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Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 1 Operational Amplifiers EE 174 - Lecture One Ideal Operational Amplifiers.

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1 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 1 Operational Amplifiers EE 174 - Lecture One Ideal Operational Amplifiers

2 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 2 Ideal Operational Amplifiers  Op-amp terminals  Circuit ground: Common connection of V+ and V-

3 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 3 Operational Amplifier  Practical op-amp: Essentially, an ideal voltage amplifier ( is ”large” and is small), which While operated in its linear region, exhibits a very large open-loop gain (A>0) over relatively “large” range of frequencies.  Ideal Op-amp: same definition with “large” changed to and “small” to “zero”.  Since Where

4 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 4 Fiber optic communication  Fiber optic link mainly consist of optical transmitter, channel (medium), and optical receiver.  1- Optical transmitter is a light source (LED or LD)  2- Medium or channel is either atmosphere or fiber medium. 2a- Atmosphere 2b- Fiber medium  3- Optical receiver is a PIN diodes, Avalanche diode.  4- Two port optical component such as filters, isolators, optical amplifier,  5- Simple, accurate, and inexpensive to test, a- The power. b- Signal to noise ratio (SNR). c- Wavelength of each channel.  The data rates commercial: 10 Gb/s Research: 40 Gb/s

5 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 5 Analog Fiber-Optic Link  Analog fiber optic link

6 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 6 A digital Fiber Optic Communication link  Digital fiber optic communication

7 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 7 Dispersion  Fiber optic dispersion

8 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 8 SONET Transmission rates 1 Transmission (Electrical) Designation (Optical carrier) Data Rate (Mbps) STS - 1OC -151.84 STS – 3cOC - 3155.52 STS - 12OC - 12622.08 STS - 24OC - 241244.16 STS - 48OC - 482488.32 STS -192OC -1929953.28

9 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 9 11

10 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 10 WDM Fiber Link 11

11 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 11 Dual nature of light  Light possesses two natures, a particle nature and a wave nature.  The particle nature of light: Like all moving particles, light too can exert pressure and cause a wheel to spin (Campton’s experiment). The smallest quality of monochromatic light, known as a photon, is described by the energy E. Where (joule-second) is Planck’s constant, and f is the frequency of light. Second energy relation lead to controversial issues Of

12 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 12 The wave nature of light  Light is electromagnetic radiation that is subject to:  Reflection  Refraction  Diffraction  Interference  Polarization  Fading  loss

13 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 13 Monochromatic wave  The light of a single frequency or single color is called monochromatic.  Light is described by the Maxwell’s plane wave equation in vacuum.  Where is the Laplacian operator, c is the speed of the wave in vacuum, E and H are the electric and magnetic field  The intermediate? Relation  Where is the dielectric permitivity, is the permeability, P is the electric polarization and M is the magnetic polarization.

14 Khosrow GhadiriOperational Amplifiers - EE Dept. SJSU 14 Flux, Illuminance, and Luminance  The

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