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Darwinism Western Civilization II. Pushing the Boundaries of Science Scientific advances fueled 2 nd Industrial Revolution & created aura of infallibility.

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Presentation on theme: "Darwinism Western Civilization II. Pushing the Boundaries of Science Scientific advances fueled 2 nd Industrial Revolution & created aura of infallibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Darwinism Western Civilization II

2 Pushing the Boundaries of Science Scientific advances fueled 2 nd Industrial Revolution & created aura of infallibility  Popularized by science fiction writers like Jules Verne  Louis Pasteur developed germ theory of contagion in the 1860s, as well as heat sterilization process & rabies vaccine  Robert Koch isolated typhoid bacterium, leading to testing & treating of drinking water  Joseph Lister introduced carbolic acid as antiseptic in hospitals New Physics replaced Newtonian view of the universe:  Marie Curie (1867-1934) & Pierre Currie (1859-1906) discovered Radium – opened up world of subatomic particles  Max Planck (1858-1947) offered Quantum Theory in 1900  Albert Einstein (1879-1955) published Special Theory of Relativity in 1905, arguing space & time are relative to observer Energy of matter is equivalent to its mass times the square of the velocity of light

3 Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Charles Darwin went on HMS Beagle expedition in 1831  Influenced by Malthus & Ricardo  Charles Lyell’s Principles of Geology said Earth millions of years old  Swann developed cell theory Origin of Species (1859) set forth theory of evolution  Genetic mutations allow certain plants & animals to survive & pass on traits  this process of “natural selection” allowed living things to evolve from less complex to more complex forms Explicitly included humans in The Descent of Man (1871)

4 Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer – sociology  Argued gov’t aid to the “unfit” only impedes natural selection Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927) – racism  Thought modern-day Germans were only pure successors of Aryans  Fostered growth of Anti-Semitism in Germany Francis Galton – eugenics  Studied genetics with goal of scientifically breeding humans  Got laws passed allowing forced sterilization of criminals & mentally disabled

5 Darwinism & Christianity Darwin’s Challenge to Christianity:  Literal interpretation of Genesis 1-2  Divine creation (argument from design)  Human souls  Original sin 3 responses to the challenge:  Hostility – Fundamentalism Premillenial dispensationalism Holiness & Pentecostal movements Pope Pius IX – Syllabus of Errors, papal infallibility, immaculate conception of Mary  Capitulation – Modernism (The Social Gospel)  Compromise – Evangelicalism (Neo-Orthodoxy) Salvation Army Pope Leo XIII – Rerum Novarum (1891)

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