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Industrial Applications of Response Surface Methodolgy John Borkowski Montana State University Pattaya Conference on Statistics Pattaya, Thailand
Outline of the Presentation 1.The Experimentation Process 2.Screening Experiments 3.2 k Factorial Experiments 4.Optimization Experiments 5.Mixture Experiments 6.Final Comments
The Experimentation Process
Defining Experimental Objectives Researchers often discover after running an experiment that the data are insufficient to meet objectives The first and most important step in an experimental strategy is to clearly state the objectives of the experiment. The objective is a precise answer to the question “What do you want to know when the experiment is complete?”
2. Screening Experiments The experimenter wants to determine which process variables are important from a list of potentially important variables. Screening experiments are economical because a large number of factors can be studied in a small number of experimental runs. The factors that are found to be important will be used in future experiments. That is, we have screened out the important factors from the list.
2. Screening Experiments Common screening experiments are 1.Plackett-Burman designs 2.Two-level full-factorial (2 k ) designs 3.Two-level fractional-factorial (2 k-p ) designs Plackett-Burman designs allow you to study as many as k-1 factors in k points where k = 12, 20, 24… (k is a multiple of 4 but not a power of 2)
Example 1: Screening 6 Factors Response: Plastic Hardness Factor Levels Factors -1 +1 (X 1 ) Tension Control Manual Automatic (X 2 ) Machine #1 #2 (X 3 ) Throughput (liters/min) 10 20 (X 4 ) Mixing Single Double (X 5 ) Temperature 200 o 250 o (X 6 ) Moisture 20 % 30 %
Randomly assign 6 columns to the 6 factors and then randomize the run order
Analysis of the Screening Design Data Using SAS
3.2 k Factorial Experiments A 2 k factorial design is a k-factor design such that The 2 k experimental runs are the 2 k combinations of + and – factor levels Each factor has two levels coded + and - The 2 k experimental runs may also be replicated
Example 2: 2 3 Design with 3 Replicates (Montgomery 2005) An engineer is interested in the effects of – cutting speed (A), – tool geometry (B), – cutting angle (C) on the life (in hours) of a machine tool Two levels of each factor were chosen Three replicates of a 2 3 design were run Run order was randomized
Analysis using SAS: Main Effects Model (r 2 =.50)
Analysis using SAS: Interaction Model (r 2 =.76)
Maximize Hours at A=-1 B=+1 C=+1
Unreplicated 2 k Designs When the design is unreplicated (n=1 for each of the 2 k factor treatments), it is necessary to “pool” interaction terms to form an error term for hypothesis testing. Three steps are recommended: 1.Estimate all effects for the full-factorial model. 2.Make a normal probability plot of these estimated effects. “Outlier” effects can be pooled together. 3.Run the ANOVA using the pooled error term.
Example 3: An Unreplicated 2 4 Design (Montgomery and Myers 2002) An engineer studied four factors believed to affect the filtration rate (Y) of a chemical product: – temperature (A), – pressure (B), – concentration of formaldehyde (C) – stirring rate (D) Two levels of each factor were chosen An unreplicated 2 3 design were run Run order was randomized
The Unreplicated 2 4 Design The Design and Data Step 1: Estimates
Step 2: Normal probability plot of effects (Minitab) A
Step 3: The ANOVA with a Pooled Error (r 2 =.97)
Main Effects Plots (using Minitab)
Interaction Plots (using Minitab)
4. Optimization Experiments The experimenter wants to model (fit a response surface) involving a response y which depends on process input variables 1, 2, … k. Because the exact functional relationship between y and 1, 2, … k is unknown, a low order polynomial is used as an approximating function. Before fitting a model, 1, 2, … k are coded as x 1, x 2, …, x k. For example: i = 100 150 200 x i = -1 0 +1
4. Optimization Experiments The experimenter is interested in determining: 1. Values of the input variables 1, 2, … k. that optimize the response y (known as the optimum operating conditions). 2. An operating region that satisfy operating specifications for y. A common approximating function is the quadratic or second-order model:
Example 3: Approximating Functions The experimental goal is to maximize process yield (y). A two-factor 3 2 experiment with 2 replicates was run with: Temperature 1 : Uncoded Levels 100 o 150 o 200 o x 1 Coded Levels -1 0 +1 Process time (min) 2 : Uncoded Levels 6 8 10 x 2 Coded Levels -1 0 +1
True Function: y = e (.5x 1 – 1.5x 2 ) Fitted function (from SAS)
Predicted Maximum Yield (y) at x 1 = +1, x 2 = -1 (or, Temperature = 200 o, Process Time = 6 minutes)
Central Composite Design Box-Behnken Design (CCD) (BBD) Factorial, axial, and Centers of edges and center points center points
Example 4: Central Composite Design (Myers 1976) The experimenter wants to study the effects of sealing temperature (x 1 ) cooling bar temperature (x 2 ) polethylene additive (x 3 ) on the seal strength in grams per inch of breadwrapper stock (y). The uncoded and coded variable levels are - -1 0 1 . x 1 204.5 o 225 o 255 o 285 o 305.5 o x 2 39.9 o 46 o 55 o 64 o 70.1 o x 3.09%.5% 1.1% 1.7% 2.11%
Example 4: Central Composite Design
Canonical Analysis of Quadratic Model (using SAS)
Ridge Analysis of Quadratic Model (using SAS) Predicted Maximum at x 1 =-1.01 x 2 =0.26 x 3 =0.68
5. Mixture Experiments A mixture contains q components where x i is the proportion of the i th component (i=1,2,…, q) Two constraints exist: 0 ≤ x i ≤ 1 and Σ x i = 1
Simplex Coordinate System
Mixture Experiment Models Because the level of the final component can written as x q = 1 – (x 1 + x 2 + + x q-1 ) any response surface model used for independent factors can be reduced to a Scheffé model. Examples include:
Example of a 3-Component Mixture Design
Analysis of a 3-component Mixture Experiment
4-Component Mixture Experiment with Component Level Constraints (McLean & Anderson 1966) Response: Flare Brightness
6. Final Comments Screening experiments 2 k and 2 k-p experiments Optimization experiments Mixture experiments Other applications: Fractional factorial designs Path of steepest ascent (descent) Experiments with blocking Experiments with restrictions on randomization
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