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Human Relations Power.

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1 Human Relations Power

2 What is Power? Human Relations
Power is measured by the degree to which others are prepared to be influenced by us because of factors other than our leadership skills.

3 Why do we study Power? Human Relations
“Professional excellence requires the knack of knowing how to make power dynamics work for us, instead of against us.” - John Kotter

4 Positive Power Human Relations Provides us with abilities to:
Influence Lead Control Exert Authority Give Direction

5 Human Relations Sources of Power
Reward Power: stems from the authority to bestow rewards on other people. Coercive Power: the authority to punish or recommend punishment. Legitimate Power: power coming from a formal management position. Expert Power: leader’s special knowledge or skill regarding the tasks performed by followers. Referent Power: personality characteristics that command subordinates’ identification, respect, and admiration so they wish to emulate the leader. Derivative Power: close association with a powerful person. Passive Power: acting or appearing helpless.

6 Can sources of power be combined?
Reward and Coercive Power Expert and Organizational Power Referent and Legitimate Power Legitimate, Reward, and Coercive Power The more sources of power you can utilize, the more powerful you are.

7 Human Relations Power shy Power positive Power compulsive
WHAT IS YOUR POWER PERSONALITY? Power shy Power positive Power compulsive

8 Human Relations Take the test on pages 325 - 326
WHAT IS YOUR POWER PERSONALITY? Take the test on pages

9 Human Relations HOW DO YOU DEVELOP POWER? Power Positioning
Power Politics Power symbols




13 Human Relations What is a limerick?
There once was an old man of Esser, Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser, It at last grew so small He knew nothing at all, And now he's a college professor.

14 Human Relations Application One – Linda Loophole, The Legal Eagle Page 343

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