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Week 15, (May 3rd ) Writing for Funding & Writing for Conferences.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 15, (May 3rd ) Writing for Funding & Writing for Conferences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 15, (May 3rd ) Writing for Funding & Writing for Conferences

2 Agenda for today, the last class  Final submission & Presentation.  Writing for funding and for conferences.  Continue your research – Resources for Teacher Researchers

3 Take a chance  If you don’t ask for funds, you will never receive it – this is the most important funding principles.

4 Proposal Format for funding  Purpose and significance of the study, including the research questions itself and why this is an important teaching question.  A short exploration of the topic – literature review  Method, which explains what data will be collected and how it will be analyzed.  The feasibility – timeline  Dissemination plan- who do you intend to do with the results of this study  A budget with justification  Letters of support

5 Grant resources for teacher - researchers  Source: A Teacher's Guide to Fellowships and Awards:  Hechinger Award  Teacher As Researcher Grant er_as_researcher.html  Many local and state Writing Project sites, as well as local and state affiliates of NCTE and IRA offer small grants to fund teacher research. I suggest checking your local site for further information.

6 T eacher-Researcher Grants by NCTE  Teacher Research Award: Sponsored by The National Council of Teachers of English Research Foundation Purpose: NCTE offers four different types of grants, one of which is available to classroom teachers. This type is Teacher-Researcher Grants, awarded to Pre-K-14 teachers for classroom-based research on the teaching of English/Language Arts. This research should support the investigation of research questions emanating from teachers' classroom experiences. Eligibility: All Pre-K-14 classroom teachers are eligible. Application Period: The next competition will be announced on or after March 15, 2006. Application Information: Program Officer NCTE Research Foundation 1111 W. Kenyon Rd Urbana, IL 61801

7 Conferences  NCTE: National Council of Teachers of English:  Action Research Special Interest Group of AERA:  New York State Art Teachers Association Annual Confernece:  More conferences, see list compiled by Shi and the Research and Technology Committee.

8 Journals  English Quarterly  Journal of Research in Science Teaching  International Journal of Science Education  The Journal of the Learning Sciences  New Directions for Teaching and Learning  More: see list compiled by Shi

9 Action Research Resources  Action Research Resources: /#grant  Educating as Inquiry – A Teacher Action Research Site  Reflections on Teaching lections.csp

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