Longer Node names are supported  Centralized License file on the node running the C2O Repository  Agent-less Nodes  Flow initiation through Web Services Daemon (SOAP, SMTP, SNMP, FTP)  New icons for better presentation  Generating HTML documentation preserves flow image sizes  History is maintained for each flow definition and status and days  Automatic rollover for System Log files  Improved Documentation  Encrypted communications between Servers and Agents  LDAP support for security objects  Automatic exporting and importing of Flows has been deprecated  Windows silent install  License file management from the web

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