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Christian Sexuality Exploring Pastoral Dimensions of Intimacy and Human Relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "Christian Sexuality Exploring Pastoral Dimensions of Intimacy and Human Relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christian Sexuality Exploring Pastoral Dimensions of Intimacy and Human Relationships

2 What is Theology?  Fides Quaerens Intellectum. –Anselm  Faith Seeking Understanding.

3 Faith  Not first of all creedal statements.  Biblical roots of faith—personal relationship.  Radical trust in God  A verb, before it is a noun.

4 Stages of Faith  First Naivete  Hermeneutics of Suspicion  Hermeneutics of Trust (2nd Naivete) –Paul Ricoeur

5 Seeking  Every quest begins with questions…  Seeking is inherent to faith.  Growth in faith— ongoing conversion

6 Understanding  “to stand under”  The quest for a vision.  Not final answers, but deepening, evolving embrace of mystery.

7 Sources of Theology  Scripture  Tradition  Science  Conscience

8 Scripture as Resource  Contextualist vs. Literalist approach.

9 The Limits of Scripture  Does not provide “sexual code of ethics” for all time.  No single word in Hebrew or Greek for sexuality as we understand it today.  Influence of cultic purity laws distinct to culture and historical times.  Many contemporary issues simply not addressed, e.g. psychosexual development and sexual orientation as we understand it.

10 Pastoral Use of Scripture  Balancing tradition & compassion.  Challenge of inclusivity.  Danger of “proof texts” and using bible as “weapon.”

11 Whoever tells the stories, rules the people…  Navajo proverb

12 The Vital Role of Hermeneutics  Horizon of meaning.  Point of view  Experiential assumptions.

13 Cosmic Questions  How did we get here? What is our purpose?  What is the origin of the cosmos?  Why is there so much violence and pain?  What is the origin and purpose of sexuality?

14 Cosmic Stories  Every culture has creation myths.  They have common characteristics.  Understanding Judeo-Christian story in this context.

15 Sexuality in the Hebrew Scriptures  Exploring our primal vision and roots.  Who tells the stories?  How have we come to understand these stories?

16 Central Vision of Genesis  Life-Givers – Generativity and Fecundity –Genesis 1—Priestly  Lovers —Intimacy and Mutuality –Genesis 2—Yahwist

17 In the beginning is Relationship  Generativity and Communion in the Hebrew Creation Stories.

18 Song of Creation— Generativity in Genesis 1  Let there be energy!  Let the waters teem!  Let the earth produce vegetation!  Be fruitful and multiply !

19 Journey Toward Relationship  Geosphere  Hydrosphere  Atmosphere  Biosphere  Noosphere

20 2 nd Creation Story Yahweh God fashioned HA ADAM of dust from HA ADAMA. Then He breathed into ITS nostrils a breath of life. And thus HA ADAM became a living NEPHESH. –Genesis 2:7

21 HA ADAM “Our theological ancestor”  Dusty earth + Divine Breath.  Sexually Undifferentiated.  In Process.

22 It is not good for HA ADAM to be alone…(2:18)  “Alone” –Not just solitude. –Not just loneliness.  “Destructive Isolation”  God’s creative intention for humanity: RELATIONSHIP

23 I will make a PARTNER …  “Every animal and bird”  Ha Adam names all creatures.  THERE WAS NOT FOUND A HELPER AS A PARTNER

24 Ezer Kenegdo Helper to be a Partner  Not a subordinate.  Implies equality and mutuality.  “Like unto itself.”

25 Tardema Experience  Initiated and shaped by God.  Mysterious and wondrous transformation.

26 HA ADAM IS (Male) ISSA (Female)

27 …Both NAKED, and were not ASHAMED.  What does it mean to be “naked?”  Primal vulnerability.

28 NAKEDNESS  Emotional  Spiritual  Psychological  Physical

29 Purpose of Sexuality From Isolation To Relationship

30 Purpose of Sexuality  The Culminating High Point of the Creative Process.  Liberating experience of Partnership.  Goodness of Body & Relationships

31 God’s Creative Intention  Sexuality is for Relationship “It is not good for ha adam to be alone…”  Sexuality is Liberating “..both were naked and were not ashamed.”

32 What is the Meaning of “The Fall”? In search of a deeper understanding

33 Shame: BOSH  Rendered Insignificant.  Diminished.  To Become Pale.

34 The Fall: Symbol of  The failure of sexuality to lead to authentic relationship.  The failure of sexuality to be liberating.  Failure of male- female partnership

35 Symbols of the Fall  Hiding  Blaming  Covering up Nakedness  Flight from vulnerability and intimacy.

36 Fall & Redemption  Genesis—the tragedy of partnership.  Song of Songs— Healed sexuality and restored partnership.  Ruth—daily struggle of mutuality.

37 Partnership  God Created It.  Men and women lost it.  God will redeem it.

38 Song of Songs  “ Midrash” on Genesis 2.  Return to the Garden (‘eden’ or ‘pleasure.’)  No Gender Stereotypes.  Beyond Patriarchy.

39 Jesus and Sexuality  Primacy of Love.  Equality and mutuality between women and men.  Covenantal faithfulness.

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