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XMM-NEWTON scientific instruments zMirror Modules - total mirror surface area exceeds 120 m^2 yfocal length: 7.5m yresolution: 5 arcsec zEPIC - imaging.

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Presentation on theme: "XMM-NEWTON scientific instruments zMirror Modules - total mirror surface area exceeds 120 m^2 yfocal length: 7.5m yresolution: 5 arcsec zEPIC - imaging."— Presentation transcript:

1 XMM-NEWTON scientific instruments zMirror Modules - total mirror surface area exceeds 120 m^2 yfocal length: 7.5m yresolution: 5 arcsec zEPIC - imaging and spectroscopy at 0.2 - 10 keV zERMS - particle detector zOM - optical/UV imaging at 1.9 - 6.9 eV zRGS - spectroscopy at 0.35 - 2.5 keV


3 XMM-NEWTON scientific achievements zHelp to solve cosmic mysteries ranging from black holes to the origins of the universe zLargest X-ray ccd detector ever built (36 cm^2) zXMM-Newton detected the same sources in the Andromeda Galaxy in two observations that Chandra, Einstein and ROSAT together detected

4 XMM-NEWTON zLargest scientific satellite built in Europe zLaunch Date: December 1999 zMission Duration: 2-10 years zCost: 700 Million Euros

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