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1 Using ArcGIS software to map Maui Joseph Rose Pacific Disaster Center Mentor: Pam Cowher Advisor: Chris Chiesa Collaborator: Augustus Elias Home Institution:

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Presentation on theme: "1 Using ArcGIS software to map Maui Joseph Rose Pacific Disaster Center Mentor: Pam Cowher Advisor: Chris Chiesa Collaborator: Augustus Elias Home Institution:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Using ArcGIS software to map Maui Joseph Rose Pacific Disaster Center Mentor: Pam Cowher Advisor: Chris Chiesa Collaborator: Augustus Elias Home Institution: Maui Community College

2 2 Overview PDC Project ArcGIS Data and Metadata

3 3 3 Provides proactive data for disaster managers Identify disaster prone areas Identify how disaster managers can help prepare for and solve the problems caused by a disaster

4 4 Project Map Mile Markers for Maui Take GPS points for all highway mile markers on Maui Record Hwy number, name, and take a picture of the marker Useful for creating more accurate disaster maps Ex. – West Maui fire (not the one in the pic but the recent one.) Data and Metadata are collected and added to ArcGIS

5 5 What is GIS? GIS = Geographic Information System An organized collection of computer hardware, software and trained users designed to: –Capture… –Store… –Update… –Manipulate… –Analyze… –Display… … DATA

6 6 Aerial Imagery Elevation Critical Facilities Boundaries Surface Waters Transportation Land Use Database Map GISGIS GIS Links Maps and Databases

7 7 GIS provides another means to: CommunityNeedsMitigationGoals Documentation Tool Education Planning Tool Comprehensive Risk Reduction Strategy GISGIS How Can GIS Help? Document Document Educate Educate Communicate Communicate Plan Plan Promote Risk Reduction Promote Risk Reduction

8 8 ArcMap Photo: Joseph Rose ArcMap is part of ArcGIS

9 9 Project steps Learn ArcGIS Drive and collect GPS points, highway name and number, and pictures for every highway mile marker on Maui Load data into ArcMap Write metadata for all the collected data Re-project all GPS points using tool in ArcMap Create file to load onto server

10 10 Data vs Metadata Metadata describes data. It’s data about data. Example: A photograph is data and the description written on the back is metadata.

11 11 Data. Photographs of the markers and a short description make it easier to find the location again Photo: Joseph Rose

12 12 Data. Photographs of the markers and a short description make it easier to find the location again Photo: Joseph Rose

13 13 Data. Photographs of the markers and a short description make it easier to find the location again Photo: Joseph Rose

14 14 More metadata then you could ever want or need. Data and Metadata.

15 15 Projection Maps use projection to represent the two-dimensional curved surface of the earth. Different projections are more accurate in different areas. The data had to be projected from UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator)1984 to NAD 1983 UTM Zone 4N. This was to bring the points collected from the GPS (in UTM 1984) into the same projection as the current maps in use at the PDC (NAD 1983 UTM Zone 4N).

16 16 Community Effect Disaster planning helps protect and save the aina by preventing or quickly resolving disasters.

17 17 Conclusion GIS helps PDC track and plan for disasters. GPS waypoints of mile markers allows for more accurate disaster tracking and management.

18 18 Acknowledgments CfAO – Hilary O'Bryan, Lisa Hunter, Scott Seagroves PDC – Pam Cowher, Chris Chiesa, Deborah Phelan, Terri Maurer Special Thanks to IfA, MCC, MEDB, CfAO This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center for Adaptive Optics, managed by the University of California at Santa Cruz under cooperative agreement No. AST - 9876783.

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