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Making the Connection with International Students: “How to Develop a Transition Program for International Students with Disabilities Planning to Attend.

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Presentation on theme: "Making the Connection with International Students: “How to Develop a Transition Program for International Students with Disabilities Planning to Attend."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the Connection with International Students: “How to Develop a Transition Program for International Students with Disabilities Planning to Attend Your University ” Presented By: Tim Anno & Pamela King

2 Agenda: Program Development Marketing Strategies and Pitfalls Cost-saving Measures Implementing the Program Program Evaluation Setting up an Advisory Committee Researching existing programs Introduction and Video2

3 Researching Existing Programs  The following websites are related to transition information and existing programs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

4 Setting Up an Advisory Committee  Advisory Committee Members: 1. Representatives from our office (Adaptive Educational Services) 2. Counseling and Psychological Services 3. Student Life and Diversity 4. Advising 5. Career Services 6. Admissions 7. Financial Aid 8. Bursar’s Office 9. Campus and Community Life 10. Housing 11. Office of International Affairs 12. Easter Seals Crossroads Rehabilitation

5 Program Development  Prior to the development of our advisory committee, we developed a “program shell” outlining (from what we had researched from existing programs) a prototype program.  Based on the responses from our advisory committee, we developed modules for the various components of the program.  We then had the various advisory committee members recommend staff from their offices to assist us in the development of the “checklists” and “questions to ask” for the program binder.

6 Marketing Strategies and Pitfalls:  Due to FERPA and other confidentiality policies, marketing the program is very difficult. We had to funnel all materials through the office of International Affairs due to the lack of access to students names and addresses.  We met with our own IUPUI Marketing people for ideas.

7 Marketing Strategies that Worked: 1. We linked with our admissions office and enrollment center to attend campus day and any other opportunities that were scheduled. 2. Sent program flyers and registration forms to identified areas the second week of the new school year (August). 3. Followed up with phone contacts and personal visits as necessary. 4. Made the event “fit” the school day.

8 Cost Saving Measures  We did our own copying, printing, and collating of the program binder.  Made our own name tags.  Used e-mail for marketing purposes as much as possible.  Used student volunteers and office staff for day of the event activities.  Utilized campus units and staff as presenters and for program development.

9 Implementing the Program:

10 MOVIN’ ON... 8:30 - 8:45 Event Registration 8:45 - 9:00 UC 115 Introductions Pam King and Tim Anno Adaptive Educational Services The Concept of the Checklist Why are the checklists so important? Making the decision on which college is the right fit for you can be difficult and often confusing. The Movin’ On checklist concept is a great way for you to keep everything organized and prioritized. Each list you complete will provide you all the information you’ll need in order to make an informed decision about your future. Pamela King and Tim Anno IUPUI Adaptive Educational Services 9:00 – 9:30 Making the Transition Easier for Everyone Life is a process of beginnings and endings. In both life and nature, there are times when things move slowly and don’t seem to change very much. Then, suddenly, things change quickly. You are about to embark on an odyssey over which you have little control but in which you have enormous financial, legal, and emotional responsibilities. However, you're not alone. As an International Student, why should you disclose your disability. Will it affect your status as a student? Will you be able to get your visa? Information FOR THE PARENTS

11 9:30 – 10:00 Assessing Career Interests & Identity In many ways, making career plans is similar to planning a vacation. You first must choose a direction and destination, and unless you do some "homework," your vacation may end up being less than you hoped. Unlike a vacation, however, if you don't do your homework when making your career choices, the result may be more devastating than just a couple of wasted weeks. Is your career choice compatible with your disability and needed accommodations. 10:00 – 11:00 Living on Campus Activities designed to provide information and answers to students thinking about housing issues in and around the college campus. We’ll also talk about working through the potential hurdles when requesting disability accessibility in residence halls (e.g. single room, technology in the dorm room like talking computers or large screen monitors). 11:00 – 11:45 Lunch – on your own

12 12:00 – 1:00 Computers and College: How Assistive Technology Can Help You Students will receive a basic assessment of their current technology needs and obtain information regarding the range of possible technologies available on college campuses for students with disabilities. Wade Wingler Easter Seals Crossroads Rehabilitation 1:00 – 1:30 UC 115 Retrieving the Treasure and Appraising its Value By the end of the day you should have a good understanding of your own strengths, interests, and abilities. You’ll also have lots of things to think about in the upcoming weeks. During this final session, we will take a step back and look at everything you’ve learned today, putting it into “one large package.” We will also talk about the documentation needs to establish your accommodation needs and how your strengths, interests, and abilities influence your choice of a specific degree program. Pamela King and Tim Anno Adaptive Educational Services

13 Program Evaluation



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