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Four-Bar Mechanism to Drive a Wheelchair Gordon Farmer Submitted to the 2007 ASME Student Mechanism Design Competition Undergraduate Category University.

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Presentation on theme: "Four-Bar Mechanism to Drive a Wheelchair Gordon Farmer Submitted to the 2007 ASME Student Mechanism Design Competition Undergraduate Category University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Four-Bar Mechanism to Drive a Wheelchair Gordon Farmer Submitted to the 2007 ASME Student Mechanism Design Competition Undergraduate Category University of Notre Dame du Lac Dr. M.M. Stanišić September 5, 2007

2 Erdman, Arthur G., and Sandor N. George. Mechanism Design: Analysis and Synthesis. Vol. 1. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1991. Introduction Design Problem Shortcomings of Traditional Driving Method Design Objectives Four-Bar Overview Kinematic Solution Curvature Theory Design Optimization Final Design

3 Introduction Design Problem Shortcomings of Traditional Driving Method Design Objectives Four-Bar Overview Kinematic Solution Curvature Theory Design Optimization Final Design Direct contact with wheels Poor braking Health issues “More than 50% of […] respondents with spinal cord injury in a study […] reported shoulder pain that was related to wheelchair use and transfers.” 1 “Shoulder related injuries have been shown to be present in up to 51% of manual wheelchair users.” 2 “The prevalence of elbow, wrist, and hand pain has been reported to be 16%, 13%, and 11%, respectively.” 2 “The incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome and rotator cuff tendonitis […] is greater than 50% for people who regularly use manual wheelchairs as compared to 3% for the general population.” 2 1 Koontz, PhD, ATP, Alicia M., and Michael L. Boninger, MD. "Proper Propulsion." Rehab Management July 2003. 29 June 2007. 2 Manual Wheelchair Propulsion. Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Technology Transfer. Mid-Atlantic Region: Federal Laboratory Consortium.

4 Introduction Design Problem Shortcomings of Traditional Driving Method Design Objectives Four-Bar Overview Kinematic Solution Curvature Theory Design Optimization Final Design 1)Desired path of handlebar: 4 y = x 2 2)High mechanical advantage M a = T Load /F Driver 3) Remain within wheelchair profile

5 Introduction Design Problem Shortcomings of Traditional Driving Method Design Objectives Four-Bar Overview Kinematic Solution Curvature Theory Design Optimization Final Design

6 Introduction Design Problem Shortcomings of Traditional Driving Method Design Objectives Four-Bar Overview Kinematic Solution Curvature Theory Design Optimization Final Design

7 Introduction Design Problem Shortcomings of Traditional Driving Method Design Objectives Four-Bar Overview Kinematic Solution Curvature Theory Design Optimization Final Design

8 Introduction Design Problem Shortcomings of Traditional Driving Method Design Objectives Four-Bar Overview Kinematic Solution Curvature Theory Design Optimization Final Design 1)High, positive mechanical advantage 2)High mechanical advantage when handle is pulled back 3)Mechanical advantage decreases in a relatively linear fashion as the handle moves forward 4)Span of four-bar mechanism is reasonable, given an individual’s normal reach. Between 0” and 20” on y-axis.

9 Introduction Design Problem Shortcomings of Traditional Driving Method Design Objectives Four-Bar Overview Kinematic Solution Curvature Theory Design Optimization Final Design

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