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DEVELOPING LINKAGE GRANT APPLICATIONS A/Prof Vladimir Strezov Graduate School of the Environment Department of Environment and Geography Faculty of Science.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPING LINKAGE GRANT APPLICATIONS A/Prof Vladimir Strezov Graduate School of the Environment Department of Environment and Geography Faculty of Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPING LINKAGE GRANT APPLICATIONS A/Prof Vladimir Strezov Graduate School of the Environment Department of Environment and Geography Faculty of Science Macquarie University

2 RESEARCH INTERESTS Energy and environment: renewable energy; biomass technology; waste to energy conversion; trace elements from energy utilisation Energy conversion: coal and biomass utilisation; biomass to bio-oil, bio-gas and biochar conversion; combustion; pyrolysis; ironmaking; cokemaking; energy efficiency Thermochemical analysis and kinetics of reacting and decomposing processes Sustainable engineering, systems engineering, life cycle analysis.

3 Successful ARC Linkage Projects 1998-2000 Lucas, Belton, Kennedy, Dlugogorski and Strezov (Associate Investigator), A Technique to measure heats of devolatilisation of coal volatile matter, ARC SPIRT and BHP ($100,430) 2001-2002 Lucas, Moghtaderi, V Strezov (APDI), L Strezov, Thermophysical analysis of the reaction processes at the front end of ironmaking production, ARC SPIRT and BHP Billiton ($192,000) 2004-2006 Lucas, Strezov, Evans, Thermal characterisation of iron ores and coals for HIsmelt operation, ARC Linkage and HIsmelt ($414,000) 2006-2009 Strezov, Nelson, Evans, Mercury emissions from direct iron smelting technology, Australian Research Council Linkage Project and Hismelt Corporation and HIsmelt ($420,000) 2008-2010 Strezov, Nelson, Gulson, Evans, Thermal and environmental investigation of particle degradation during high temperature processing of iron ores, ARC Linkage and Hamersley Iron ($510,000) 2011-2014 Strezov, Nelson, Evans, Atmospheric Emissions of Toxic Trace Metals and Volatiles during Thermal Processing of Iron Ores, ARC Linkage and Hamersley Iron ($460,000)

4 Successful ARC Linkage Projects 1998-2000 Lucas, Belton, Kennedy, Dlugogorski and Strezov (Associate Investigator), A Technique to measure heats of devolatilisation of coal volatile matter, ARC SPIRT and BHP ($100,430) Importance of preliminary results!

5 C PROJECT DESCRIPTION C2 Aims and Background – This part is not assessed – Should be used as introduction to significance and innovation – Some assessors do not read this part of the proposal – Use dot points, italic and bold letters for important key points so they stand out – Spend 1 to 2 pages for C2 – Subdivide to C2.1 Aims and C2.2 Background. Background is finished with Definition of the Problem for the industry partner

6 C3 SIGNIFICANCE AND INNOVATION Usually about 1.5 to 2 pages Most important part of the application worth 25% C3.1 Significance: – Contains all relevant literature review information – Why is this research important C3.2 Innovation: – Usually most challenging part of the proposal – Innovation needs to be argued well – Use dot points to stress the innovation C3.3 National Research Priority – The specific priority/s and goal/s are spelled out – Justification how they are addressed

7 C4 APPROACH AND TRAINING The longest part of the application ~3-4 pgs worth 20% C4.1 Research Plan – Subdivide into several (5-7) subheadings based on different methodology approaches – List all preliminary results – What are the key issues that you came across C4.2 Timetable – Table split on trimesters per year with ~15 rows of key actions – Commitment to publication of results indicating publication timing and final report at the end of the project C4.3 Research Training – What are the key capabilities that the research student will gain – Is there shortage of these skills in the professional market – Importance of student exposure to industrial driven research and industry supervision

8 C5 PARTNER ORGANISATION COMMITMENT AND COLLABORATION Weighs 25% Explain the business of the industry partner, its size, revenue, number of employees Reiterate the cash and in-kind support commitment Explain the in-kind support Have there been any collaborations with this industry partner in the past? How important is the collaboration with Macquarie University to the industry partner

9 C6 NATIONAL BENEFIT Economic benefits ensuring competitiveness and leadership in the market Social benefits and enhancing social acceptability of the industry partner Environmental benefits Promotion of successful industrial and academic cooperation Publication of knowledge relevant to the industry

10 C7 COMMUNICATION OF RESULTS Internal discussion – weekly discussions with Cis and the PI Industry presentations - biannual presentations and/or reports to industry managers Conference attendance – list specific conferences and their importance to the field International Journals - list the target journals and their impact factors Additional communications – media release, newsletters, communication with community, communication to relevant professional organisations

11 C8 ROLE OF PERSONNEL Supervising responsibility Justification of expertise pointing to prior publications Justify unique expertise of each CI Responsibility and role of each CI in: – Conducting of specific research components – Dissemination of the results

12 BUDGET Industry partner contribution: – Cash: 20% of IP (cash + in kind) + ARC – In kind: 35% of IP (cash + in kind) + ARC ARC request: 45% of IP (cash + in kind) + ARC Macquarie University contribution: – Cash: MQRES, departmental conference fees, PGRF (subject to successful grant application) – In-kind: CI time, some consumables (left over from previous consulting activities), depreciation cost of MQ research equipment at 20% per year

13 BUDGET (cont’) Balanced budget with a mix of staff cost, minor equipment, consumables, experimental costs for external laboratories, travel A large number of small items should be avoided Clear and concise budget Travel costs should be well justified Do not request funds for equipment time

14 TRACK RECORD Designed to justify the aims of ARC funding, which is to encourage, promote and increase: – national publication output in high impact factor journals; – high calibre PhD students completed timely; – use of academic research output by the Australian industries. Build research team that can increase the assessor’s level of confidence of the project success Ensure solid publication output from previous ARC grants

15 DEALING WITH POLITICS Assessors can be territorial – Talk to experts in the field of application, invite them to participate Assessors are selected based on the keywords Use the option to name “Associates and Relatives Members of Advisory Committee” “Request Not to Assess” form

16 REJOINDERS It is not the comments, but the assigned marks, that determine the faith of the application Do not try to undermine the expertise of the assessor Every critical point needs to be addressed, preferably using the positive comments of the other assessors

17 Thank you and good luck with your application! Email:

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