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ClusterID: Brief Update Gary R. Bower, SLAC Ron Cassell, SLAC Monday, December 09, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "ClusterID: Brief Update Gary R. Bower, SLAC Ron Cassell, SLAC Monday, December 09, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 ClusterID: Brief Update Gary R. Bower, SLAC Ron Cassell, SLAC Monday, December 09, 2002

2 12/09/02ClusterID - G.R.Bower2 Review ClusterID is a fully functional eflow algorithm. At the NIU eflow meeting we showed top mass plots to demo the resolution of ClusterID. The problems of reconstructing the tops detracted from ClusterID resolution demo.

3 12/09/02ClusterID - G.R.Bower3 New demo of ClusterID resolution This time use e+e-  Z at 50Gev beam energy in the SD detector. Will also show effect of gap between EM and Had cal.

4 12/09/02ClusterID - G.R.Bower4 Z mass reconstruction In all three plots use FastMC for charged particles, assume pion mass. No neutrinos in any of the plots. In MCTruth, use MCParticles for neutrals. In PerfectClustering, use Cluster Cheater for neutrals. In ClusterID use “honest” recon of neutrals.

5 12/09/02ClusterID - G.R.Bower5 Zmass at Zpole

6 12/09/02ClusterID - G.R.Bower6 ClusterID recon efficiency SD detector with no gap between EM and Had cals.

7 12/09/02ClusterID - G.R.Bower7 ClusterID recon efficiency SD detector with ~10cm gap between EM and Had cals

8 12/09/02ClusterID - G.R.Bower8 ClusterID Resolution Summary Gives Z mass width ~twice the width of perfect recon. Correctly IDs 90% of gamma energy. Incorrectly IDs 6% of gamma energy. Correctly IDs 66% of neutral had energy. Incorrectly IDs 27% of neutral had energy. (27% goes to 42% misID with cal gap) Many fun resolution improvement projects are possible – help is welcome.

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