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WM-001 Software Process & QualilyConducting an Assessment - slide# 1©P. Sorenson Assessment Approaches Quick Assessment Detailed Assessment Continuous.

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Presentation on theme: "WM-001 Software Process & QualilyConducting an Assessment - slide# 1©P. Sorenson Assessment Approaches Quick Assessment Detailed Assessment Continuous."— Presentation transcript:

1 WM-001 Software Process & QualilyConducting an Assessment - slide# 1©P. Sorenson Assessment Approaches Quick Assessment Detailed Assessment Continuous (tool-based) Self (1st party) External Consultant (2nd party) Independent (3rd party) Expensive Moderate Cheap

2 WM-001 Software Process & QualilyConducting an Assessment - slide# 2©P. Sorenson Strategies for Gathering Evidence scope and nature  Depends on scope and nature of assessment. general details ï Usually best to gather general (context) info first, then details later ï Gather info from several sources (not just the project manager) interviews and documents ïUse complementary approaches (both interviews and documents not exclusively one or the other) horizontalvertical ï Consider carefully the order of assessment. (horizontal - instances of same process vs. vertical - dept/project)

3 WM-001 Software Process & QualilyConducting an Assessment - slide# 3©P. Sorenson Types of Documented Evidence Documentation  Documentation - plans, specs, procedures, code Records ï Records - review records, minutes, test results Statements ï Statements - what informed people say in interviews Observations  Observations - what assessors see ï Before using the information we must be certain of its existence, accuracy and relevance

4 WM-001 Software Process & QualilyConducting an Assessment - slide# 4©P. Sorenson Assessment Breadth vs Depth One processAll processes Single Instance All Instances Expensive Cheap

5 WM-001 Software Process & QualilyConducting an Assessment - slide# 5©P. Sorenson Information Collection & Validation Stages Assessment Team Information Review Info Collection and Recording Assessment schedule & indicators Assessment Participants Rating Judgements Attributes, assessment context Ratings Assessment scope

6 WM-001 Software Process & QualilyConducting an Assessment - slide# 6©P. Sorenson Approaches to Acquiring Documented Evidence Instruments  Instruments - questionnaires & computerized tools (best for continuous assessments) Presentations ï Presentations - useful for providing info quickly and to the whole assessment team Interviews & Meetings ï Interviews & Meetings - can include a variety of people (managers & analysts), provides quick understanding, builds good rapport Documents  Documents - what assessors see ï Before using the information we must be certain of its existence, accuracy and relevance

7 WM-001 Software Process & QualilyConducting an Assessment - slide# 7©P. Sorenson Interviewing Tips ïUse open questions ïListen (talk little) ïConfirm ïAsk… why? ïWhen? ïWhat?  Who? ï Where? Ask what if…? Suppose…? Be neutral Be courteous Be careful Be specific Be professional

8 WM-001 Software Process & QualilyConducting an Assessment - slide# 8©P. Sorenson Organizing your Data Consolidate  Consolidate data by relating indicators to attributes ï Discuss your findings with team members traceability ï Maintain traceability on documents and records confidentiality ï Preserve confidentiality coverage ïContinuously check coverage.

9 WM-001 Software Process & QualilyConducting an Assessment - slide# 9©P. Sorenson Controlling the Assessment side-tracked  Avoid being side-tracked by planned or unplanned diversionary tactics checklists ï Adhere to the schedule by using checklists defined scope ï Stay within the defined scope ï Assessment team should meet at defined intervals to check their progress.

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