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Difficult Employees Think of a difficult employee….characteristics, how was it handled?

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Presentation on theme: "Difficult Employees Think of a difficult employee….characteristics, how was it handled?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Difficult Employees Think of a difficult employee….characteristics, how was it handled?

2 Impact of Difficult Employees  Wasted time by supervisors  Reduced productivity  Decreased job satisfaction –Increases ee turnover –Higher stress & frustration  Customer loss  Low morale

3 Why take disciplinary action?  4 areas 1)Attendance 2)Safety 3)Performance 4)Behaviors

4 Why take disciplinary action?  Unsatisfactory job attendance –Excessive absences or tardiness –Failure to report  Unsatisfactory safety practices –Endangering self or others –Failure to report an accident –Failure to use equipment correctly

5 Why take disciplinary action?  Unsatisfactory performance –Incompetence –Poor quality –Excessive time on assignment –Misuse of position

6 Why take disciplinary action?  Unsatisfactory job behaviors or conduct –Use of equipment for non-business purposes –Insubordination –Falsification of records –Conviction of a crime

7 Corrective Actions/Progressive Discipline Oral warning Written warning InterventionTermination

8 Oral Warnings  Sit ee down for a discussion –Non-confrontational, non-accusatory –Target the behavior & not the person –Balance positive & negative –Communicate limits & set consequences –Make notes on the nature of the conversation, file it away

9 Written Warnings  Sit down discussion  Written document –Target the behavior & not the person –Balance positive & negative –Communicate limits & set consequences  Have the ee sign it! –Paper trail started…for cause employee

10 Corrective Actions Oral warning Written warning InterventionTermination

11 6 Step Intervention Model Step 1Identify & define the performance problem Step 2Explain the impact of the problem Step 3Analyze reasons for the problem Step 4Define the expected performance standard Step 5Explore ideas for a solution Step 6Write an improvement plan

12 Step 1: Identify & Define the Performance Problem  What is the issue?  What are examples of the behavior  Types of problems –Attendance –Safety –Performance –Behaviors Elana’s problem?

13 Step 1: Identify & Define the Performance Problem  Difficult to deal with  Mood swings  Apathetic & complaining  Non-productive (output is 1/3 less)  Blames others for mistakes  Errors are up  Rude to customers

14 Step 2: Explain the Impact of the Problem  Tell the employee the impact of the problem –Productivity & efficiency –Quality –Service  Who does it impact –You, the manager –The employee –The department Elana’s problem?

15 Step 2: Explain the Impact of the Problem  Upset customers  Co-workers don’t want to deal with her  Co-workers have to re-do her work  Productivity is diminished overall when she doesn’t complete her tasks  Difficult for her manager to deal with her

16 Step 3: Analyze Reasons for the Problem Possible reasons why employees do not perform well  Don’t know how or what they should do  Think they are doing just fine  Think their way is better than your way  No negative consequence for poor performance  Have obstacles limiting their performance  HKP  Think something else is more important Elana’s reasons?

17 Step 3: Analyze Reasons for the Problem  Boredom with job  Mood swings…psychological disorder  Personal problems at home  Dislike the job

18 Step 4: Define the Expected Performance Standard  Define the level of performance expected  State them in clear & measurable terms  Never assume employee knows what is expected  Example….

19 Step 4: Define the Expected Performance Standard  Example….  Be to work on time  The standard is to be at your desk, ready to work, by 8:00 a.m.  Deal with customers professionally & positively  Hold weekly staff meeting  All correspondence should be error free  All accidents should be thoroughly documented as per the stated policy Elana’s expectations?

20 Step 4: Define the Expected Performance Standard  Raise productivity to an acceptable level  Decrease errors in work completed  Treat customers with respect

21 Step 5: Explore Ideas for a Solution  Ask “how do we solve the problem”?  Brainstorm together  Discuss all options  Examples: –Training –Counseling –Set attainable goals Elana’s problem?

22 Step 5: Explore Ideas for a Solution  Change in job tasks  Set deadlines  Develop customer service skills through training

23 Step 6: Write the Improvement Plan  What is an improvement plan? –A roadmap for boss & employee –Aimed at eliminating ee weaknesses & problems  What to include: –The goal or area that needs improvement –The step-by-step action plans –Consequences – positive & negative as needed –Follow-up time

24 Example Improvement Plan  Decrease errors in work completed –For a period of 1 month all work must be checked by your manager prior to sending it on to the appropriate department. –The numbers of errors in work will decrease significantly and appear rarely. Action plan Goal

25 Example Improvement Plan  Decrease errors in work completed –This plan will be reviewed at the end of 30 days. –If it is not met, a 2 week suspension is in order. Consequences Follow-up Elana’s plan?

26 Step 6: Write the Improvement Plan  Raise productivity to an acceptable level –Track all time spent on tasks throughout the day for a period of two weeks. –Discuss use of time with your supervisor at the end of two weeks. –Develop a task list to be completed at the beginning of the week and update it daily. Action plan Goal

27 Step 6: Write the Improvement Plan  Raise productivity to an acceptable level –Discuss & agree on a list of additional tasks to assume that would challenge you in your current position. –Progress on these tasks will be reviewed at the end of 30 days. Task list adjusted appropriately –Another Elana example…. Action plan Goal

28 Step 6: Write the Improvement Plan  Treat customers with respect –Attend customer service training through XYZ corporation within the next 2 months. –Implement 5 new practices learned in the customer service program within 1 week of attending the training –Never hang up on a customer no matter how angry they make you.

29 Step 6: Write the Improvement Plan  Treat customers with respect –Always be courteous with all customers calling the company or walking into the office. –These tasks will be reviewed at the end of 30 days. If they are not met, a 2 week suspension is in order.

30 Protect Yourself…  Never too much documentation –Protects during lawsuits –Oral & written warnings –Improvement plan –Log of behaviors –Training & development undertaken  Use a progressive discipline a policy

31 To fire an employee…pre-firing  Fire midweek & in the morning –Allows ee time to clean out desk & say good bye –Sinks in before the weekend –Time to make contact with other employers

32 To fire an employee…pre-firing  Pick a good location to have conversation –In the ee’s office so you can escape & they don’t have to walk down the hall –Office with 2 exits –Neutral space with privacy

33 To fire an employee…pre-firing  Have a witness present –Lawyer, HR, peer  Have the ee’s final paycheck in hand to give them

34 To fire an employee…the firing  Be direct in why the ee is terminated  Do not say too much  State the facts  Answer questions honestly & carefully  Never let ee think the decision is up for debate

35 To fire an employee…the firing  Termination letter –No emotional sentences  “I’m sorry”  “We enjoyed your time here” –Detail the progressive discipline the ee went through  Discuss specific issues that were problems

36 To fire an employee…the firing  Termination letter –List effective termination date –Financial information  Severance package  Final paycheck  When health benefits end –Signature of ee –Signed copy in the file

37 To fire an employee…post firing  Allow them to clean their office or offer to have it cleaned –Have a witness  Contact subordinate employees & peers –Do not discuss reasons for termination

38 To fire an employee…post firing  Other issues –Block computer access –Return of company property  Phone, computer, keys

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