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Dynamic Earth Class 5 24 January 2006. Any Questions?

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Earth Class 5 24 January 2006. Any Questions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Earth Class 5 24 January 2006

2 Any Questions?

3 Interacting Earth Systems Volcanoes contribute gases to the atmosphere. This is how the oceans were formed 3-4 Billion years ago

4 LithosphereHydrosphereAtmosphereBiosphere

5 The Deep: The beginnings of Plate Tectonics (Chapter 2)

6 Plate Tectonics Fundamental Concept and Unifying Theory in Earth Science Fundamental Concept and Unifying Theory in Earth Science Idea is > 100 yrs old Idea is > 100 yrs old Acceptance only within the past 30 years Acceptance only within the past 30 years

7 Plate Tectonics How and why did it come about? How and why did it come about? During the 1800’s geologists recognized many strange things that seemed to imply that the continents had once been together. During the 1800’s geologists recognized many strange things that seemed to imply that the continents had once been together.

8 Early geologists saw similarities between the coasts of Africa and South America.

9 This map from 1858 shows that Africa and South America can be fit together very well.

10 The fit of the continents 1915: Alfred Wegener Origin of the Continents and Oceans

11 The World’s Continental Shelves

12 Fit of the continents Alexander du Toit: Continuity of rocks between Africa and South America

13 If the northern continents are fit together, rock units match very well.

14 The same kinds of fossils appear on both sides of the Atlantic (Mesosaurs lived in fresh water)

15 Again, a nice match if the continents are fit together

16 There is evidence that huge glaciers occupied large parts of the southern continents about 250 million years ago.

17 This distribution is very difficult to explain if the continents were in this position during the time of glaciation.

18 But, if we move the continents together, it is easy to explain the glacial evidence.

19 During the Permian Period (225 Million Years Ago), there was one super continent called Pangea

20 The Theory of “Continental Drift” proposed that Pangea began to break up in the Triassic (200 Million Years Ago)

21 Gondwanaland (southern continent) began to break up in the Jurassic Period (135 Million Years Ago)

22 The south Atlantic opened in the Cretaceous (65 Million Years Ago)

23 And the continents continued to drift to their Present Day positions

24 Wegener’s reconstruction

25 Acceptance of Continental Drift? Evidence for continental drift purely descriptive Evidence for continental drift purely descriptive Description is not an explanation Description is not an explanation Theory must explain how continents move Theory must explain how continents move No plausible explanation for driving force No plausible explanation for driving force Wegener thought that continents floated like boats across the solid ocean crust, dragged along by the tidal forces of the Sun and Moon Wegener thought that continents floated like boats across the solid ocean crust, dragged along by the tidal forces of the Sun and Moon

26 Holmes’ explanation of continental drift (1928) Convection deep in the Earth could push and pull the continents apart, creating new oceanic crust through the process of seafloor spreading.

27 Water boiling in a pan on your stove is an example of convection Convection

28 Hot water rises Cold water sinks

29 Holmes’ explanation of continental drift (1928) Holmes’ theory was almost universally ignored because of the influence of Sir Harold Jeffreys… Holmes’ proposed convection currents “dragged the two halves of the original continents apart, with consequent mountain building in the front where the currents are descending, and the ocean floor development in the site of the gaps, where the currents are ascending.” Jeffreys thought the idea crazy! His observations of earthquakes suggested that Earth’s interior far too rigid – as rigid as steel.

30 Holmes’ explanation of continental drift (1928) Holmes conceded that “purely speculative ideas of this kind, specifically invented to match the requirements, can have no scientific value until they acquire support from independent evidence.”

31 Because it was difficult to under- stand how continents could move. Because it was difficult to under- stand how continents could move. What did we learn to make us more willing to accept the idea that the continents have moved? What did we learn to make us more willing to accept the idea that the continents have moved? Why was Continental Drift not accepted?

32 Jump ahead to the 1960s Maps and paintings by Marie Tharp allowed geologists to visualize the newly available bathymetry

33 Mid-ocean Ridges

34 Mid-Atlantic Ridge

35 Deep-sea Trenches

36 Drilling into the seafloor provided more evidence supporting sea-floor spreading Micropaleontology of sediments Micropaleontology of sediments Dating of the underlying lavas Dating of the underlying lavas Drilling ship Glomar Challenger

37 Age of Seafloor Crust

38 But, it is not possible to drill enough holes in the seafloor to produce this map. How was it made?

39 Earth’s Magnetic Field Another key to understanding the puzzle.

40 Earth’s Magnetic Field The Earth behaves like a magnet whose poles are nearly coincident with the spin axis (i.e., the geographic poles).

41 Earth’s Magnetic Field Magnetic lines of force emanate from the magnetic poles. A suspended magnet is inclined due to the magnetic field.

42 A compass points North because the needle is made of iron. It becomes aligned in the Earth’s magnetic field.

43 Magma formed at spreading centers contains minute pieces of iron that become aligned in the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field.

44 When the magma cools, the iron pieces remain frozen in this alignment, pointing toward the Earth’s magnetic North Pole.


46 Magnetic reversals A special property of the Earth’s magnetic field is that it has reversed its direction many times in the past. A special property of the Earth’s magnetic field is that it has reversed its direction many times in the past. When this happens, rocks formed at that time are magnetized pointing toward the South Pole. When this happens, rocks formed at that time are magnetized pointing toward the South Pole.

47 Magnetic reversals The last reversal was about 700,000 years ago. The last reversal was about 700,000 years ago. These reversals appear to be abrupt (probably only take about 1000 years or so). These reversals appear to be abrupt (probably only take about 1000 years or so).

48 Magnetic reversals A period of time in which magnetism is dominantly of one polarity is called a magnetic epoch. A period of time in which magnetism is dominantly of one polarity is called a magnetic epoch. We call north polarity normal and south polarity reversed. We call north polarity normal and south polarity reversed.



51 Formation of Magnetic Anomalies



54 Magnetic Anomalies in the Atlantic

55 The Geomagnetic Time Scale Based on determining the magnetic characteristics of rocks of known age (from both the oceans and the continents). We have a good record of geomagnetic reversals back to about 60 Million years ago.

56 Formation of Magnetic Anomalies

57 Thursday Continue with Sea Floor Spreading and Plate Tectonics Continue with Sea Floor Spreading and Plate Tectonics Please finish reading Chapter 2 Please finish reading Chapter 2

58 Homework #2 Due January 31 st Find it on the Web Site

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