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LMD study Anselmo Cervera Villanueva Université de Genève ISS teleconference 8/12/2005.

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Presentation on theme: "LMD study Anselmo Cervera Villanueva Université de Genève ISS teleconference 8/12/2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 LMD study Anselmo Cervera Villanueva Université de Genève ISS teleconference 8/12/2005

2 2 What we did Iron (4cm) + active (1cm) Geant3 simulation: Multiple scattering and energy loss Decays Nuclear interactions Full reconstruction is not practical since one has to simulate ~10 7 events for each setting Smearing according to the MINOS proposal

3 3 We studied: Wrong sign muon detection eficiency Hadronic backgrounds Charge misidentification rate: with full track fitting  CC interactions  CC interactions

4 4 What we plan to do 1.Improve the charge analysis: 1.New track fitting 2.Better treatment of energy loss 2.Reproduce the previous analysis of the hadronic backgrounds: sequential cuts on P and Q t 3.Relax cuts on muon momentum 4.Change detector configuration: 1.Less iron 2.Iron free regions 5.Make multidimentional efficiency tables to optimise the analysis One student from Valencia (Elena Couce) will work full time on hadronic backgrounds (specially charm) Another student from Valencia (Javier Muñoz) is already working on the charge problem

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