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1 Exclusive electroproduction of the on the proton at CLAS Outline: Physics motivations: GPDs CLAS experiment: e1-dvcs Data analysis: cross section n Ahmed FRADI, IPN Orsay Bosen Workshop 2007
2 A ’’hard’’ part exactly calculable in pQCD, which describes the interaction between the virtual photon and a quark of the nucleon and the exchange of a gluon. A “soft’’ part which represents the non-perturbative structure of the nucleon and describes this structure in terms of 4 GPDs. A second ’’soft’’ part which describes the structure of the meson with the distribution amplitude z). For the electroproduction of mesons, the reaction amplitude can be factorized in 3 parts: Large Q 2, small t Mesons : L -1<x<1 t= the dominant process is the handbag diagram Physics motivations: GPDs (Generalized Parton Distributions) (Ji, Radyushkin, Collins, Strikman, Frankfurt,…) ~~ p n(=p+ ) H,E,H,E(x, ,t) x- t x+ z) Meson ~~
3 H, H, E, E (x,ξ,t) ~~ “Ordinary” parton distributions H(x,0,0) = q(x), H(x,0,0) = Δq(x) ~ x Elastic form factors H(x,ξ,t)dx = F 1 (t) (Dirac FF) ( ξ) x Ji’s sum rule 2J q = x(H+E)(x,ξ,0)dx (nucleon spin) x+ξx-ξ t γ, π, ρ, ω… GPDs are not completely unknown -2ξ E(x,ξ,t)dx = F 2 (t) (Pauli FF) ( ξ) X.Ji,Phys.Rev.Lett.78,610(1997); Phys.Rev.D55,7114(1997) Elastic scattering Exclusive scattering Deep inelastic scattering
4 Physics motivations : interest of + Separate flavors H q,E q : Vector meson H,E H u +1/3H d H u - H d CLAS analysis S. Morrow/M. Guidal (almost finalized) The GPDs H(x, ,t) and E(x, ,t) must satisfy a polynomiality rule: the n th x moment of GPDs must be a polynomial in of order n+1.In GPDs models based on Double Distributions,for n odd the n+1 order is missing. The so-called D-term has been introduced 1 to take into account this missing power n+1. D-term: must be an odd function of x. D-term can be interpreted as an isoscalar scalar(0 + ) meson contribution (e p e p 0 ) D-term ** 00 p p ++ p n ** NO D-term (1) M.Polyakov and C.Weiss,Phys.Rev. D60,114017(1999)
5 Prediction for the cross section:GPDs (VGG) M.Vanderhaeghen,P.A.M. Guichon and M.Guidal,Phys.rev.D 60 094017 (1999) ≈ 0 /5
6 Electromagnetic Calorimeter Electron ID, detection of neutral particles Time-of-Flight Counters Measure speed → mass (particle identification) Gas Cherenkov Counters Separation e/ Hydrogen target Drift Chambers: to determine the trajectories and momenta of charged particles Torus Coil : to bend the trajectory of charged particles beam Hall B / JLab (VA,USA) CLAS : CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer Inner Calorimeter: detection of photons in the forward direction
7 e1 - dvcs Beam energy = 5.75 GeV.1 < xB <.8 Q 2 up to 5 GeV 2 Integrated Luminosity ≈ 40fb -1 e p e n e’ n + 0 n e (February-June 2005) Detected in CLAS Missing mass
8 Cross section ( * p n + 0 ) V (Q 2, x B ) : the virtual photon flux. L int : integrated luminosity ≈ 40fb -1. 1 L int Q 2 x B N + 0 (Q 2, x B ) (Q 2, x B ) p n V (Q 2, x B ) Acc(Q 2, x B ) Acc(Q 2, x B ): Acceptance of the CLAS detector. Q 2 x B :bin width.
9 Channel selection e p e n e’ n + 0 n e Neutron missing mass invariant mass N + 0
10 Counts/20 MeV 100% e1-dvcs statistics + 0 invariant mass =√( p p N + 0
11 1 L int Q 2 x B N + 0 (Q 2, x B ) (Q 2, x B ) p n V (Q 2, x B ) Acc(Q 2, x B ) Cross section ( * p n + 0 )
12 MC Acceptance calculation in 7D 120 million events generated with a realistic generator and simulated with a GEANT CLAS simulator. Acc Acc(Q 2,x B,t,…) = rec(Q 2,x B,t,…) / gen(Q 2,x B,t,…)
13 Q2Q2 xb -tW + 0 invariant mass Cos + Kinematical variables( Data+ Simulation: phase space) Acc
14 Cross section ( * p n + ) 1 L int Q 2 x B N + 0 (Q 2, x B ) (Q 2, x B ) p n V (Q 2, x B ) Acc(Q 2, x B )
15 Reduced cross section : p n Preliminary Arbitrary units Statistical errors only
16 Cross section ( * p n + ) Cross section ( * p n + ) Background subtraction
17 Background subtraction: for each (Q 2,x B ) bin Fit :5 parameters Skewed BreitWigner : 4 parameters + normalisation + mass + width + skew parameter Phase space:simulation 1 parameter (background) IM [ + 0 ] (GeV) total fit result p → n (Q 2,x B ) d /d IM [ + 0 ]
18 Fit to invariant mass for each (Q 2,x B,t) bin Good fits unexpected peaks ! d dt(Q 2,x B,t)
19 To-do list Improve the fits to the + 0 invariant mass. Extract * p →n + and d / dt Separate the longitudinal( L ) from the tranverse( T ) cross section by fitting the cos HS + and relying on SCHC(« s-channel helicity conservation » ). Comparison with theory: GPDs(VGG),Regge approach(JML),…
20 e-e- 10 LR 6 LR OUT IN Pion rejection from EC Particle identification: electron 25 0.06 e- e- -
21 Particle identification: + Information from DC + SC DC SC e+e+ ++ p
22 To define completely the reaction e p e n + e’ n 0 7 independent variables are needed: Q 2 = -q 2 = -(e-e’) 2, x B = Q 2 /2pq, t=(p-p’) 2, invariant mass, (angle between leptonic and hadronic planes), decay angles in CM One can also define W 2 =(p+q) 2 (CM energy squared of the virtual photon-proton system). Simulations and CLAS acceptance studies
23 I calculate the acceptance for each of the elementary 7-dim bins. Acc(Q 2,x B,t,…) = rec(Q 2,x B,t,…) / gen(Q 2,x B,t,…) Event generator:GENEV GSIMReconstruction In the limit of the bin size being small enough the acceptance calculation is entirely model independent MC Acceptance calculation in 7D
24 Correction Factors : F corr = F rad.... F rad : radiative correction: ≈ 20 % Cross section ( * p n + 0 ) V (Q 2, x B ) : the virtual photon flux L int : integrated luminosity 1 L int Q 2 x B N + 0 (Q 2, x B ) (Q 2, x B ) p n V (Q 2, x B ) Acc(Q2, xB) F corr
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