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LIGO Hanford Observatory FY2001 Budget Request Fred Raab October 3, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "LIGO Hanford Observatory FY2001 Budget Request Fred Raab October 3, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIGO Hanford Observatory FY2001 Budget Request Fred Raab October 3, 2000

2 LIGO Hanford Observatory FY2001 Request2 Five Task Numbers are Easy Each typically ~1% of budget; straight 3% escalation Tasks: »2.4Optics »2.5Electronics »2.7Administration »2.9Shop (a.k.a. “Stockroom” Of these, all are in line with previous experience except for electronics, which has overrun due to PEM repairs (hopefully non-recurring) Request $156.3K in FY2001 vs $154.7 in FY2000

3 LIGO Hanford Observatory FY2001 Request3 2.1 Salaries, Travel, etc. ~50% of total Hanford budget Request $2,519K in FY2001 vs 2,079K in FY2000 Adding 250K for salaries (20 FTEs -> 25 FTEs); incl. all “on-board” heads, planned postdoc, new operator; salaries escalated by 4% Benefits, overhead follows salaries New basis for equipment (150K vs 78K) – allows for 25K “new stuff” + replace “support equipment” in 7yrs Travel esc. by 1.03, despite new staff; will underrun this year by 25K No Tax line carried forward (mistake?)

4 LIGO Hanford Observatory FY2001 Request4 2.2 Facilities Should request $844K (not $951K, my error) compared to $726K budgeted for this year (delta = $118K or 16%) Otto will spend all of this year’s budget Next year expected expanded scope (2 new bldgs); so used 1.2x (electricity, landscaping, HVAC, janitorial, facility repairs, contract labor); then esc. by 3%

5 LIGO Hanford Observatory FY2001 Request5 2.3 Vacuum System Requested $243.4K in FY2001 vs $248.8K in FY2000 Found two errors: »Wrong baseline: added $10K mid-year to cover RGA repairs (likely recurring) »Found error in spreadsheet on 3% escalation Should have requested $255.6K This year will be underspent by $40K due to lower than expected LN2 use caused by detector delays Risk: energy surcharge could persist into next year

6 LIGO Hanford Observatory FY2001 Request6 2.5 Data/Computing Request should be $192K in FY2001 vs $183K in FY2000 (within $1K) Projecting $184K will be spent in FY2000 Significant fraction of billing is quantized, so need to be careful in 10-month budgeting Note: tape cost for LSC members is expected to be reimbursed

7 LIGO Hanford Observatory FY2001 Request7 2.8 Interferometer Installation/Commissioning Request $837.9 in FY2001 vs $870.2 in FY2000 (originally budgeted for $1,050.7 in FY2000) Travel (direct cost) @ $40K/mo; averaged $22K/mo in FY2000; Equipment @ $42K down from FY2000 budget of $75K Supplies @ $89K down from FY2000 budget of $168.6K and projected FY2000 spending of $90K Subcontracts @ $76K down from $156K budgeted this year and $115K projected by year end.

8 LIGO Hanford Observatory FY2001 Request8 FY2002 Original Request

9 LIGO Hanford Observatory FY2001 Request9 FY2002 Level Funding Scenario

10 LIGO Hanford Observatory FY2001 Request10 Staff Modifications to Achieve Level FY2002 Budget LABORFTEs Ottoway, David1.00 Landry, Michael1.00 New Postdoc1.00 Barker, David1.00 Berry, Jill1.00 Cook, Douglas1.00 Gray, Corey1.00 Guenther, Mark1.00 Lubinski, Mark1.00 Mahood, Tom1.00 Matherny, Otto1.00 McCarthy, Richard1.00 Mendell, Gregory1.00 Myers, Joshua1.00 Patton, Christine1.00 Raab, Frederick1.00 Radkins, Hugh1.00 LABORFTEs Ryan, Kyle1.00 Savage, Richard, Jr.1.00 Sigg, Daniel1.00 Weaver, Betsy1.00 Worden, John1.00 Graf, Richard1.00 Moreno, Gerardo1.00 Assistant Engineer (sys admin)1.00 Assistant Engineer (RT data)1.00 Assistant Engineer (LSC/Outreach)0.50 -> 0 Assistant Engineer (sys admin)0.00 Scientist (LSC Liaison)1.00 -> 0 Admin (LSC/Outreach)0.50 -> 0 Admin (Visitors/Interns)0.00 Assistant Engineer (facilities)1.00 -> 0 Total29.0 -> 26

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